women’s rights

For this assignment, you will go to the CSU Online Library and use the Academic Search Complete database to research a topic related to human rights. In addition, once you pick your topic, you may want to do online research to find additional information; however, this is not required.   Here are some examples that that you can use:  prisoner rights,death penalty,poverty, women’s rights, or   LGBT rights.   Research your topic and discover the issues. Describe these in a few paragraphs, starting each new response with the question it addresses:  Where is your topic most relevant in 2017?  Who is most affected by the topic? Apply the sociological perspectives on stratification to explain how social class and stratification affect your topic.   What are some projects in place that will address the problem (suggest one if none exist yet)?  SOC 1010, Introduction to Sociology 6 Why did you choose your topic? How has learning about the topic affected your ideas going into this assignment?Have any of your views changed since learning more about the topic?  You may also use your textbook to pick a different human rights-related topic, if you so choose.   Your response must be a minimum of two pages in length, answering the questions above. Use appropriate APA style and in-text citations and references.  Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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