World Civilization 2

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World Civilization II – HIS 104

Spring 2021 – Second Exam (Chapters 17-20)

Short Identification (40% of exam grade): The exam itself will consist of 5 short identification terms which you will choose from a bank of 10 terms (8 points per term). You should thoroughly identify each term, including its historical context and significance drawn from class lectures, its date or timeframe, and its geographical setting.

Essay Question: One of the three essay questions outlined below will be chosen for the exam. Your answer must be thorough, contain (at minimum) three full paragraphs, and must display a knowledge and understanding of the themes, events, and significant connections from the class lectures and applicable assigned readings.

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Do NOT use any outside sources! This will be deemed plagiarism resulting in a zero (0) exam grade. Remember, this is NOT a group project! It is an exam to be taken individually and without collaboration. Cheating is defined in the Student Handbook and under University Policy 2.19 and the penalties for breach of the university’s policy on Academic Integrity will be upheld in this class.

“How Can I Do Better on the Essay?”: Read the comments that I wrote about your first exam. Secondly, understand that the prompts for the essay questions are just that “prompts” to get you started. A really good essay can take the prompts and use them to make more connections to the lecture materials and the readings as a whole. You are also encouraged to make references and connections across the chapters. An average or even poor essay merely spits the contents of the slides back to me. I am not merely teaching you to memorize facts/dates. I am teaching you how to think about history and to see how it connects to the present.

Enlightenment (Chapter 18)


a. What was the Enlightenment and what factors contributed to its rise in the 18th century?

b. In what ways did Enlightenment ideals and ideologies call for a
rethinking and/or reordering
of the relationship between government and its citizens? (Your answer must include the works and ideas of
at least 3
major philosophes (male and/or female).)

c. In what specific ways did women contribute to the Enlightenment? (Your answer must include examples of
at least 3
women and their specific contributions.)

Age of Revolutions (Chapter 19):

a. Can you explain the significance of 1789 and the causes of the French Revolution?

b. Can you explain the significance and legacy of the Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen? (Your answer must include
at least 3
groups who used this document in ways other than intended.)

c. Can you trace any important legacies or ripple effects of the French Revolution (especially during the first 50 years after it ended, but feel free to draw your own connections beyond this period)?

First Industrial Revolution (Chapter 20):

a. What was the Industrial Revolution? When did it occur? Why did it begin in Britain?

b. What main industries were affected by the Industrial Revolution and what were some of its major technological changes?

c. How did the Industrial Revolution impact society? (Your answer must include
at least 3
major ways in which society was impacted.)

The attached page includes some terms, concepts, events, people, and dates that you should be familiar with for the exam. I have attempted to keep this list in the order in which they were covered in class as much as possible. Please note that this is NOT a comprehensive list. Be sure to study all of your notes.

17 – Scientific Revolution (1550-1700)

19 – Age of Revolutions (1750-1850)

20 – Industrial Revolution (1800-1880)


Tennis Court Oath

Cottage Industry


Attack on the Bastille

Why Britain?

Isaac Newton

Women’s March to Versailles

Inventions in Textile Industry

Francis Bacon

Declaration Rights of Man & Citizen

New societal values

Rene Descartes

4 Changes to Old Regime in 1791

Time-work discipline


Crystal Palace – 1st World’s Fair

Robespierre & Com. of Public Safety

Great Hunger (Irish Potato Famine)

Haitian Revolution

Living Conditions in Cities (Row Houses)

18 – Enlightenment (1700-1800)

Toussaint L’Ouverture

Rise of Middle Class

Simon Bolivar

Reform Efforts (Edwin Chadwick)

Immanuel Kant

Directory & Rise of Napoleon

Working Conditions in Factories


Napoleon’s Reforms

Child Labor


Battle of Waterloo

Trade Union Movement

Denis Diderot






Mary Wollstonecraft

Edward Gibbon

Cesare Beccaria

John Wesley



04B (9am class) – World Civilization II

EXAM 2 – Spring 2021 NAME: ___________________

I. Short Identification Terms (8 pts. each/40 pts. total; 40% of overall grade)

of the following terms. In about 3-5 sentences,
contextualize (in place & time)
and identify the
of each term you select
based on class lectures & readings

A) Copernicus

D) Committee of Public Safety

G) Cottage Industry

I) 1st World’s Fair

B) Tennis Court Oath

E) Toussaint L’Ouverture

H) Irish Potato Famine

J) Edwin Chadwick

C) Women’s March to Versailles

F) Jacobins

ID 1. The term identified below is _________________________.

IDs 2. The term identified below is _________________________.

IDs 3. The term identified below is _________________________.

IDs 4. The term identified below is _________________________.

IDs 5. The term identified below is _________________________.

II. Essay (60 pts.; 60% of overall grade)

Write as much as possible in your essay response drawing on lectures, discussions and assigned readings. Your answer must consistent of a MINIMUM of 3 paragraphs.

Enlightenment (Chapter 18): (YOU MUST ANSWER ALL OF a., b, & c. BELOW)

What was the Enlightenment and what factors contributed to its rise in the 18th century?

In what ways did Enlightenment ideals and ideologies call for a
rethinking and/or reordering
of the relationship between government and its citizens? (Your answer must include the works and ideas of
at least 3
major philosophes (male and/or female).)

In what specific ways did women contribute to the Enlightenment? (Your answer must include examples of
at least 3
women and their specific contributions.)


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