250 word main discussion essay due 9/22


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Now that you fully understand the “Funnel Technique” for composing and organizing the ideas and sentences that will comprise your very well-developed introduction (which should consist of about 10 sentences, not including the thesis sentence), share the introductory paragraph and thesis sentence that you will use for your final research paper in Unit 5.

After you insert your fully-developed introduction with its thesis sentence placed at the very end of the paragraph, share a few thoughts in a second paragraph about why you chose this particular subject as the basis of your research paper for the course.  Shoot for a total of 250 words. 

Then, use a quote from a secondary source (an article) that you find on the Bethel Library’s Databases.  At this point, you should be very, very familiar with THE S.Q.P. FORMAT WHEN QUOTING FROM A SOURCE, like this: 

Stellmack, Konheim-Kalkstein, Manor, Massey, & Schmitz (2009) have found, “The purpose of this study was to develop a rubric for grading student writing of the introduction section of an APA-style manuscript and to evaluate the rubric’s reliability and validity. We chose to focus on the introduction section because those involved in teaching our research methods course frequently identify it as the most difficult assignment in the course for instructors to grade and for students to write” (p. 103).

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