work 100 assignment

  1. Course: WRK100: Preparing for the Future of Work
    Assignment 3: Skill Development Plan
    Due: Week 9
    Points: 125
    What to submit/deliverables: Word document that contains the Skill Development Plan.
    What is the value of doing this assignment? For the last nine weeks, you‘ve been learning how the 10 Skills are an essential part of being successful in the future world of work. In Assignment 2, you began to reflect on your skills and goals and how the 10 Skills have helped you reach accomplishments. Your understanding of the skills have been refined, and now it‘s time to reflect on your strengths and areas for growth again in order to develop a plan moving forward.
    For this assignment, you‘ll identify three skills that you‘d like to focus on and develop a plan for. As you think of which skills you‘d like to improve upon, consider choosing skills at varying levels. You might, for example, choose a skill that you are already strong in, but would be excited to continue exploring and building upon, as well as a skill that you might have more room for growth in. At the end of the assignment, you‘ll leave with the beginning of a tangible plan for personal and professional development that you can review with the Career Center team.
    Your goal for this assignment is to: Practice your communication skill by using the Skill Development Plan Template to outline a plan for developing skills to support a successful learning experience and career. (See the Skill Development Plan Sample.)
    Steps to complete: In Week 9, complete and submit your Skill Development Plan using the following steps:
    STEP 1: Identify the targeted skill. Summarize your strengths and areas of improvement in this skill area. Then, identify your desired outcomes around this skill area and write a positive goal statement. Complete the following sections of the template: Target Skill, Strengths, Areas of Improvement, Desired Outcome, and Goal Statement.
    STEP 2: Specify the actions you can take to work towards your goals, with specific strategies and practices that you can apply. Identify any potential obstacles and challenges to achieving your goal. Complete the following sections of the template: Practices for Growth, Action Steps, and Potential Obstacles and Challenges.
    STEP 3: Keeping your action plan in mind, identify trusted supporters and university resources that can help you in your skill development plan. Complete the following sections of the template: Key Supporters and Supporting University Resources.
    STEP 4: Reflect on the connections between skill development and your overall personal, academic, and professional goals. Complete the following sections of the template: Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals.
    STEP 5: Complete Steps 1‐4 for the two other skills you have identified.
    STEP 6: Save the template with your completed responses as a Word file titled Your Name, WRK100_Assignment 3 Skill Development Plan and submit in Blackboard in Week 9.
    Assignment 3 Rubric
    See the Help from Professor link on the left menu for assignment overviews and examples.
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Target Skill #1: Specify the skill you are developing this development plan for (e.g., Communication, Technology, Productivity)

Strengths: Describe your strengths in this skill.

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Areas of Improvement: Describe areas of improvement in this skill.

Desired Outcome: Describe your goals around developing this skill during your time at Strayer. Think about what improvement of this skill looks like.

Goal Statement: Write a positive statement that includes your desired outcome and your imagined preferred future after development.

Practices for Growth: Describe 2–3 specific strategies that can be used to develop this skill.

Action Steps:
Describe an action plan around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin working towards your goal. What specific actions are needed to acquire knowledge and build upon your skill?
· Step 1:
· Step 2:
· Step 3:
(Add more steps if necessary.)

Potential Obstacles and Challenges:
What barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal? What challenges do you anticipate?

Key Supporters:
Identify 1–2 individuals you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way and act as trusted supporters. Explain how these supporters will help you meet your goal.
· Supporter 1
· Supporter 2

Supporting University Resources:
Identify 1–2 university resources that can help you meet your goal and explain how. Consider the resources you learned about in the weekly Learn pages, including:
Career Center Resources:



Career Communities


LinkedIn Learning
Other Strayer Resources:
Strayer Mobile

Strayer Technical Support

Get Inspired

SOAR Student Assistance

Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals:
Connect your goals around skills to one larger personal goal, one academic goal, and one professional goal you have. These can be the ones you identified in Assignment 2 or new ones. How will your personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?


Target Skill #1: Specify the skill you are developing this development plan for (e.g., Communication, Technology, Productivity)

Strengths: Describe your strengths in this skill.

Areas of Improvement: Describe areas of improvement in this skill.

Desired Outcome: Describe your goals around developing this skill during your time at Strayer. Think about what improvement of this skill looks like.

Goal Statement: Write a positive statement that includes your desired outcome and your imagined preferred future after development.

Practices for Growth: Describe 2–3 specific strategies that can be used to develop this skill.

Action Steps:
Describe an action plan around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin working towards your goal. What specific actions are needed to acquire knowledge and build upon your skill?
· Step 1:
· Step 2:
· Step 3:
(Add more steps if necessary.)

Potential Obstacles and Challenges:
What barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal? What challenges do you anticipate?

Key Supporters:
Identify 1–2 individuals you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way and act as trusted supporters. Explain how these supporters will help you meet your goal.
· Supporter 1
· Supporter 2

Supporting University Resources:
Identify 1–2 university resources that can help you meet your goal and explain how. Consider the resources you learned about in the weekly Learn pages, including:
Career Center Resources:



Career Communities


LinkedIn Learning
Other Strayer Resources:
Strayer Mobile

Strayer Technical Support

Get Inspired

SOAR Student Assistance

Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals:
Connect your goals around skills to one larger personal goal, one academic goal, and one professional goal you have. These can be the ones you identified in Assignment 2 or new ones. How will your personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?


Target Skill #1: Specify the skill you are developing this development plan for (e.g., Communication, Technology, Productivity)

Strengths: Describe your strengths in this skill.

Areas of Improvement: Describe areas of improvement in this skill.

Desired Outcome: Describe your goals around developing this skill during your time at Strayer. Think about what improvement of this skill looks like.

Goal Statement: Write a positive statement that includes your desired outcome and your imagined preferred future after development.

Practices for Growth: Describe 2–3 specific strategies that can be used to develop this skill.

Action Steps:
Describe an action plan around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin working towards your goal. What specific actions are needed to acquire knowledge and build upon your skill?
· Step 1:
· Step 2:
· Step 3:
(Add more steps if necessary.)

Potential Obstacles and Challenges:
What barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal? What challenges do you anticipate?

Key Supporters:
Identify 1–2 individuals you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way and act as trusted supporters. Explain how these supporters will help you meet your goal.
· Supporter 1
· Supporter 2

Supporting University Resources:
Identify 1–2 university resources that can help you meet your goal and explain how. Consider the resources you learned about in the weekly Learn pages, including:
Career Center Resources:



Career Communities


LinkedIn Learning
Other Strayer Resources:
Strayer Mobile

Strayer Technical Support

Get Inspired

SOAR Student Assistance

Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals:
Connect your goals around skills to one larger personal goal, one academic goal, and one professional goal you have. These can be the ones you identified in Assignment 2 or new ones. How will your personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?

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