10 res (Kim woods Only)

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Please create personalized and substantive responses to at least two other student main posts. In your response, include the following:

Choose any two classmates and review their main posts.

1. Review all student work for calculating a confidence interval for a sample mean. Redo their work and confirm that it is correct or correct it and note the errors. What is the final margin of error E? What is the final confidence interval? Offer an example sample mean that would fit into the confidence interval. Offer an example sample mean that would be outside of the confidence interval.

2. Review all student work for calculating a confidence interval for a sample proportion. Redo their work and confirm that it is correct, or correct it and note the errors. What is the final margin of error E? What is the final confidence interval? Offer an example sample proportion that would fit into the confidence interval. Offer an example sample proportion that would be outside of the confidence interval.

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Please respond to Classmate 1 below (Priscilla)

Hello class and Dr. Locke the sample size I chose was women’s weight

Sample size 40

Sample mean 187.5

Standard Dev. 58.45



Confidence Interval= 58.45-8.37=50.08  58.45+8.37=66.82


Sample proportion= men’s weight

Sample size=45

Sample proportion=.36







Please respond to classmate 2 below (Tiffany C)

number of tissues someone uses in a year. 
250, 340, 102, 204, 223, 459, 246, 294, 195, 139, 229, 177, 122, 143, 277, 344, 238, 221, 144, 111, 234, 52, 154, 125, 274, 165, 195, 225, 287, 312, 155, 187, 199, 208, 133, 244, 370, 233, 145, 123
Count, N:    40
Mean, x̄:    211.95
SD: 82.355997088313
E = 1.96*s/sqrt(n)

E= 25.54 rounded up to a full tissue is 26
212-26, 212+26
186, 238
With a confidence level of 95%, the mean of tissues that one person uses in a year is 

Amount of people who live in the city of gig harbor who shop at Costco
9,507 people live in Gig harbor, wa
4,002 of them have a costco membership
E = 1.96*sqrt[p*(1-p)/n]
E= 1.96*sqrt[4002*(1-4002)/9507]
E=1.96*sqrt[1684.23 (rounded to 1685)]
E=80.458 (rounded to 81)
4002-81, 4002+81
3921, 4083
With a confidence level of 95% 3921-4083 people chop at Costco who live in gig harbor, wa

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