3 discussions due in 12 hours


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Discussion – Reader Response 

A successful post meets rubric criteria (Content, Organization, Style/Language, and Sentence Structure/Grammar) and follows the discussion prompt. A successful reply to classmates answers their questions, provides additional insight into the topics they have discussed, generates additional questions, or engages in meaningful and substantive dialogue. Completing this forum should enable you to communicate effectively with the instructor and classmates, review prior knowledge to identify areas of improvement, and plan ahead. (MO 3,5,6)


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  • In your post summarize what you      have read and learned in the textbooks and online lecture materials this      week.
  • In other modules, you will be      continuing the chapters and sections listed under ‘Read’ below in the Module      1 overview. Note your progress as part of your reader response this week.
  • Include a discussion point or      question in your post about something you did not understand.
  • Include a discussion point or      question in your post about something you thought about as you read.
  • Include a discussion point or      question in your post about something you want your peers to think about

Discussion – Life & Literacy 


A successful post meets rubric criteria (Content, Organization, Style/Language, and Sentence Structure/Grammar) and follows the discussion prompt. A successful reply to classmates answers their questions, provides additional insight into the topics they have discussed, generates additional questions, or engages in meaningful and substantive dialogue. Completing this forum should enable you to communicate effectively with the instructor and classmates and review prior knowledge to identify areas of improvement. (MO 3,5)


  • Post below with one coherent      paragraph discussing literacy and its importance.
  • Discuss the significance of      reading and writing in your own life.
  • Discuss your experiences with      reading and writing for fun.
  • Discuss your experiences with      reading and writing for learning.
  • Discuss your experiences with      reading and writing for work.

Discussion – Writing Well 


A successful post meets rubric criteria (Content, Organization, Style/Language, and Sentence Structure/Grammar) and follows the discussion prompt. A successful reply to classmates answers their questions, provides additional insight into the topics they have discussed, generates additional questions, or engages in meaningful and substantive dialogue. Completing this forum should enable you to communicate effectively with the instructor and classmates, prepare for course assignments, and review prior knowledge to identify areas of improvement. (MO 3,4,5)


  • Post below with one coherent      paragraph discussing what, in your opinion, contributes to the ability to      write well.
  • Discuss how one would use a      dictionary and a thesaurus correctly.
  • Discuss whether or not you      think it is possible to rely too heavily on a thesaurus.


I try my best to provide quick feedback. Turnaround time for major assignments is at least a week. I grade all assignments according to the following criteria and weight:

Content (C) 25%

• content is strong; offers sharp insights, comments, interpretations, analysis; engages with interesting and complex questions; explores meaningful issues or circumstances

• sense of purpose and ownership is clear; writer is in the essay

• shows genuine thinking and working through of subject matter/topic

• MLA Style issues not potential academic dishonesty will count under content (i.e. poorly integrated sources).

• Any document that does not use proper MLA format will receive a one letter grade reduction.

• Potential academic dishonesty will get addressed following plagiarism protocol.

• Failing to complete all discussions for a forum including the required responses to peers will count under Content.

Organization (O) 25%

• overall structure of thoughts and ideas is logical and sound

• essay follows clear, coherent line of development

• paragraph structure is clear, logical, and sound

• shows ability to guide readers; uses smooth transitions

Style/Language (S/L) 25%

• essay shows consideration of multiple perspectives and an awareness of audience

• voice and tone are appropriate for topic

• uses focused, concise, and specific writing

• wording is appropriate, detailed, and precise

• informal language, slang, colloquialisms, idioms, clichés, contractions, etc. are not used

• Unless you have permission to use 1st or 2nd person, use of such will be counted here.

• Excessive use of 1st or 2nd person will result in a one letter grade reduction.

Sentence Structure/Grammar (SS/G) 25%

• sentence structure is clear, logical, and sound

• grammar and mechanics are correct; mechanical errors do not interfere with meaning

• Any paper with over 20 grammar errors will not earn better than a C.

Read the following early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).

Required Textbook Readings

  1. Understanding Plagiarism,      p. IV-28  – (MO 4,5,6)
  2. The Norton Reader, p.      xxxiii-xlv, “Reading The Norton Reader” – (MO 4,5,6)
  3. The Norton Reader, p.      xlvi-lxvii, “Writing with The Norton Reader” – (MO      4,5,6)
  4. The Little Seagull Handbook,      Research, p. 90-118 – (MO 4,5,6)
  5. The Little Seagull Handbook,      Research, p. 119-169 – (MO 4,5,6)
  6. The Little Seagull Handbook,      Write, p. 2-42 – (MO 4,5,6)
  7. The Little Seagull Handbook,      Write, p. 83-89 – (MO 4,5,6)
  8. The Little Seagull Handbook,      Edit, p. 268-350 – (MO 4,5,6)
  9. The Little Seagull Handbook,      Edit, p. 386-417 – (MO 4,5,6)



DUE: Early in the week

Online Lecture Material:  Read and listen to the online lecture material on the following topics.

  1. The Writing Process      PowerPoint – (MO 4,5,6)
  2. Student Success Center: Proper      Citation Workshop – (MO 1,2,4,5)
  3. Critical Reading      Strategies – (MO 2,4,6)


  4. What is Critical      Thinking? – (MO 2,4,6)


  5. How Reading Affects Creativity      and Critical Thinking – (MO 2,4,6)


  6. What is Critical Reading, &      Why Do I Need It? – (MO 4)


  7. Critical Thinking – (MO      4)


  8. Sources & Style      Guide – (MO 1,4,5,6)


  9. Engaging with      Texts – (MO 4)


  10. Academic Writing      Basics – (MO 4,5,6)


  11. 13 Rules of      Writing – (MO 1,3,4,5,6)


  12. A Short Guide to Language      Errors – (MO 3,4)


  13. Paragraphs & Parts of      Speech – (MO 1,3,4,5)


  14. Editing Paragraphs – (MO      5)


  15. Lecture materials also include      sixteen additional links provided as resources/references – (MO      4)

12 hours

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