1300 WORD Min. at least 3 scholarly sources,apa format due 3/24


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This week, we learned about the economic realities in corrections and the future of parole.  For your Unit 3 Complete assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum 1200 words) in which you address and discuss the questions and statements listed below. Use at least three scholarly sources and remember to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ and ATTEND sections in your essay. Cite your sources in APA format.

  • What arguments do critics make against prison industry programs such as UNICOR?
  • What arguments do supporters make for the continued use of prison industry programs?
  • Consider the following scenario: As the newly appointed director of prison programming, you are tasked with determining what programs are vital to the effective and efficient operation of your prison. What reasons would you give your boss for including education, industry, recreation, and health care programs for prisoners? Are there any programs for which you would not advocate?
  • What are the arguments for discretionary release? For mandatory release?
  • How can parole be used as an incentive to control and influence inmate behavior?
  • Consider the following scenario: You are the director of the paroling agency in your state. You want to help reduce crowding and the money your state spends on prisons. Your state currently uses mandatory release for all inmates. What method of release would you suggest to legislators that the paroling agency use? Should it be used for all offenders or only those convicted of certain crimes? How would you suggest the paroling agency respond to technical violations committed by offenders on parole?

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