Write an argumentation essay (5 paragraphs, MLA Format)

Write an argumentation essay: For or Against? (MLA Format) (find 2 sources that refute your side of the issue & 3 sources that support your side) needs internal citetions & works citedEssay needs to be 5 paragraphsIntro: 5-6 sentences3 Body: 10-15 sentencesConclusion: 4-5 sentences(you can play around with the sentences, its just needs to be an ESSAY of 3 pages)You can choose on from the following topics:1.       College class attendance should be optional.2.       Part-time jobs do high school students more harm than good.3.       Physical punishment should not be the way to discipline children.4.       Handgun purchase needs stricter screening.5.       Is the US involvement with terrorism creating more terrorism worldwide?6.       Can one person truly make a difference in effecting change?7.       Should the government mandate that metal screeners be placed in all public places where large numbers of people gather, ie. theatres, arenas, malls, etc.?8.       Should it be illegal to use animals for sports and entertainment?9.       Do beauty contests serve any purpose in society?10.   Should the state or federal government put laws into place to prevent bullying?11.   U.S. companies that move factories to undeveloped nations barely pay employees enough to live on. Is it unethical to pay cheap wages or are companies doing those workers a favor?12.   Should parents be held responsible when their children break laws?Thanks in advanced

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