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1) read the following article https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/01/07/new-fleet-autonomous-robots-is-now-making-one-mankinds-oldest-foods/?noredirect=on 

2)Answer the following questions:

A) Do you think consumers can be convinced to buy machine-made bread from vending machines? Why or why not?

B) What are the advantages and disadvantages of automating a complicated process like bread-making?

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C) In your opinion, does automation have an effect on how you manage a department in the workplace? If so, how?

400-500 words total with proper spelling and grammar.

Also,attached is a sample that could be used as reference.

Breadbot Sample Assignment 

As someone who is a huge proponent and fan of artificial intelligence and new technology, I love this idea of the BreadBot. I believe consumers can be convinced to buy machine-made bread from vending machines. I fail to see the issue. Our meat is often times cut by machinery. Our animals are often killed via machination processes in slaughterhouses.  Many of the food items that we buy from grocery stores today are made, packaged, sold, and stored via A.I engineering processes.  Thus, I fail to see why the process of bread being made would be any different.  There may be a few people that are old school and prefer things to be “homemade” but I believe the masses will have no problem buying A.I made bread.  This will also be beneficial to consumers in the sense of companies buying/renting from the BreadBot Company. This would save these grocery chains money, time, and resources. 

This is a bread-making machine that is analyzing, observing, and making adjustments on one loaf of bread at 100 times a second. There is not a human on the planet that is capable of that type of output and production. This A.I machine is able to visualize the loaves of bread in ways us humans cannot. It can catch things during the analyzing process that we cannot catch with our eyes, no matter how experienced we are in the field of bread making.  So unlike a bread maker who may move the bread around every now and again, this machine is constantly studying, analyzing, adjusting, and correcting several times a second to create the “perfect” loaf of bread in accordance to the consumers wants. 

Now in terms of the negatives, one that comes off the top of my mind is the lack of “personal touch” to each loaf of bread. Oftentimes people enjoy the homemade feel and personal touch that bread makers create with each loaf of bread. The “personal touch” so to say. It is definitely possible that A.I will not be able to recreate that exact taste that many loyal customers seek with certain small companies and big bread making companies. As A.I continues to transcend and become more intertwined with our society, this means that we start automating many jobs away.  So many people could lose their jobs with technology such as the Breadbot coming around. This would affect families and flow of money into the markets. 

 Automation definitely has an effect on how management manages a department in the workplace. For starters, anyone in management must have a base knowledge in tech and computer information systems in regards to all the automated processes within their department in case machines break down and require maintenance. Automation in the workplace also changes safety and precaution rules. Therefore, in my opinion, when managing automation in the workplace, managements’ job becomes more encompassing and the scope of knowledge that they must know is greater. 

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