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Ashlee Spegal

6:34 PM

Employee engagement is the successful integration of individuals in a corporation to feel like a family instead of just co-workers. Having employees who are positively engaged in their work environment result in individuals who are willing to continuously go above and beyond for their employers because they know that they will always be considered in the tough decisions. One company that I have studied that has positive employee engagement is that of Coca-Cola. They have employee incentive programs which include amazing health and dental policies, education assistance and even paid vacation time that doubles in comparison to other companies out there. This can be attributed to the sheer size of the company. Being able to maintain their outstanding service to not just their customers but their employees as well has been a high priority for this organization.

“Their vision includes: embracing internal diversity, increasing employee system knowledge, and encouraging associates to ‘act like owners’ as proud ambassadors of the Coca-Cola brand. Associates are rewarded for problem solving and risk taking, engaging in creativity and fun” (Wilson, K., 2015).

Coca-Cola’s employee engagement strategies has been highly valued over the years and their people are put in the top categories of priorities for the company. They feel that these individuals should be the best of who they can be, not only to profit for the company, but to also profit for their own individual selves.

Wilson, K. (2015).  Unbottling Coca-Cola’s employee engagement strategies. https://smbp.uwaterloo.ca/2015/02/unbottling-coca-colas-employee-engagement-strategies/

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