WK 5 Dis Response 1

Contrast the chosen ankle motion from step two below. Determine whether this motion or activity, chosen by your peers, could lead to injury.  What precautions could be taken to minimize the risk for injury? must be a minimum of 100 words.Briefly discuss the functions of our hips, knees, ankles, and feet. ·       HIPS: The hips add stability to the human body in a centralized location. The functions of the hips include bearing the weight of the proximal half of the body and aiding the lower extremities with walking.·       KNEES: The knees are the largest joints in our body and aid in the swinging of the lower extremities during walking and running. The knees bare a majority of our body weight.·       ANKLES: Our ankles are responsible for both dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the foot. They propel the body forward while walking and act as an absorber of impact or shock.·       FEET: Our feet provide a base of balance for posture. They also propel the body forward during walking or running/jumping.Select one of the ankle motions, as outlined in your text (Chapter 20, p. 304) and describe a movement or activity requiring this specific motion.Plantar Flexion is movement toward the plantar surface of the foot. Jumping rope requires repetitive and rapid plantar flexion.Analyze the anatomical relationship between the ankle and foot for this particular movement or activity.The ankle and foot both have a high workload when jumping rope. The ankle is absorbing the frequent impact with the ground through the heel followed immediately by transferring motion through the foot by the use of plantar flexion. The foot is the final extensor body part propelling the body off the ground for the next jump over the rope.Select two common ankle or foot pathologies and determine which movement or activity could be the cause for these injuries.  ·       Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain in people of all ages. Activities that can cause this injury include long distance running, ballet dancing, and occupations requiring a lot of standing or walking.·       Anterior Talofibular Ligament sprain is one of the most common ankle sprains. Activities that could cause this injury are twisting, turning, and rolling of the foot

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