# 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

Write a 4-6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of a selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing.

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Before you begin to develop the assessment you are encouraged to complete the

Annotated Bibliography

Formative Assessment. Completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment and counts towards course engagement.

Rapid changes in information technology go hand-in-hand with progress in quality health care delivery, nursing practice, and interdisciplinary team collaboration. The following are only a few examples of how the health care field uses technology to provide care to patients across multiple settings:

  • Patient monitoring devices.
  • Robotics.
  • Electronic medical records.
  • Data management resources.
  • Ready access to current science.

Technology is essential to the advancement of the nursing profession, maintaining quality care outcomes, patient safety, and research.

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This assessment will give you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of how technology can enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. You will prepare an annotated bibliography on technology in nursing. A well-prepared annotated bibliography is a comprehensive commentary on the content of scholarly publications and other sources of evidence about a selected nursing-related technology. A bibliography of this type provides a vehicle for workplace discussion to address gaps in nursing practice and to improve patient care outcomes. As nurses become more accountable in their practice, they are being called upon to expand their role of caregiver and advocate to include fostering research and scholarship to advance nursing practice. An annotated bibliography stimulates innovative thinking to find solutions and approaches to effectively and efficiently address these issues.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 3: Evaluate the impact of patient care technologies on desired outcomes. 

    Analyze current evidence on the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team.
    Integrate current evidence about the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team into a recommendation.

  • Competency 4: Recommend the use of a technology to enhance quality and safety standards for patients. 

    Describe organizational factors influencing the selection of a technology in the health care setting.
    Justify the implementation and use of a selected technology in a health care setting.

  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies. 

    Create a clear, well-organized, and professional annotated bibliography that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
    Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for all bibliographic entries.


To successfully complete this assessment, perform the following preparatory activities:

  • Select a single direct or indirect patient care technology that is relevant to your current practice or that is of interest to you. Direct patient care technologies require an interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse and patient. Nurses use direct patient care technologies every day when delivering care to patients. Electronic thermometers or pulse oximeters are examples of direct patient care technologies. Indirect patient care technologies, on the other hand, are those employed on behalf of the patient. They do not require interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse and patient. A handheld device for patient documentation is an example of an indirect patient care technology. Examples of topics to consider for your annotated bibliography include: 

    Delivery robots.
    Electronic medication administration with barcoding.
    Electronic clinical documentation with clinical decision support.
    Patient sensor devices/wireless communication solutions.
    Real-time location systems.
    Workflow management systems.

  • Conduct a library search using the various electronic databases available through the Capella University Library. 

    Consult the BSN Program Library Research Guide for help in identifying scholarly and/or authoritative sources.
    Access the NHS Learner Success Lab, linked in the courseroom navigation menu, for additional resources.

  • Scan the search results related to your chosen technology.
  • Select four peer-reviewed publications focused on your selected topic that are the most interesting to you.
  • Publications may be research studies or review articles from a professional source. Newspapers, magazines, and blogs are not considered professional sources.
  • Your selections need to be current—within the last five years.

Annotated Bibliography

Prepare a 4–6 page annotated bibliography in which you identify and describe peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of your selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. Be sure that your annotated bibliography includes all of the following elements:

  • Introduction to the Selected Technology Topic

    What is your rationale for selecting this particular technology topic? Why are you interested in this?
    What research process did you employ? 

    What databases did you use?
    What search terms did you use?
    Note: In this section of your bibliography, you may use first person since you are asked to describe your rationale for selecting the topic and the research strategies you employed. Use third person in the rest of the bibliography, however.

  • Annotation Elements

    For each resource, include the full reference followed by the annotation.
    Explain the focus of the research or review article you chose.
    Provide a summary overview of the publication. 

    According to this source, what is the impact of this technology on patient safety and quality of care?
    According to this source, what is the relevance of this technology to nursing practice and the work of the interdisciplinary health care team?
    Why did you select this publication to write about out of the many possible options? In other words, make the case as to why this resource is important for health care practitioners to read.

