Workshop: Qualitative Research Workshop: Week 8 8360


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  • If you are collecting phone or face-to-face interviews, the audio recorder is the most important tool for ensuring accuracy in capturing the interview. In addition, you may or may not want to take notes during the interview.
  • If you are conducting e-mail interviews, format your document using the following guidelines:

    The questions are clearly numbered.
    The language is clear.
    The entire protocol is included.
    Include a way to reach you (e-mail or phone) should the participant have questions.

  • Remember to take notes for your audit trail of your prep work for the interview. As soon as possible, write down everything going through your head when the interview is concluded.


Reach out to one of your classmates to serve as your peer-debriefing partner. Then, describe your recruitment experience, including responses to the following:

  • How hard was it to find people to interview?
  • Which interview format was used: e-mail or other electronic media (social media, text apps), in person, or by phone (including Skype, FaceTime, and WhatsApp)?

    Was this your preference? What was the process of setting the appointment and working out the format?

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  • What did you do to make the interview process go smoothly?

(These answers can be made up please just make it sound really good (Interviewee name : Mia Lee)) 

this must be written in transcript format. 

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