1-page assignment

Museums live in real time, and discussions about major issues facing cultural institutions

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may be found in in blogs and other online sources. One a week you should submit 

thoughtful essay on a museum issue. These essays are informal writings (I won’t grade

them on writing), and designed to keep you thinking, and give you a chance to weigh in

on some issues. Essays are to be 1-2 pages, double spaced, Arial 12-point font. Number

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your pages, and put your name in the top right corner. 

Here is a list to get you started (some sites have links to other sites). You are not limited

to these sites.


Subscribe for free (select daily or weekly)

Lots of blogs listed

AJ – New

Artdaily: The First Art Newspaper on the Net


Brain Pickings: A library of cross-disciplinary interestingness and combinatorial



Colleen Dilenschneider: Know Your Own Bone


Huffington Post: Arts and Culture




Museum Hack


Museum 2.0 (Nina Simon’s blog)


Nonprofit AF


Real Clear Arts: Judith H. Dobrzynski on Culture

See her Blogroll for additional blogs


San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Open Space


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