  • Conclusion/Recommendation

    How would you tie together the key learnings from each of the four publications you examined?
    What organizational factors influence the selection of a technology in a health care setting? Consider such factors as organizational policies, resources, culture/social norms, commitment, training programs, and/or employee empowerment.
    How would you justify the implementation and use of the technology in a health care setting? Consider the impact of the technology on the health care organization, patient care/satisfaction, and interdisciplinary team productivity, satisfaction, and retention.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

  • Assessment 3 Example [PDF].
Additional Requirements
  • Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Length: 4–6-typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Number of resources: Cite a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed resources.
  • Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • APA: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for all bibliographic entries.


Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.

Annotated Bibliography on

Technology in Nursing

Learner’s Name

Capella University

Managing Health Information and Technology

Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

August, 2019


Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.
Technology in Nursing

Pulse oximetry is one of the most common methods of measuring the percentage of

oxygen saturation in blood (Narayen et al., 2016). Pulse oximeters play a crucial role in critical

care settings by detecting low levels of oxygen saturation. Pulse oximeters are also adopted by

anesthesiologists in recovery, emergency, and pediatric wards; operation theatres; and neonatal

units (Hendaus, Jomha, & Alhammadi, 2015). This annotated bibliography provides insight into

how pulse oximeters are used, their limitations and accuracy, and patient outcomes.

Annotated Bibliography

Hendaus, M. A., Jomha, F. A., & Alhammadi, A. H. (2015). Pulse oximetry in bronchiolitis: Is it

needed? Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, 11, 1573–1578.


This article discusses the use of pulse oximetry in pediatric wards. The authors state that

hospitals in the United States admit a significant number of children every year with

bronchiolitis and other respiratory problems. These problems are usually monitored with

the help of a pulse oximeter, an instrument used to measure the saturation of oxygen in

the blood. Oxygen saturation levels are used by health care providers to evaluate a

patient’s respiratory status and are one of the deciding factors for a patient’s discharge.

Pulse oximetry is frequently used in pediatrics (in pediatric intensive care units and

pediatric wards) and in emergency departments. Pulse oximeters are used to monitor

oxygen saturation during resuscitations, while estimating perfusion, while detecting

pulsus paradoxus, and while screening infants for congenital heart disease. Though the

source does not fully explain why the limitations occur, it identifies several cases in

which pulse oximeters are likely to be inaccurate. Pulse oximeters have certain

Commented [A1]: Comprehensive information regarding the
types of pulse oximetry devices, selection criteria, decision makers,

and associated costs is not available in the selected papers. The two

types of pulse oximeters and their advantages over the others is

provided; however, information on the various types of pulse

oximeters is not available and the associated costs are not provided.

This paper does mention that this technique is cost-effective which
can fulfill the required criteria.


Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.

limitations due to inadequate signals. Inadequate signals occur in cases of anemia, bright

external light, dark skin, nail polish, low perfusion, and intravenous dye. Pulse oximeters

show low readings in cases of venous pulsations such as severe right heart failure,

tricuspid regurgitation, and blood pressure cuffs or tourniquets above the site of the pulse

oximeter. Pulse oximeters might not detect hypoxemia in patients with elevated arterial

oxygen tension levels because of the sigmoidal shape of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation

curve. Also, pulse oximeters provide unreliable readings in cases of methemoglobinemia.

The source highlights several limitations, which will help readers exercise caution when

using pulse oximeters. However, despite these limitations, the use of pulse oximeters in

pediatrics is recommended because they are handy and allow for noninvasive measuring

of arterial oxygen saturation.

Jubran, A. (2015). Pulse oximetry. Critical Care, 19(1), 272.


