2 – Discussion

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Discussion – 1 ( Initiating the Project) – 600 words – APA – 2 scholorly references

Discussion – 2 (Cloud Computing) – 600 words – APA – 2 scholorly references


Timothy J. Kloppenborg

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Kathryn N. Wells

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Chartering Projects

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Core Objectives:
Describe what a project charter is and why it is critical to project success
List elements of a charter and why each is used
Create each section of a charter
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Chapter 3 Technical Objectives:
Initialize a project in Microsoft Project
Set up a milestone schedule
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Chapter 3 Behavioral Objectives:
As a team, create a complete charter for a real project and present it to a sponsor for ratification
Negotiate with a sponsor to make your project realistic and achievable
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Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. Systems Engineering Solutions
“At Ball, we increase stakeholder buy-in by addressing and thinking about things up front; with an agreed-upon charter, this gives the project team some guidance to effectively plan and execute the effort.”
Lydia Lavigne, Ball Aerospace
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Atos Origin has been through three mergers/acquisitions in the last 15 years.
The project life cycle for most projects follow the typical IT project management approach.
A team of global employees works to service a client need
Onsite – program managers, project managers, business analysts, and technical architects
Offshore – designers, developers, testers
Entire operation is managed through a program management office (PMO)
PMO identifies, prioritizes, and ensures delivery of all projects
Adaptability and empathy are helpful strengths for project managers in this environment
Adaptability including the ability to hold the global team together
Empathy useful in respecting different choices of team members

What is a Project Charter?
An informal contract between the project team and the sponsor
A contract
is entered into freely by two or more parties.
cannot arbitrarily be changed
offers something of value for each party
is a living document that can evolve with changing conditions
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What is a Project Charter?
Signing a charter represents transition
Project initiating stage
Project planning stage
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Why is a Project Charter used?
1. Authorize the project manager to proceed

2. Help to develop a common understanding

3. Create commitment

4. Screen out poor projects
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Authorize the project manager to proceed
Project charter authorizes commitment of resources to a project
Project charter provides official status within the parent organization.
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Common understanding
Teamwork develops.
Agreement, trust, communication, and commitment develop.
Project team does not worry if management will accept a decision.
Sponsor is less likely to change the original agreement.
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When is a charter needed?
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Typical Elements in a Project Charter
Scope overview
Business case
Milestone schedule
Spending approvals/budget estimates
Communication plan requirements
Team operating principles
Lessons learned
Signatures and commitment
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Typical Elements in a Project Charter
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Scope Overview
High-level description of “what” and “how”
The project in a nutshell
Product scope – characteristic features and functions of what is being created
Requirements—characteristic or condition needed to satisfy either a contract or a stakeholder’s expectations
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Scope Overview
Used to help prevent scope creep
Considered to be the project boundaries
Quantifying the scope helps with understanding of project size
Scope creep – uncontrolled expansion to what was agreed upon
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Business Case
Project purpose or justification statement
Answers the question “why?”
Used to justify the necessity of the project
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Business Case
Ties project to the organization’s strategy
Provides rationale or high-level cost/benefit estimates
Persuades and inspires decision makers and team members
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Used to provide more detail to support the scope statement and business case statements
Background statement is optional
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Milestone Schedule with Acceptance Criteria
Divides the project into intermediate steps whose completion can be verified
Lists major milestones and deliverables
Milestone schedule – summary-level project schedule composed of major milestones and/or completion of deliverables
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Milestone Schedule with Acceptance Criteria
Who will judge the quality of the deliverable and by what criteria?
Acceptance criteria represent the project’s vital signs
Never turn in a deliverable without knowing how it will be judged
Something of value will be delivered at each iteration
Acceptance criteria – markers against which deliverables can be evaluated for completeness and correctness.
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Risks, Assumptions, and Constraints
Constraint – anything that limits project implementation
Assumptions – suppositions made during project planning that are treated as factual, though they’ve not been proven
Risk – an uncertain situation which could have a negative or positive effect on the project if it occurs
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Risks, Assumptions, and Constraints
Reminders of what could prevent successful completion of a project
Forethought and planning increases the likelihood of discovering problems before they occur
A false assumption becomes a risk
A constraint that limits money, time, or resources is a risk
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Identify negative risk and a plan to overcome it.
A positive risk can be considered an opportunity  plan to capitalize on it
Consider the risk of NOT undertaking the project
Assign an “owner” responsibility for each negative risk
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Resource Estimates
A preliminary budget with level of confidence in the estimate
Identify expenses the project manager can authorize
Identify expenses the sponsor needs to control
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Stakeholder List
Identify stakeholders
What does each stakeholder care about?
Who are the key stakeholders?
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Team Operating Principles
Enhance team functioning
Increase team effectiveness
Ensure all parties are aware of what is expected
How to accomplish work
How to conduct meetings
How to treat each other with respect
How to make decisions
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Lessons Learned
Successes and failures of previous projects become practical advice
Avoid the risk of repeating mistakes from previous projects
Lessons learned – knowledge gained from one project which may be applicable to similar future projects
Lessons learned register – accumulation of knowledge learned, which can be easily referenced and cataloged.
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Signatures and Commitment
Who is involved
Extent to which each person can make decisions
Expected time commitment for each person
The project sponsor, project manager, and core team members show commitment by signing the charter
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Constructing a Project Charter
Sponsor creates first draft of scope overview and business case
Leadership team may contribute additional information
Scope overview and business case should be one to four sentences each
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Scope Overview
and Business Case
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Breakout session!
Create an “elevator pitch” for your project
30 second summary
What your project is (scope overview) &
Why it is necessary (business case)
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Background Instructions (Optional)
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Milestone Schedule with Acceptance Criteria
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Six Steps in Constructing a Milestone Schedule
1. Describe the current situation that requires the project
(1st row of the milestone column)
Describe the project at its successful completion
(Last row of the milestone column)
Describe the acceptance criteria for the final project deliverables
(Bottom row of 3rd and 4th columns)
Determine the few key points in the milestone column where quality needs to be verified
For each milestone, determine who the primary stakeholder(s) is(are) and how the resulting deliverable will be judged
Determine expected completion dates for each milestone

