1300 word min FOUR scholarly sources due 3/31

1.This week, you will write a comprehensive APA analysis paper using all the knowledge you have gained in this course. Use what you have learned from the READ and ATTEND sections throughout the course (including Unit 5) and at least three scholarly sources to address the items listed below. If you need support on how to formulate your APA Analysis paper, you may refer to your APA Template under the Resource tab or contact the CPS Librarians. Please refer to your grading rubric for guidance. Upon completion you will click on the Dropbox tab to submit your paper for grading.

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Be sure to support your work with at least FOUR scholarly sources. Use in-text citations and do not self plagiarize from the previous weeks.

  • What types of inmates are housed in supermax prisons? For what type of inmates is supermax housing not designed?
  • What impact does long-term solitary confinement have on inmates? What impact does working in a supermax facility have on staff?
  • Consider the following scenario: Assume your state is planning a supermax prison. What will you propose as opportunities for inmates to demonstrate positive behavior to work their way out?
  •  What makes capital murder trials more expensive than other murder trials? Is there a point at which the economic consequence of an execution outweighs its value to the public? 
  • Consider the following scenario: You are the prosecuting attorney in a rural county of 7,500 people in a southern state. A capital case is coming up for trial. Estimates of costs for the case begin at $500,000. How will you justify paying for the prosecution of the case?

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