Wk 1 – Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerability Assessment


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Part A:

Select an organization you wish to explore and use throughout the course.

As you make your selection, keep in mind that you will explore the following roles in the organization: Cyber Security Threat Analyst, Penetration Tester, Cyber Security Engineer, Risk Management Analyst, and Software Engineer. You need sufficient knowledge of the organization you select to complete these security assignments.

Part B:

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A Cyber Security Threat Analyst conducts analysis, digital forensics, and targeting to identify, monitor, assess, and counter cyber-attack threats against information systems, critical infrastructure, and cyber-related interests.

Take on the role of a Cyber Security Threat Analyst for the organization you select. Use the 

Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerability Assessment Template

 to create a 3- to 4-page assessment document.

Research and include the following:

  • Tangible assets:
  • Include an assessment scope. The scope must include virtualization, cloud, database, network, mobile, and information system.
  • Asset descriptions:
  • Include a system model, A diagram and descriptions of each asset included in the assessment scope, and existing countermeasures already in place. (Microsoft® Visio® or Lucidhart®)
  • Threat agents and possible attacks
  • Exploitable vulnerabilities
  • Threat history
  • Evaluation of threats or impact of threats on the business
  • A prioritized list of identified risks
  • Countermeasures to reduce threat

Note: The page assignment length requirement applies to the content of the assignment. Start the assignment with an APA formatted title page and add a reference section with at least two professional references. Use the references in the text of the assignment. For assignments that require use of the template, insert the completed template into the APA document. Delete the assignment instructions from the document. This will improve the originality score from Safe Assign. Make sure to check the SafeAssign originality score. 

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