Who can do this detailed outline for a research paper on Job Satisfaction in your organization?


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Create a detailed outline for your research paper. The detailed outline should have an outline for the following:

  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Findings
  • Recommendations
  • Conclusion

Make sure that you map the references from the annotated bibliography to the sections. It is expected that each section will be about half page to a page.

This assignment needs to follow APA guidelines. Remember to put all your references and citations in appropriate APA format.

* See attached the Annotated Bib with references and sample outline template for research paper.

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Job Satisfaction Annotated Bibliography

Demarious Franklin

American Public University

COURSE: MGMT601: Organizational Behavior

Dr. Johnson


Job Satisfaction Annotated Bibliography
Hyung-Woo Lee1 , Peter J. Robertson2, and Kitai Kim1 (2019).Determinants of Job Satisfaction Among U.S. Federal Employees: An Investigation of Racial and Gender Differences. Public Personnel Management 2020, Vol. 49(3) 336 –366.https://doi.org/10.1177/0091026019869371

The study by Hyung-Wool, Peter & Kitai (2019), aimed to determine the job satisfaction between male and female and minority employees in the U.S federal governments. The results of their findings showed there were differences among these groups in terms of strongest impact on satisfaction. Men were given higher priority to female in recognition of their good work. There was evidence of intersectionality where pay satisfaction and diversity management was important for the female.

Hyung-Woo Lee1 (2019).A Career Stage Analysis of the U.S. Federal Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention: A Comprehensive Overview. Review of Public Personnel Administration 2020, Vol. 40(4) 717 –742.https://doi.org/10.1177/0734371X19856082

Hyung-woo (2019) conducted research to determine how job satisfaction determinants and turnover intentions differ among employees career stages. This was done using U.S federal agencies. The findings of research showed that the career stage difference is linear and career stages impact is minimal when it comes to job satisfaction.

This is essential for my research for it help to understand the job satisfaction determinants. They enable understanding patterns of various career stages.

Mary A. (2019).Employability, well-being and job satisfaction following a job loss.Gowan Department of Management, Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, Elon University, Elon, North Carolina, USA

Mary (2019) conducted a research to determine changes in psychological well-being over time for individuals that experienced career disruptions, and relationship between employability and job satisfaction. The study findings were that there are negative psychological impact on job loss and drops over time together with employability and job satisfaction.

The study is of importance to the study for it provides information on social implications, employability and the job satisfaction.

Andrew K. Tao1 and Jesse W. Campbell (2019).Veterans and Job Satisfaction in the U.S. Federal Government: The Importance of Role Clarity in the First Years of Civilian Employment.Public Personnel Management 2020, Vol. 49(4) 508 –531.https://doi.org/10.1177/0091026019878210

Andrew & Jesse (2019). Conducted a research to determine the importance of clarity of roles in the first years when one is employed. They based their research on the fact that veterans normally face plenty of challenges adjusting to employments due to poor role identification. The findings of research showed that poor role identification causes poor job satisfaction

The study is of significance to my research in that it provides literature on the factors that causes job satisfaction.

Vandershuere, M. (2019).Can Diversity Management Improve Job Satisfaction for Military Veterans in the Federal Government? American Review of Public Administration 2019, Vol. 49(1) 116 –127 https://doi.org/10.1177/0275074018783005).sagepub.com/journals-permissions DOI: 10.1177/0275074018783005

Vandershuere (2019) conducted a research to determine if the diversity management can improve job satisfaction among veterans. The study points out the fact that veterans are having a difficult time to engage in federal work after military. Failure to integrate increases their job dissatisfaction.

The article is important in research in that it provides the source of identity and values which are associated with job satisfaction and help to explain how it affects their performance.