This article provides insight into the principles, accuracy, functioning, and outcome of

pulse oximeters. It discusses the potential advantages of multiwavelength pulse oximeters

over conventional pulse oximeters. Multiwavelength pulse oximeters are capable of

estimating the blood levels of carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin, whereas

conventional pulse oximeters assume that dyshemoglobins such as carboxyhemoglobin

and methemoglobin are absent because they can only distinguish between hemoglobin

and oxyhemoglobin. Hence, physicians prefer to use multiwavelength pulse oximeters for

more accurate results. In hospital settings, the transfer rate from a postsurgical care floor

to the intensive care unit (ICU) is an important factor that influences the use of pulse

oximeters. The resource reviews a study by Ochroch et al. in which patients were

Commented [A2]: Meets criterion 3 as it deals with
organizational factors that influence the selection of a technology in


care setting.

Commented [A3]: Deals with criterion 3: Organizational factors
that influence the selection of a technology in health care setting.


Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.

monitored by pulse oximeters either continuously (oximeter group) or intermittently

based on clinical needs as judged by a physician or a nurse (control group). The rate of

ICU transfers for pulmonary complications was lower in the oximeter group than in the

control group. Additionally, for patients who did require ICU transfers, the estimated cost

of treatment from enrollment to the completion of the study was lower for the oximeter

group ($15,481) than for the control group ($18,713) despite the patients in the oximeter

group being older and having higher comorbidity. The reduction in pulmonary transfers

to the ICU in the oximeter group was speculated to be the result of early recognition and

treatment of postoperative pulmonary complications. As cited in Jubran, another study by

Moller et al. indicates that anesthesiologists considered pulse oximetry to be of immense

value as it guides clinical management. Anesthesiologists recommend the use of pulse

oximeters because they believe that maintaining oxygenation within limits might help

prevent irreversible injury. Pulse oximetry is, therefore, a key part of the standard

protocol for monitoring critically ill patients.

Narayen, I. C. et al. (2016). Aspects of pulse oximetry screening for critical congenital heart

defects: When, how and why? Archives of Disease in Childhood – Fetal and Neonatal

Edition, 101(2), F162–

F167. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/archdischild-2015-309205

This article describes how pulse oximetry is being implemented worldwide for the

screening of critical congenital heart defects (CCHD). The use of pulse oximetry to

screen for CCHD is highly recommended because it is effective, quick, simple, and cost-

effective. The authors state that training parents and caregivers and using tools that are

computer based can improve pulse oximetry screening. Pulse oximetry helps detect

significant pathology and is reliable for keeping track of CCHD, which requires constant

Commented [A4]: Deals with criterion 3: Organizational factors
that influence the selection of a technology in health care setting.

Commented [A5]: Fulfills the rubric criteria: Justify the
implementation and use of a selected technology in a health

care setting.
And also fulfills: Describes organizational factors influencing

the selection of a technology in the health care setting.


Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.

diagnosis and immediate medical intervention. In almost every infant with CCHD,

clinically undetectable hypoxemia is identified by pulse oximeters. Early studies of

neonatal pulse oximetry screening for CCHD showed accurate details. As a result, the

U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services advised adding CCHD screening to the

recommended uniform screening panel. According to a meta-analysis of 13 screening

studies, pulse oximetry screening reported a specificity of 99.9 percent, a sensitivity of

76.5 percent, and a false positive rate of 0.14 percent. Therefore, the authors concluded

that the universal screening criteria were met by pulse oximetry screening. Pulse

oximetry screening shows no difference in accuracy when pre-ductal and post-ductal

pulse oximetry measurements are performed. The authors also observed that pulse

oximetry screening done 24 hours after birth increases the risk of late detection of CCHD

in infants but decreases the false positive rate. Therefore, the use of pulse oximeters can

be crucial for the early detection of CCHD and helps reduce mortality and improve

postoperative outcomes.

Nitzan, M., Romem, A., & Koppel, R. (2014). Pulse oximetry: Fundamentals and technology

update. Medical Devices: Evidence and Research, 7, 231–239.