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Create a Milestone schedule, using a chart with these four columns:
Acceptance criteria
Follow the six steps on the previous slide (section 3-5c in textbook) to complete the milestone schedule

1st iteration follows steps; all other iterations just-in-time
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Breakout session!
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Six Sigma Milestone Schedule and Acceptance Criteria Template
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Risks, Assumptions, and Constraints Instructions
Brainstorm all risks to

Identify and document assumptions
Quantify risks based on:
probability of occurring
impact if realized
Which risks should be considered “major?”
Major risks require formal response plan
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Risk Assessment Example
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Risk Response Planning Example
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As a group, identify as many risks as possible
Write each risk on a post-it note
Create a graph, such as that in Exhibit 3.9
As a team, decide where on the chart each risk goes (based on probability and impact)
Create risk response plans for each “major” risk and assign an owner to each risk

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Breakout session!
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Resources Needed Instructions
Use crude estimates for people, equipment, space, and money needs
Describe how estimates were developed & level of confidence
Develop limit of spending authority for project manager
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Estimate resources, following the example of Exhibit 3.11:
Money, people, space, equipment, etc.
Include level of confidence in your estimates

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Breakout session!
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Stakeholder List Instructions
Identify all stakeholders
Determine most important stakeholders
Ask each stakeholder what interest they have in the project
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Create a list of project stakeholders
Individuals and/or groups
What is their interest in the project?
Who are the key stakeholders?
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Breakout session!
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Team Operating Principles Instructions
Establish how:
meetings will be conducted
decisions will be made
work gets done
everyone will treat each other with respect
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Team Operating Principles Example
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Create a short list of team operating instructions
Establish how:
meetings will be conducted
decisions will be made
work gets done
everyone will treat each other with respect
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Breakout session!
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Lessons Learned Instructions
Consider what has worked/not worked
Copy or tailor what has worked
Avoid what has not worked
Report lessons learned more than once over life of project
Before undertaking project
At key reviews
Upon project completion
Make lessons available in a knowledge base
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Project Lessons Learned Example
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Signatures and Commitment Instructions
Project sponsor, manager, team members
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Ratifying the Project Charter
Present the project charter to the sponsor for approval
Sponsor asks questions for clarification and agreement
Sponsor, project manager, and core team sign the project charter
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Starting a Project using Microsoft Project
MS Project 2016 Introduction
Setting up your first project
Define your project
Create a Milestone Schedule
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MS Project 2016 Introduction
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MS Project 2016 Introduction
Ribbon – set of 7 tabs used to construct, resource, baseline, status, communicate information about a schedule
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Project Schedule Details View Pane(s)– displays info about project:
Timeline view– “big picture” of project schedule
Gantt chart view—displays tasks on a calendar
Zoom Slider – change timescale by sliding left or right
View Shortcuts– quick switch from active view to: Gantt chart, Task usage, Team planner, Resource sheet, and Report
Schedule Mode selector – manual or automatic

