Who can help me with writing this Essay: on Love for God, Self Love, and/or Love for Another as a Heroic Journey

must follow exact … due on friday 11/ 27.. guidelines attached 

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Topic: Love for God, Self Love, and/or Love for Another as a Heroic Journey

This paper is a reflection paper (not a research paper). NOTE: you are welcome to write this midterm paper only about love for God as a heroic journey, only about self-love as a heroic journey, or only about love for another as a heroic journey. Alternatively, you may decide to write this midterm paper about any combination of these three types of love as a heroic journey. Additionally, it is helpful for you to decide whether or not you are doing to write this paper about your own heroic experiences of love or about someone else’s, such as your ancestor, role model, favorite book or movie character, hero or heroine, and the like.

Joseph Campbell is the world’s renowned mythologist who offered us Heroic Journey as an insight into the universal cycle of human growth, development, renewal, discovery, problem solving, change, transformation, and restoration. The Heroic Journey can be observed in every myth, fairy tale, and/or love story you have ever heard, in every book you have ever read, and in every film you have ever watched. The Heroic Journey consists of 3 basic steps: (1) SEPARATION from the ordinary world as we know it; (2) INITIATION into the unknown, challenging world; and (3) RETURN to our ordinary reality with the boon, which is a gift to ourselves and others that must be properly rendered to the society.

For midterm paper, making use of the relevant course resources and also of your own research, please compose a 2-3-page paper (typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, font 12, please add cover page) on the topic Love for God, Self Love, and/or Love for Another as a Heroic Journey. Please follow this format for this paper: (1) Introduction (a paragraph or two; it ends with a purpose statement, which states the purpose of your paper); (2) Body (clearly describes every aspect of the purpose statement); and (3) Conclusion (a paragraph or two). Please include at least 2 references. Be creative in expressing your phenomenological truth!

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