2 page essay

Module 2 “Sex Trafficking: The Case of Nigeria”

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· Introduction:

This week we will start our trek across the globe to explore aspects of international sex trafficking. This module is dedicated to Sex Trafficking in Nigeria. In this chapter, Kara (2017) documents the sometimes surrealistic and often disheartening world of sex trafficking (an example of modern slavery) in Nigeria. Through his extensive years of research experience, he depicts “the myriad faces and forms” of sexual servitude. Read beyond the shocking accounts and the “strange” customs to find the sources of power and authority that exist in this society that contribute to the realities these women experience.

Kara (2017) Chapter 2 “Sex Trafficking: The Case of Nigeria”

· Assignment #2

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Kara gives an impassioned account of his experiences in Nigeria. What roles do religions or religious beliefs play in the existence and continuation of sex trafficking of women and girls? What and how do social factors beyond religion contribute to the power of religions and religious leaders? As answering these questions will be a continuing theme throughout the course, continue to build your explanatory and theoretical arguments. (2 page and 25 pts. possible)

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