Sungjoo Choi (2012).Demographic Diversity of Managers and Employee Job Satisfaction: Empirical Analysis of the Federal Case. Review of Public Personnel Administration 33(3) 275 –298.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0734371X12453054rop.sagepub.com

Choi (2012) conducted a research to determine the demographic diversity of managers and employees job satisfaction. The findings of study showed that higher number of the racial/ethnic minorities is negatively related to employee job satisfaction.

The study is of significance to the project in that it provides information on impacts of diversity on job satisfaction and how other factors such as managerial diversity affects job satisfaction.

C. Beau Nelson, Kara Zivin, Heather Walters, et al., (2015) Factors Associated With Civilian Employment, Work Satisfaction, and Performance among National Guard Members. Psychiatric Services 2015; 66:1318–1325; doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.201400334

Beau et al., (2015) conducted a research to determine factors that are associated with work satisfaction and performance among the National Guard Members. The findings of the research shows that higher alcohol use was linked to reduced odds of employment and ones with less work satisfaction. Social resources affected individual work satisfaction and performance.

The study is of essence in that it helps to determine how social factors are linked to the job satisfaction and how social resources affect performance.

William, B & Russel, C. (2015). Good acting requires a good cast: A meso-level model of deep acting in work teams Journal of Organizational Behavior, J. Organiz. Behav. 36, 232–249 (2015) Published online 23 October 2014 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/job.1978

William & Russel (2015) came up with the idea that a meso-level model of deep acting n work teams. It states that when a team has convergence, deep acting by individual members should be related to lower emotional exhaustion. The article is of great significance in that it will help to offer explanation on the emotional impact of job satisfaction.

Helfrich, Dean Blevins et al., (2011). Predicting implementation from organizational readiness for change: a study protocol Christian. licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (



Helfrich et al., (2011). Conducted a research to determine implementation from organization readiness for change. In their study there was huge interest in measuring organizational readiness to adopt evidence based practice for clinical care. This study is of great significance in that change is one of the factors that influence job satisfaction. It provides a good source for literature on job satisfaction.

Bakotic, D. (2016). Relationship between job satisfaction and organizational performance.


Bakotic (2016) studied the link between job satisfaction and organizational performance. The detailed analysis of the study showed a connection between organizational performance and job satisfaction. The study also found that satisfied individual individuals perform at work.

The study hugely contributes to the research. It provides a good link between job satisfaction and organizational performance.

Maulabakshs R, & Raziq A. (2015). Impact of working environment on job satisfaction. Science Direct.


Maulabakshs & Razia (2015). Conducted a research to determine the impact of working environment on job satisfaction. It identifies the inability of the employees to cope changing environment. The findings identified positive relationships and employee job satisfaction.

The article is of great significance to research in that it provides a good link to the study. It provides information on how employees are motivated at work.




Title of Paper in Bold Centered

Student Name

American Public University

COURSE####: Course Title

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Due Date

Repeat the Title – Level 1 Header

Hit the tab key one time to begin the main body of the paper. The paragraphs of the main document are indented. The computer will wrap your text for you based upon the margin settings established by this document template. It is not necessary for you to hit the Enter or return key at the end of a line of text. Only hit the enter key (one time) when you reach the end of a paragraph.

Then hit the tab key to indent and then continue typing the paper. In APA any source that you use in your paper must have an in-text citation. In APA these citations include the author’s last name and the year of the publication in parentheses (Name, Year).

Level 2 Header use: Flush Left, Bold, Title Case Heading

Sub-section your essay using sub-headers in the same sequence you introduced your topic in your lead paragraph, your thesis.

Level 3 Header use: Flush Left, Bold Italic, Title Case Heading

The more lengthy or complex your essay, the potential for using additional Level Headers; notice the subtle difference. One tip for any submission, always double-check the font choice is consistent throughout the essay.


Begin to summarize the main points of your topic in three to five sentences. The conclusion of your paper should re-phrase the points of what your reader should be left remembering, nothing new, concise and to the point.


Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except Proper Nouns or: First word after colon. The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol#(Issue#), Page numbers.

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