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Case Study

John Doe a friend of yours wishes to open a small business to sell fishing bait and tackle. He will sell mainly artificial lures and plastic baits along with some live bait including minnows and shiners. He wishes to operate out of a metal building next to his house in a nice residential area. He is thinking of using a wireless LAN to connect his four PCs.

Based on what you have learned from your readings and research into areas of cloud-based networking and telecommunications, prepare a four-page paper on what problems he is likely to run into explaining each followed up with recommended solutions. In addition, conclude your paper with a designed network diagram that you suggest in helping John Doe with his case. The diagram should represent any PC workstations, phones, home servers, switches, routers, the internet, and beyond the internet to use any cloud-based services.

Important Note: It is highly recommended that in areas of computer and information technology you should have access to drawing software. These software packages may include

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Microsoft Visio


Smart Draw

. In the short term, Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, and 2013 includes SmartArt tools which can be useful to prepare diagrams.

Microsoft Visio
Smart Draw


General Paper Requirements:

  • Paper will need to include an APA cover page.
  • Paper will need to include a 100 to 150 word abstract.
  • Paper will need to be a minimum of 2,000 words not      including the cover page, abstract, and reference page.
  • Paper will need to be supported with a minimum of three      academic resources, one of which can be the textbook.
  • Paper will include any diagrams embedded or pasted into      the document as instructed.

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