300 W5 Assignment

Using the guidelines in Chapter 7 design an experiment that could test one of your hypotheses for your research project. Then in the format of an APA style essay answer or do the following:

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  1. Describe your hypothesis and justify why an experiment is the best for answering this question. Present your independent and dependent variables. [Note that a survey is not the same as an experiment. Surveys can present an experiment design BUT there has to be some type of manipulation and at least 2 conditions (experimental and control)]
  2. Describe the “ecology” [the place where it will take place]. Is an experiment based around everyday life, a natural experiment, or is it more controlled/ systematic?  If so,  what kind of comparison is it? [This section is all about ecological validity]
  3. Describe how you will select and assign participants to conditions.
  4. Describe your experimental design (Between-groups, Within-subjects, or Mixed design).
  5. Describe how you will protect your experiment’s internal and external validity.


  • Your paper must be presented in proper APA 7e format.
  • Correctly formatted page numbers

    • Double spaced
    • Your paper must be presented in proper APA 7e format.

    • Include works cited page and use internal citation with page numbers
    • Failure to use the format perfectly could result in a loss of a letter grade (see point distribution below). 
    • Include a References page and use internal citations (include page numbers if there are direct quotes

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