3 pages synthesis paper(double-spaced)

3 pages, double-spaced

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Topic: Coronavirus Aid discourage work and make it harder for business to hide

– For this assignment, PLEASE KEEP THE LANGUAGE AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE. Please look at the document named “Sample Synthesis Paper”, this assignment should be done at he same format.

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– During the COVID-19 pandemic, people are receiving coronavirus aid of $600 per week, even higher than some people’s paycheck. Therefore, some people now are not willing to work, and on the business owners’ side, they are harder to find worker than ever before.

– I will provide 3 links which related with this topic. Links will be attached below. Also, you are free to find other sources, as long as it will help to support the topic.

– Please follow the requirements in the document named “2nd Synthesis general reminders”, specially:    

  • In your introduction, you need a hook, background info, and a clear Thesis Statements
  • Each body paragraph, should have a clear Topic Sentence that stems from the Thesis
    Statement. Each TS should then be supported by at least two (2) relevant citations.
  • Your conclusion should restate the thesis statement, summarize the main points, and
    then offer some kind of “final thought.”

– Citation and reference are required, APA format.

– Resource links:




-The deadline is DUE in 5 hours, please finish ON TIME!!!

ARSC 150/D
ELI-UD, VI 2020

Ross Fenske

2nd Synthesis Paper
General Revision Guidelines

Remember, your final draft will have a cover page as well as a reference page. It is optional for
the 1st.

However you do need a working title. Try to be as specific as you can. Avoid using a question,
as well as just words. Make a statement as to what your paper focuses on. For example:

The Disastrous Consequences of Not Using Turn Signals

Remember, I asked you to identify the author, date, title, source, and website. For APA in-text
In-text citations: When you cite a reference within your text, use one of the following:

Last name (year) or (Last name, year)

For example:
• According to Fenske (2015), the purpose of writing a research paper….
• The purpose of writing a research paper is to enjoy delving into and learning about a new

topic (Fenske, 2015). (Please notice where the period “.” is.)

As you know, all papers need to have an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Remember to refer
to the Immigration Revision sheet for the basic organization.

• In your introduction, you need a hook, background info, and a clear Thesis Statements
• Each body paragraph, should have a clear Topic Sentence that stems from the Thesis

Statement. Each TS should then be supported by at least two (2) relevant citations.
• Your conclusion should restate the thesis statement, summarize the main points, and

then offer some kind of “final thought.”

Your final draft will also have an APA-type format for the reference page. For this draft all you
need to do is have the last page include:

• the title
• the author (Last name, First name)
• the date
• the source
• the website

The Positive Impact of Immigration On The Country

Today, whether immigration should be accepted is a controversial issue. In the 1830’s and 1930’s during that period, many people migrated from the old world to the new world. For example, in the United States in 1890, nearly 15 percent of the citizens of the United States were immigrants. In the United States, the president Trump administration’s policies on immigration have not only brought huge social controversy, but also caused some would be immigrants to start worrying about their future life. Some of the “push factors” of migration are war and economics. Immigrants became more aware of places outside their environment. Immigration can bring tangible benefits to the migrants themselves, their families and their countries of origin. I am used to hearing different languages, communicating with each other, and feeling the social impact and cultural difference brought by the constant national culture on the road. Most of these diverse people are immigrants. I believe that immigration has a positive impact on the immigrant country in terms of promoting international economic, trade and cultural assimilation. Just like the United States, known as the salad bowl, the development of culture needs to absorb the advantages of different cultures and learn from other cultures to make a culture more prosperous and prosperous. Overall, the benefits of immigration are worth pondering.

First of all, the development of a country can be analyzed from the country’s economic data, so the first consideration for immigrants entering a country is the economy. In the text “Who are today’s immigrants? “(2013, p77), Pakeham (2013, p77) Most people move to another country because they want a better life” the authors explain. “A lot of immigrants get lower wages in their home countries, so they want better wages,” he said. As I know, In China, for example, a manual job typically pays $500 to $800 a month. This money may be enough to buy food and clothing, but the family’s economic status does not help them solve their problems in life. On the other hand, labor wages can earn more in the United States or Canada. The same hours, the same jobs, can make all the difference to an immigrant’s life. This has led more people to seek a better life for their families. Migrants can increase average local incomes and improve their standard of living, thus bringing considerable benefits to recipient countries during the benefit period.

Secondly, the benefits brought by immigration are conducive to the cultural diversity of immigrant countries. According to The Meeting of Cultures (Pakeham, 2013), “As individuals and governments continue to work toward racial equality, harmony and respect, The country will become more culturally diverse.” In addition, the government often encourages citizens to understand and respect local cultures, since each culture has its own beliefs and cannot be stigmatized or disrespected. The government needs to pay more attention to the concept of cultural exchange and cultural compatibility in order to promote the development of the relationship between nationals and immigrants. The Canadian government, as an example of cultural diversity, tries to encourage people to pay attention to cultural diversity and to further understand and absorb the essence of culture. In my opinion, this is a wise move. I think the problems caused by cultural conflicts need to be exchanged and run in between the two cultures. Like the salad Bowl, we don’t eat everything in it, we eat the best and freshest. So I think immigration can defuse this culture clash and make the economy and security easier to manage.

Third, the need for Labour is also a reason why citizens want to leave their country. In The Age of Immigration (2013, p.71), it was pointed out that The new world required a large number of workers to do hard work, such as building subways and picking fruit. In other words, some countries need some workers to develop the new world, and both developing and developed countries need high-tech workers and enterprises to support them. In the question “Who are today’s immigrants? Pakeham et al. (2013,p. 77) point out that the demand for highly skilled and well-educated people is increasing in developed countries. Some developing countries lack not only high-tech workers, but also labor. You know, in many developed countries, labor roads are very expensive. Some countries look to skilled workers to develop new products. In other words, these developing countries want more and more highly skilled workers to come to their countries and contribute, rather than having skilled workers do the hard physical work the country needs because that would be a waste of talent. Therefore, immigrants move to other countries, and the local government provides many job opportunities for them, so that they can earn more money, which is also a symbol of “win-win”.

Generally, immigration can not only bring economic development, but also enable more mature people in countries with inadequate wages and insufficient labor force to live a better life. Immigration can help boost the development of the local economy and promote the cultural diversity among all ethnicities in the same society. So I think immigration can bring benefits to the country.


1. Pakeham, McEntire, Williams & Cooper (2013). the meeting of cultures. Foundations for English for Academic Purpose 63-124. McGrew-Hill Education.

2. Pakeham, McEntire, Williams & Cooper (2013). who are today’s immigrants? Foundations for English for Academic Purpose 63-124. McGrew-Hill Education.

3. Pakeham, McEntire, Williams & Cooper (2013). the age of immigrants. Foundations for English for Academic Purpose 63-102. McGrew-Hill Education.

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