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Stereotype Threats

For this assignment, you will write a paper of 5–6 pages (excluding the cover page and references list) that compiles the content from your first two assignments and includes a final section that addresses the topic of stereotype threat.

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You will be expected to complete the following:

  • Compile knowledge of your own racial, ethnic, and cultural identity: 

    Summarize your own race, ethnicity, cultural influences, traditions, beliefs, and values.
    Align description of your racial, ethnic, and cultural identity with the racial and cultural identity theory and support this discussion with two scholarly references.
    Compare and contrast your findings from taking various cultural competency assessment scales and tools. Refer to the scales and tools and summarize your current level of cultural competence.

  • Compile knowledge of your selected disenfranchised racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural group: 

    Summarize your understanding of microaggressions faced by the disenfranchised racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural group.
    Align your description of microaggression encountered by the disenfranchised racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural group with at least two scholarly references.
    Summarize three strategies or therapeutic interventions to counter the identified microaggressions and support discussion with two scholarly references.

  • Identify the type of stereotype threat your own racial, ethnic, or cultural group might face. Support discussion with at least one scholarly reference. 

    Compare and contrast the stereotype threat of the two groups referred to above.
    Given your racial, ethnic, or cultural identity, develop a culturally competent response to stereotype threat for your chosen disenfranchised racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural group. Consider issues of countertransference, cultural sensitivity, imbalance of power between client and worker, and so on. 

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    Note assumptions may your client make about you.
    Identify a culturally competent response.
    Support your discussion of cultural competence with at least two scholarly references.

Assignment Requirements

  • Include a cover page, page numbers, and a running head.
  • It is acceptable to write in the first person for this assignment.
  • Cite at least 10 sources.
  • Use current APA style and formatting, particularly for citations and references.


  • Stereotype Threats Scoring Guide.
  • Capella Writing Center.
  • APA Style and Format.
  • Capella University Library.

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