2 paragraphs needed: Discussion: Psychological Disorders

Post a description of schizophrenia, including the biological features that are typically observed, such as changes in brain activity level, differences in brain structure, or abnormalities in neurotransmitters. Then describe how disorders are diagnosed in general by the DSM and the specific criteria used to diagnose your chosen disorder. Is there any relationship between the way the textbook describes the disorder and the way the DSM describes the disorder? Finally, based on the biological information in the textbook and what you know of the DSM-5R project, propose and write a new set of diagnostic criteria that incorporates the biological information discussed in the textbook. This should be 1–2 paragraphs and it should summarize what you think are the most important biological factors (brain regions, neurotransmitters, or genes) that are associated with your chosen condition. Finally, discuss why you think that this is not already included in the DSM.

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***References must come from: 

  • Garrett, B., & Hough, G.  (2018). Brain and behavior: An introduction to behavioral neuroscience (5th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. Chapter 14, “Psychological Disorders”
  • And 2 other sources of your choice

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