MS Project 2016 Introduction
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Initialize MS Project 2016 for General Use
Auto Scheduled mode (use this one!)
MS Project automatically calculates a schedule using schedule drivers
Manually Scheduled mode (default)
Ignores schedule drivers and uses manually entered data
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Setting up your first project
1. File, Options, Schedule
2. Scheduling options – All New Projects
3. New tasks created – Auto Scheduled
4. OK
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Define your Project
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Define your Project
Enter identifying information:
Click File tab
Project Info>>Advanced Properties
Summary tab—enter title
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Define your Project
Generate “Project Summary” task row:
“Display options for project”
Check “show project summary task”
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Create a Milestone Schedule*
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Task Name cells, enter milestone names
Duration cells, enter 0 for each milestone
For each milestone row:
Double click milestone name to activate “Task Information” dialog box
Advanced tab, change Constraint type to “Must Finish On”
Constraint date, enter milestone date
*More details provided in textbook
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Create a Milestone Schedule
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Create a Milestone Schedule
(Complete instructions found in textbook)
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A project charter enables the project sponsor, project manager, and core team to agree on the project at a high level.
Charters include scope overview, business case, milestone schedule, acceptance criteria, risks, and signatures (other sections optional).
A rough draft of the business case and scope overview are written.
Sponsor goes over the charter with the project manager and core team.
The charter is the document that completes the project initiating stage and begins the planning stage.

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© 2019 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.

Many questions regarding order of processes and deliverables
Remember that all parts of a charter are composed in the Initiating stage and expanded on in detail during Planning stage of project
Signing charter transitions project from Initiating to Planning
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Information Systems Enhancement Project Charter
Used when a nonprofit agency formed a project team to upgrade its information systems
Design principles – how to write a project charter
Content principles – suggestions regarding the content of each section
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© 2019 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.

Casa de Paz Development Project
Create the scope overview and business case for further website development
What expertise would you like from various stakeholders to create the milestone schedule with acceptance criteria?
What are key risks for this project?
Who are key stakeholders?

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Discussion – Initiating the Projects

Chapter – 3 Chartering Projects.

Provide a graduate-level response, utilizing material from the weekly reading, to each of the following questions:

1) What are the four main areas of competency a client company is looking for in a project manager? How can you best demonstrate these competencies to a potential client?

2) How are risks, assumptions, and constraints related? How are they different? Give an example of how an incorrect assumption could become a risk.

3) What is a milestone schedule? Briefly summarize the process of creating a milestone schedule.

You will draft your initial post to the above questions in a Word document. You will submit the Word document through the link provided in the Content folder. You will copy and paste the body of your initial post and the reference section into the Discussion Forum creating your initial post to initiate discussion.

The main body of your initial post should be at least 600 words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12). Do not post any title section within the discussion forum.

Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. The textbook needs to be well utilized in answering all of the questions. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion. However, do not substitute other sources for the textbook.

Your initial post and Word document should be completed and submitted by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. EST. All peer replies must be completed by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. EST


Title: Contemporary Project Management

ISBN: 9781337406451

Authors: Timothy Kloppenborg, Vittal S. Anantatmula, Kathryn Wells

Publisher: Cengage Learning

Publication Date: 2018-02-08

Edition: 4th

Suggested Books and Resources

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK(R) Guide-Sixth Edition / Agile Practice Guide Bundle (HINDI)

ISBN: 9781628255393

Authors: Project Management Institute

Publisher: Project Management Institute

Publication Date: 2019-08-05

Discussion – 2 – CLOUD COMPUTING

1. Jamsa – Chapters 3 and 4

2. Erl – Chapter 5 (Section 5.2 Only)

Discuss the differences as well as the advantages and disadvantages of IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS. Otherwise, you may include an implementation of each such as Salesforce or AWS with details on their services.

You must post at least twice during the week on at least two different days to get full credit. Your posts should add to the conversation with relevant information. Just agreeing with you classmates or similar responses will not receive any credit.

I am not looking for long posts. Eight or so sentences for each post of ORIGNAL writing will suffice. I do not want see paragraph after paragraph of copied material. Your post will be checked by SafAssign for similarity.

If you use references they MUST include in text citations where the information is used. If the information is a direct quote from a source it MUST be in parentheses. Otherwise you are at risk of plagiarism. However, you do not have to use the APA Edition 6 format (template with fonts, heading, etc.) in the discussions.

Ignorance of APA Edition 6 citing and referencing is not acceptable in graduate level work. If you do not use it you may be accused of plagiarism. If you have not done so please familiarize yourself with it now. There are numerous sources under the “Start Here” tab.


Erl, T., Mahmood, Z., & Puttini, R. (2014). Cloud computing: concepts, technology, & architecture. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Jamsa, K. A. (2013). Cloud computing: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, virtualization, business models, mobile, security and more. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Required Book


Cloud Computing

ISBN: 9781284199017

Authors: Dr. Kris Jamsa

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Publication Date: 2012-03-22

Suggested Books and Resources

Cloud Computing

ISBN: 9780133387520

Authors: Thomas Erl, Ricardo Puttini, Zaigham Mahmood

Publisher: Pearson Education

Publication Date: 2013-01-01

Cloud Computing

ISBN: 9781439856420

Authors: Lizhe Wang, Rajiv Ranjan, Jinjun Chen, Boualem Benatallah

Publisher: CRC Press

Publication Date: 2011-10-03

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