1.5 Pages: 2 References

1.Research Paper: The length of the Research Paper should be SIX pages, double-
spaced in MS Word and include a minimum of six references in APA 7th Edition

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Research Paper Grading Rubric *HIT EVERY Bullet*
• Introduce the issue.
• Define the problem.
• Search the literature.
• Analyze the problem.
• Offer possible solutions.
• Propose a single solution.
• Develop an implementation plan.
• Justify why and how if your solution will solve the identified problem.

Your paper must include, but is not limited to, the following sections:

J.E. Arredondo

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J.E. Arredondo


Course Outline:

A summary of the topic you have chosen for the Course Project and its importance in

the healthcare industry.

Recruiting and retaining qualified nurses is important in the healthcare sector. Nurses are

vital stakeholders in the healthcare industry (Prengaman, Terry, Schmitz, & Baker, 2017).

The research topic is crucial because recruiting and retaining qualified nurses will ensure

that there are competent professionals to meet patients’ needs.

Identify the topic you will be writing about:

Determine how to recruit and retain the most qualified nurses in order to keep up with a

clinic’s growing patient population.

Define the problem that you will be trying to suggest a solution for:

The topic leads to many problems in the healthcare sector-

a. The first problem is the deterioration of the quality of healthcare services.

i. A nurse’s qualification has a direct impact on the healthcare

organization that the nurse works for (Porter, Ham, & Grealish, 2016).

b. Highly qualified nurses have the skills that are needed to take care of the

needs of patients.

i. However, nurses who are not qualified end up affecting the operations

of an organization (Furnham, 2020).

c. It is essential to have qualified nurses to ensure that they have the ability to

meet the needs of patients.

Identify possible solutions:

In recruitment, different factors determine if an organization will get the best employees.

The factors are;

a. Have capable recruitment in place:


i. The first solution to the problem at hand is to have a human resource

team that is competent and highly qualified.

A team that is given the responsibility of recruiting employees

must consist of team members who are highly qualified (Porter

et al. 2016).

ii. The human resource team is responsible for recruiting employees, and

that means that it should have members who know the best areas to

look when recruiting nurses.

iii. In some cases, organizations may not have human resource

departments with highly qualified and competent members (Raymond,

Profetto-McGrath, Myrick, & Strean, 2018).

iv. It is advisable for an organization to outsource the services of HR.

b. Motivate nurses as soon as they are employed:

i. The best way to retain the most qualified nurses is by motivating them.

Employee motivation is a strategy that has proven that it can be

effective in the employment sector.

ii. One of the factors that promote high employee turnover is the

employer’s lack of motivation (Devi et al., 2020).

iii. Different motivation methods are at the disposal of any person that

might be in need of motivating employees.

1. The first method comprises of monetary rewards (Yu et al.

2016). In this case, employees can be given bonuses. Also,

when employees work beyond the regular shift, they should be

paid for over-time.


2. The second method consists of appreciation and recognition.

The management of the clinic should acknowledge the

contribution of the nurses.

Describe the sources you will be using to conduct your research and analysis:

The research will retrieve information from the six articles that have been presented on

the list of references.

a. The articles are not more than five years, and research boards certify each.

Therefore, it means that the credibility of the research cannot be doubted

(Porter et al. 2016).

b. Also, all research articles will be analyzed to make sure that each has met

ethical research guidelines.

c. The information that will be presented must be relevant and helpful to the




Devi, R., Goodman, C., Dalkin, S., Bate, A., Wright, J., Jones, L., & Spilsbury, K. (2020).

Attracting, recruiting and retaining nurses and care workers working in care homes:

the need for a nuanced understanding informed by evidence and theory. Age and


Furnham, A. (2020). Recruiting, selecting, retaining, and monitoring successful investment

managers: A review of a scattered literature. Financial Planning Review, 3(1), e1071.

Porter, V., Ham, C., & Grealish, L. (2016). Transition to practice program: A new direction

for recruiting and retaining enrolled nurses in mental health. Journal for nurses in

professional development, 32(6), 299-305.

Prengaman, M., Terry, D. R., Schmitz, D., & Baker, E. (2017). The Nursing Community

Apgar Questionnaire in rural Australia: An evidence-based approach to recruiting and

retaining nurses. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 17(2), 148-171.

Raymond, C., Profetto-McGrath, J., Myrick, F., & Strean, W. B. (2018). Process matters:

Successes and challenges of recruiting and retaining participants for nursing

education research. Nurse educator, 43(2), 92.

Yu, H. Y., Tang, F. I., Chen, I. J., Yin, T. J., Chen, C. C., & Yu, S. (2016). Nurse

administrators’ intentions and considerations in recruiting inactive nurses. Journal of

Nursing Management, 24(5), 589-597.

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