3-2 Assignment: Narrated Journal


Final Project Part Two involves narrating a PowerPoint presentation. This activity will give you a chance to both download PowerPoint (if needed) and practice using it ahead of that assignment.

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To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the

Module Three Assignment Guidelines and Rubric PDF

 document. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.

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  • IDS 402 Module Three Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
  • Narrated Journal

    Overview: In the Module Three overview, you read about a few films that help illustrate the history lens in action. Choose one of the films to watch and review
    for this assignment. Links to the films can be found in the Reading and Resources section of Module Three. Other related historical films or documentaries may
    be used only with instructor approval. For this assignment, you will watch one film through the history lens and will have the opportunity to practice the
    communication and technical skills needed for Final Project Part Two. You will create a short PowerPoint presentation with an oral narration using the
    PowerPoint narration tool. This will also allow you and your instructor to check that your technology works for this assignment, and to troubleshoot any
    potential difficulties before the Final Project Part Two due. This activity must be submitted in PPTX format for your professor to give you feedback on whether
    your technical components are correct.

    Prompt: In your PowerPoint slides, use the PowerPoint narration tool to verbally record your answer to the following questions:

     What are the challenges the characters face in overcoming problems in wellness? What are the benefits?

     How does critically analyzing wellness add value to interactions with people in personal and professional contexts?

    Throughout your short PowerPoint presentation, make sure you use effective multimedia and communication skills:

     Construct your presentation in a way that ensures the audio and visual elements are logically organized in order to convey your message to your

     Provide supporting evidence in your presentation that supports the importance of an issue or event in the film and its impact within wellness.

     Develop the audio narration to logically flow with the presentation to articulate the importance of critically analyzing an issue or event in the film and its
    impact within wellness.

    Note: When you are recording the oral component of your presentation, a headset or external microphone is recommended for better results. However, you
    can also use the microphone incorporated into your computer or cell phone. Use the Check File Compatibility With Earlier Versions and Are You Having Video or
    Audio Playback Issues? resources from Microsoft to help you check compatibility between versions of Office.

    Guidelines for Submission: Your presentation should be 2 to 4 slides and should be between 2 to 4 minutes in length. You are required to include a combination
    of text, visuals, and audio narration in order to support your work. Speaker notes are not required. Be sure to cite your sources, including the film you discuss, on
    a separate slide in APA format. If you require alternative accommodations for completing this assignment, reach out to your instructor directly for more




    Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

    Benefits and Challenges Assesses the benefits and challenges
    of addressing issues in wellness,
    using relevant research or diverse

    Assesses the benefits and challenges
    of addressing issues in wellness, but
    analysis is cursory or utilization of
    relevant research or diverse
    perspectives is inappropriate

    Does not assess the benefits and
    challenges of addressing issues in


    Adds Value Explains how critically analyzing
    wellness adds value to interactions
    with people in personal and
    professional contexts

    Explains how critically analyzing
    wellness adds value to interactions
    with people in personal and
    professional contexts, but
    explanation is cursory

    Does not explain how critically
    analyzing wellness adds value to
    interactions with people in personal
    and professional contexts


    Organized Constructs the presentation in such
    a way that it ensures the audio and
    visual elements are logically

    Presentation is constructed with
    audio and visual elements, but the
    organization is somewhat illogical

    Does not construct the audio and
    visual elements of the presentation
    in an organized, logical way


    Evidence Provides supporting evidence in the
    presentation that supports the
    importance of the issue or event and
    its impact within wellness

    Provides supporting evidence, but
    evidence does not fully support the
    importance of the issue or event and
    its impact within wellness

    Does not provide evidence that
    supports the importance of the issue
    or event and its impact within


    Flow Develops the audio narration to
    logically flow with the presentation
    to articulate the importance of
    critically analyzing the issue or event
    and its impact within wellness

    Develops the audio narration, but it
    does not logically flow with the
    presentation to articulate the
    importance the issue or event and
    its impact within wellness

    Does not include audio narration to
    articulate the importance of the
    issue or event and its impact within


    Time Limit Presentation is no longer than two
    to four minutes

    Presentation is less than two
    minutes in length


    Total 100%

      IDS 402 Module Three Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
      Narrated Journal

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