Workflow Models and the Systems Development Life Cycle

Assignment: Workflow Model Analysis (2–3 pages)

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  • Briefly describe the case study you selected.
  • Explain the systems development life cycle present in the case.
  • Describe the workflow model that was used. Explain whether this workflow model is a good fit and why.
  • Explain how the clinical decision support system impacted workflow in the case.
  • Assess the role of the nurse informaticist in the case study and how the role could be beneficial to internal and external customers. (Customers external to health care organizations include patients, patients’ families and visitors, referring physicians, doctors’ offices, blood donors, and third-party payers. Internal customers include nurses, staff physicians and other professionals, students, trainees, employees, departments, and committees.)
  • Recommend an alternative workflow model that could be used in this scenario. Explain how it improves patient safety and/or outcomes. 
  • Support your recommendation by synthesizing and integrating at least two outside resources and two of the provided Resources. 

 Tilley, S. (2020). Systems analysis and design (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.
Chapter 1, “Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design”
Chapter 2, “Analyzing the Business Case” (pp. 45–70)

Eisenstein, E. L., & Butler, K. A. (2015). Health informatics-enabled workflow redesign and evaluation. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 208, 131–136. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-488-6-131

Thompson, C., Kell, C., Shetty, R., & Banerjee, D. (2016). Clinical workflow redesign leveraging informatics improves patient outcomes. Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care, 45(4), 380–381. doi:10.1016/j.hrtlng.2016.05.025

Workflow Models and the Systems Development Life Cycle

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Scenario 3: Belle is a nurse practitioner at an obstetrical office with Dr. Berth. She has noticed some trends in the patients that she sees in the office. While the new mothers’ ages and experience with children vary, the questions seem to be similar. She has noticed that a lack of experience with the pregnancy or childbirth process creates anxiety in the new mothers. She is interested in developing an educational arena in which the women can communicate with each other and receive some medical oversight from Dr. Berth’s office. She wants to develop a workflow model for this process but is unsure how to get started. Ideally, she would like to develop an alternative workflow, just in case the first one does not work out.

Assignment: Workflow Model Analysis (2–3 pages)

· Briefly describe the case study you selected.

· Explain the systems development life cycle present in the case.

· Describe the workflow model that was used. Explain whether this workflow model is a good fit and why.

· Explain how the clinical decision support system impacted workflow in the case.

· Assess the role of the nurse informaticist in the case study and how the role could be beneficial to internal and external customers. (Customers external to health care organizations include patients, patients’ families and visitors, referring physicians, doctors’ offices, blood donors, and third-party payers. Internal customers include nurses, staff physicians and other professionals, students, trainees, employees, departments, and committees.)

· Recommend an alternative workflow model that could be used in this scenario. Explain how it improves patient safety and/or outcomes. 

· Support your recommendation by synthesizing and integrating at least two outside resources and two of the provided Resources. 

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