Williams BBA 2301 ASSIGNMNENT 7

Creating Your Personal Budget

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For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned in this unit to a small business. To get the business’s finances under control, you need to prepare a budget. You may consider items from your personal finances and cash flow to help you identify possible expense items for the small business budget. Research the CSU Online Library or the Internet for steps to creating a personal budget.

Monthly expenses might include rent, utility costs, personal loans, car loans, credit cards, groceries, childcare, vehicle maintenance costs and insurance, phone charges, and cable or streaming costs. Cash flow considerations might include monthly salaries, commissions, and allowances.

You can use any budget format that you are comfortable with, or you may select a free template. Your budget should be completed using Excel. Once you have completed your budget, in a separate Word document, address the information below.

· How can the use of the budget be used in the planning process?

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· How can this financial information influence short-term and long-term decisions?

· Based on your personal budget, what are your static expenses? What are your flexible expenses?

· As an accountant, reflect on how you can use what you have learned in this activity in the workplace.

Your submission should include one Excel document, which contains your budget, and a one-page Word document, which contains your responses to the prompts above. You should include at least two resources to support your responses. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

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