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Preventive health care has become very significant in the health care sector. Preventive health care applies use of variety to educate populations and avoid illnesses to promote wellness for all Americans (Putera, 2017). It not only informs population buu8t also promotes healthy lifestyles and provides early treatment of illness. Due increased cases of people succumbing because of chronic illness nurses roles have changed thus shifting the focus of health care to disease prevention. Preventive health care nurses are focused on improving patients’ health through evidence- based strategies whereas encouraging individuals to receive preventive services like screening, precautionary medication as well as counselling.

Preventive care involves several methods including educate, identify, prevent and treat disease in populations (Salmond & Echevarria, 2017). Nurses take three types of prevention in their practices on a daily basis. The types include primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary prevention involves actions taken to prevent the disease from attacking the body, nurse role is to identify and educate. Secondary prevention involves actions that aim at minimizing the effects of the disease thus preventing the disease from spreading. Tertiary level that is the last tire entails action that mitigate the disease and hence nurses work to treat the patients to healing. Furthermore, nurses involved with preventive health care play a role of identifying existing conditions in early stages as well as alter individual behavior to control the effects of the ailment.


Putera, I. (2017). Redefining health: implication for value-based healthcare reform. Cureus, 9(3).

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Salmond, S. W., & Echevarria, M. (2017). Healthcare transformation and changing roles for nursing. Orthopedic nursing, 36(1), 12.


The health care reform finally shifted from disease-oriented health care system to one of wellness and prevention. The health care reform approaches community health needs regarding cultural diversification, socio-economic characteristics, environmental factors, etc., to determine health care changes that are essential to promote a culture of wellness and prevention. Among communities that require immediate health care prevention services are African- American and Latino Communities which have been discriminated and abused, being victims of socioeconomic disadvantage and environmental unjustice. The committee envisions a future system that makes quality care accessible to the diverse populations of the United States, intentionally promotes wellness and disease prevention, reliably improves health outcomes, and provides compassionate care across the lifespan (AACN, 2020).

The health care reform provides crucial recommendations how to improve care services nationwide by empowering the nation largest healthcare profession with more than 3.1 million worker to continue their education to BSN and higher degrees, become more involved in legislation that have direct impact in health care delivery systems and services, and help to manage the future of American health care services. The report suggests that graduates of nursing programs need competency in the following areas: continuous improvement of the quality and safety of health care systems informatics, evidence-based practice, knowledge of complex systems, ongoing leadership and management capabilities, population health and population-based care management, and health policy knowledge, skills, and attitudes (Marquis & Huston, 2017).

I work at MLK Jr Community hospital in Spa 6 in Los Angeles, CA. This area is one the poorest and most dangerous in the nation. Mostly African- American and Latino communities reside there. Discrimination and abuse are detrimental factors that place these communities at high levels of chronic illnesses like DM, CHF, COPD, kidney disease, drugs and alcohol abuse, etc. MLK Jr has implemented special programs to educate the community regarding health lifestyle changes such as diet, regular activity, how to manage chronic disease like DM, CHF, COPD and provide them with basic health care services and community resources. Still too much to do.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2020. The Impact of Education on Nursing Practice. Fact sheet.


Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2017). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

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