2. Business Venture Preparation

1. Select Lawn Service.

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2. Complete Parts 1-3 of the Business Venture Preparation template after you have selected a business.

3. Write a 350-word summary that references the Business Venture Preparation template.

Use a minimum of three resources.

Business Venture Preparation

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Grading Guide

MGT/465 Version 2.0


Learning: Business Venture Preparation

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to initiate the process for creating a business plan and utilizing a team-development process. The Learning Team will use their critical thinking, collaboration, research skills, and business acumen in order to develop the business venture elements of the business plan. The team will also assess the mechanics of preparing this phase of the business plan through an observations and reflection summary.

Resources Required

Business Venture Preparation Document

Grading Guide



Partially Met

Not Met


selects one of the listed businesses in the Weeks 2-5 Learning Team Assignment Instructions document.


completes Part One of the Business Venture Preparation document including listing the business chosen and includes the justification, as well as the team member’s roles.

completes Part Two of the Business Venture Preparation document regarding market research.

completes Part Three of the Business Venture Preparation document discussing Learning Team reflection and observations.

includes a summary that is 350-words in length that references the Business Venture Preparation.

The team includes a minimum three sources.

Total Available

Total Earned




Partially Met

Not Met


Total Available

Total Earned


Writing Guidelines

The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements.

Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page.

Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.

Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.

Rules of grammar and usage are followed, including spelling and punctuation.



Assignment Total




Additional comments:




23 Version X



Business Venture Preparation

MGT/465 Version 2

serviceThis 350

Business Venture Preperation

Part One: Business Venture Preparation

The business our team chose is:

Lawn service

Our justification for choosing this business is:

· List each team member’s name and the role that they will be playing on the Business Start-up Team.

· Team member roles should accurately define the expertise each member contributes to the development of the business venture. Team members can possess more than one expertise.

Team Member Name (insert here)

Team Member Name (insert here)




Team Member

Team Member

Name (insert here)

Team Member
Name (insert here)


General Manager

Sales & Marketing

Operations Manager

Fincance & Administration

Office Manager

Marketing Manager

Project Manager

Administration Manager

HR Manager

Marketing Team

Project Supervisors

Administration Assistant

HR Assistant

Work Force

Respond to the following questions regarding team member commitment to the business venture:

1) Discuss and document if the business venture will be a full-time commitment or will start-up team members commit to part-time involvement.

2) Discuss and document how the team members will get buy-in from family members to enter into this business venture.

Part Two: Market Research

Complete the following template based on the team’s marketing research results for your business venture:


Marketing Element

Research Results

Consumer Need for

Product or Service

Target Market

Economy of Chosen


Consumer Demographics

Industry Research

Barrier to Entry

Current Market Saturation


Legal Business


to be used and


for selection



to be



State, and Federal

Types of Insurance to


Competitor Data

Pricing Model

Business Model

Business Model Key


Business Size (Annual

Revenue $ )

Business Location

Part 3: Reflection and Observations

Answer the following questions:

1) What role did each team member provide to obtain business plan information?

2) What roadblocks did the team face when obtaining required information?

3) What lessons were learned during the week’s Learning Team assignment,which can be applied during the specific phase of business start-up?

4) What is the team’s overall observations of this week’s assignment relative to the type of information needed to develop a comprehensive business plan?

5) How does this week’s Learning Team assignment support the Learning Objectives?


APA-formatted citation

APA-formatted citation

Copyright © XXXX by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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