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“Data Management”  Please respond to the following:

Data governance involves the supervision, monitoring, and control  of an organization’s data assets. Its main concerns are data quality,  appropriateness, and cost-effectiveness of the controls. It is difficult  because organizations typically have a lot of old data, which is of  unknown quality.

  • Imagine that you must collect and assess the quality and  appropriateness of data held by a large, multi-national organization.  What steps you would take? Include how you would address network,  security, and ethical considerations when deciding what data to collect  from the company.
  • This is not a job you can do on your own! Explain the kinds of  support you’ll need and how you will obtain resources and cooperation.


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   “CyberSecurity and Risk Management” Please respond to the following: 

  • Identify one cyberattack that occurred in the last 2 years. What  caused the cyberattack?
  • How did the cyberattack impact data loss, financial loss, cleanup cost, and the loss of reputation?
  • If you were the manager of this company, what are some key steps  you would have taken to prevent cyberattacks and enhance cyber  security?
  • Recommend information that should be in the cloud and describe  which information should not be in the cloud. Be sure to include in your  recommendation your thoughts on preventing cyberattacks, addressing  security concerns, or strengthening network infrastructure.

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