3 Discussion Questions


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This discussion question is based on pp. 135-158 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball.

Topics you should know before answering this question:

1. Neoclassical rules of theater in France (pp. 123-124) 
2. The rebellion against neoclassicism and the appreciation of Shakespeare (pp. 136-138)
3. Sturm and Drang movement in Germany (pg. 136)
4. The connection between Romanticism and melodrama (pp. 139-146)
5. Realism and Heinrick Ibsen (pp. 146-158)
6. Realism in acting (Stanislavsky) (pp. 158-160)

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Describe the differences between the Romantic movement and the Realism movement in theater. Give specific details and use plays discussed in your book and class as examples. Finally, describe which kind of play you would be more likely to go see and why.


This discussion question is based on pp. 161-250 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. 

Topics you should know before answering this question:

1. Psychological Realism in American theater (pp. 183-188)
2. Stanislavsky method of acting (pp. 175-178)
3. African American theater (pp. 224-228)
4. Latino theater (pp.229-233)
5. A Raisin in the Sun, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, and Lydia

Compare African American Theater, Latin Theater and Asian-American theater. How are these traditions similar? How are they different? Be specific. Use the names of playwrights and/or their work.

This discussion question is based on pp. 135-158 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball.

Heinrich Ibsen’s  A Doll’s House ends with Nora Helmer leaving her husband and children for the purpose of finding out who she is outside the tight confines of her marriage.  This ending shocked 19th century audiences, and the play was often changed to have Nora remain with her family.    In some places, like Britain, A Doll’s House was simply banned outright.

In your opinion, what purpose was served by having A Doll’s House censored, either by being rewritten or banned?  Is censorship of a theatrical or cinematic work ever permissible?  If so, under what conditions?  If not, why not?  Explain your position as clearly and thoroughly as you can and defend it against people who might disagree with you.

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