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In no more than 1-2 pages, write down your initial thoughts about the essay you have chosen to write about in your first major essay of the term, the Summary and Critical Response. Please use the skills/strategies you have learned about critical thinking and reading.
You might begin by making note of not just what the argument(s) being presented are but also HOW these arguments are being presented. Who is the audience for the article you’ve chosen? How do you know this? Do you see appeals to emotion, logic, and/or authority/credibility? Are these effective, given the audience you’ve identified? Why or why not?
You might also point out specific passages that you found particularly weak or strong? Type up these passages (you’ll need textual evidence for this essay, so it’s smart to begin making note of these sections now) and describe what you are thinking about them.
And finally, do you like the article? Do you connect with it? Do you have questions about it? In other words, what is your personal response to it?
When you have completed this assignment, please submit it in the appropriate Dropbox in eLearn. While this assignment is informal (it can literally be a list of your notes!) and you do not have to worry about MLA formatting, please make sure you proofread and edit your writing carefully!


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It’s completely fine to be working on this during class on Thursday, 9/17. Our entire class period on this day will be spent drafting and conferencing with me (if you’d like to), so please use the time in a way that is most helpful to you. If that means working on this Informal Writing Assignment, great. If you want to begin thinking and drafting in a different way, you can save this Informal Writing Assignment for later in the day.
1. Review the Essay Template in eLearn and begin to outline (or free-write or whatever it is you do to begin drafting in earnest) your ideas for this essay. If you do this in a word doc or google doc, you’ll be able to return to this document again and again, ultimately shaping it into a rough draft and then a final draft that you are proud to call your own.
Once you’ve got some ideas about what you want to write about (what you will be arguing or sharing with readers), start to think about the flow/logical development of your ideas and the textual evidence you will be using from the article to support your claims and ideas. Jot down these ideas in the order in which you think you will address them. Plug in to this outline (or free-write or whatever it is you do…) the exact quotes that you think you will use to support some of your ideas. Please note: You’ll plug in the direct quote now, knowing that you may change some of these into summaries and paraphrases later.
2. Given your purpose and the other ideas you shared in question #1, what is the call to action or the urgent message that you think you will leave your readers with in your awesome, exciting, can’t-look-away concluding paragraph(s)?
3. Reread the article again.
4. Come back to this working document, this time inserting additional ideas, comments, questions, textual evidence, and even worries in a different color. Here’s where you are having a conversation with yourself as you begin to shape your ideas and fill in gaps. You can even use the Review feature in the tool bar and insert comments to yourself. Just remember that you don’t have to have the answers to your questions or perfect ideas at this point!
5. Step back and look at what you’ve written. What you’ve just done is huge. Now submit it in all its imperfections to the appropriate Dropbox!!

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