This article offers comprehensive insight into how pulse oximetry works; particularly, it

looks at the techniques involved in measurement, the limitations of using the techniques,

and the accuracy that can be expected while determining oxygen saturation. Oxygen

saturation (SaO2) is the measurement of the percentage of oxygen in hemoglobin. Pulse

oximeters detect the significant decline of oxygen in the respiratory function of patients.

Measurements of oxygen saturation in pulse oximeters (SpO2) are often inaccurate when

Commented [A6]: Fulfills the rubric criteria: Justify the
implementation and use of a selected technology in a health

care setting.


Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.

critically ill patients receive supplemental oxygen. The difference between SpO2 and

SaO2 determines the accuracy of a pulse oximeter. Though the outcome of pulse oximetry

in measuring SaO2 in sick patients is 3–4 percent inaccurate, pulse oximeters quickly

detect the abrupt drop of SpO2 in anesthetized patients and in patients in intensive care

units. Despite the limitations of pulse oximetry, SpO2 values obtained from the pulse

oximeter are considered reliable for the detection of deterioration in respiratory function.

Further, pulse oximetry has the advantage of being a noninvasive technique to measure

oxygen saturation. Studies suggest that pulse oximetry should not be the only method to

monitor SaO2 in the neonatal intensive care unit because of infants’ vulnerability to

retinopathy of prematurity, which is induced by the high partial pressure of oxygen in

arterial blood. The authors conclude that technological advancements in pulse oximeters

over the years have enabled them to diagnose and monitor patients better.


Despite their limitations, pulse oximeters are recommended for monitoring oxygen

saturation levels in patients with respiratory problems. The use of pulse oximeters helps reduce

the rate of pulmonary transfers of patients from a postsurgical floor to the ICU. They play a

crucial role in screening infants for CCHD, and therefore, the use of pulse oximeters in pediatric

wards is highly recommended. Pulse oximetry helps in the early detection of certain diseases,

thereby preventing irreversible damage to organs and reducing the rate of mortality. Pulse

oximeters are a cost-effective resource in hospitals. They can easily detect a significant decline

of oxygen in the respiratory function of patients. The rate of transfers to the intensive care unit

due to pulmonary complications was significantly lower in patients who were continuously

monitored using pulse oximeters than in patients who were intermittently monitored using pulse

Commented [A7]: Fulfills the criteria: Justifies the
implementation and use of a selected technology in a health

care setting. Provides an in-depth and well-researched

analysis of the impact of the technology on quality care and

patient safety.

Commented [A8]: Fulfills criteria 3: Describes organizational
factors influencing the selection of a technology in the health

care setting.


Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.

oximeters. The readings obtained from pulse oximeters are reliable and help make immediate

adjustments to a patient’s oxygen supply, which can help prevent irreversible damage or death.

The limitations of conventional pulse oximeters are overcome by multiwavelength pulse

oximeters, which can estimate the levels of carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin in blood.

Medical practitioners in interdisciplinary teams, such as pediatricians, pulmonologists, and

anesthesiologists, can collectively use the readings obtained from pulse oximetry to assess the

condition of a patient before administering treatment. Hence, pulse oximetry is valuable in

hospital settings, helping medical practitioners decide the correct course of treatment and provide

immediate and effective care to patients.


Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.


Hendaus, M. A., Jomha, F. A., & Alhammadi, A. H. (2015). Pulse oximetry in bronchiolitis: Is it
needed? Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, 11, 1573–1578.
Jubran, A. (2015). Pulse oximetry. Critical Care, 19(1), 272.

Narayen, I. C., Blom, N. A., Ewer, A. K., Vento, M., Manzoni, P., & te Pas, A. B. (2016).

Aspects of pulse oximetry screening for critical congenital heart defects: When, how and

why? Archives of Disease in Childhood – Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 101(2), F162–

F167. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/archdischild-2015-309205
Nitzan, M., Romem, A., & Koppel, R. (2014). Pulse oximetry: Fundamentals and technology
update. Medical Devices: Evidence and Research, 7, 231–239.

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