Weekly Writing Assignment of MKTG 430


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To fully understand the customer, one must listen closely and acknowledge every response.

Active listening is the process of sending back to the prospect what you as a listener think the person meant, both in terms of content and feelings.

Active-listening skills can be learned by any salesperson willing to make the commitment.

Use the following three practices:

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• Focus  your full attention

• Paraphrase the customer’s meaning

• Take note

Q1. In today’s world of 24/7 constant digital contact, we often time struggle to focus our attention. What are your struggles in paying attention and having that ability to listen closely? 

Q.2 What actions could you take to improve your ability to focus attention and listen actively?


To fully understand the customer, one must listen closely and acknowledge every response.

Active listening is the process of sending back to the prospect what you as a listener think the person meant, both in terms of content and feelings.

Active-listening skills can be learned by any salesperson willing to make the commitment.

Use the following three practices:

· Focus your full attention

· Paraphrase the customer’s meaning

· Take note



. In today’s world of 24/7 constant digital contact, we often time struggle to focus our attention. What are your struggles in paying attention and having that ability to listen closely?

Q.2 What actions could you take to improve your ability to focus attention and listen actively?


Reminders and Announcements
Exam 2 due, Group Formation details due by 2/24
Class Assignment 3 on Wednesday on Active-listening skills
Presentation 1 Review & Comments next Monday
Presentation 2 Details Revisited
Lecture Review : Chapter 10
Lecture: Chapter 11
Video Presentation
Individual Presentations (last one!)

Wk Topic/Lecture Class Activities Lecture
7 M 2/17 Consultative Sales Presentation Lecture Review
Role-Play/Video Presentation Chapter 11
  W 2/19   ON-LINE (Class Assignment 3)  
8 M 2/24 Creating Value with Sales Demonstration Lecture Review/Video Case
Class Exercises Chapter 12
  W 2/26 Negotiating Buyer Concerns ON-LINE (Class Quiz 3) Chapter 13
9 M 3/2 Confirming Partnership Lecture Review/Video Presentation Chapter 14
  W 3/4   Presentation 2 preparations  
10 M 3/9   Presentation 2
  W 3/11 Exam 3 ON-LINE (Exam 3)  
11 M 3/16   Presentation 2  


Name of student Mon 2/17
Rodriguez,Amber Jeanice
Mou, Zheng



The presentation topic you choose will be an actual group (business to business (B2B) sale presentation at the end of the academic term.
Form yourself into a group of 5 students. Decide on a particular selling organization and then plan to make a sales presentation based on their products/services.
Make sure the company you choose for your sale presentation are into professional selling (have personal selling practices)
Do your research and learn about their personal selling practices.
Presentation Team listing/choice of selling organization is to be submitted to your professor by Monday 2/24.


Students must prepare a 15-20 minutes sales presentation based on a chosen product or service from a personal selling organization of their choice. Students are encouraged to apply as much as possible the approaches, strategies and techniques taught in the course.
The effective sales presentation is built with a strategic plan. Every step of the sale, from the approach to servicing the sale, is carefully planned in advance.
This presentation will account for 10 percent of your final grade. Your team will be notified on your presentation schedule by your professor.

Students preparing for our final sales presentation –
You should assume the audience (the class) to be a prospective organizations who are invited to listen to your sales pitch.
You must let your professor know some pre-sales presentation information and assumptions for role-playing purposed which will be carried out during your presentation.
Type and Profile of corporate buyer/s in the audience for role playing
Location and setting of presentation for role playing
Any assumptions for role playing
You must include price details in your presentation and perform the demo
Be prepared to negotiate/handle any sale objections, concerns, resistance

Each team will be allowed up to 20 minutes for their sale presentation.
Expect 15-20 minutes of Q & A, comments. Be prepared to negotiate/handle any sale objections, concerns, resistance, difficult customers and challenging selling circumstances.
You must make a sale to get a good grade. This presentation will account for 10 percent of your final grade.

You must let me know some pre-sales presentation information & Assumptions :-
Type and Profile of buyer/s
Location and setting of presentation
– Don’t forget price details in your presentation
– Remember the demo
– Be prepared to negotiate/handle any sale
objections, concerns, resistance

Presentation Team members listing/choice of selling organization is to be submitted to your professor by Monday 2/24.
Make sure you pick a company that is professional selling (have personal selling practices)
Avoid alcoholic beverages-related selling organizations

Lean, Melissa, Nic, Fabiola, Abdulaziz, Norma

LA Fitness
Brandon, Nawaf, Omar, Michael, Aimme, Nicole, Van

Victoria, Paige, Taylor, Natalie, Ryan, Hera, LIsa

Students must make a actual sales presentation –
You should assume the audience (the class) to be a prospect / potential buyer.
Business to Business selling better
Ensure there are negotiation opportunities
Role-playing important
Do all you can to get that sale!

Chapter 10

The presentation strategy is a plan that includes three prescriptions:
Establishing objectives
Developing presale presentation plan to meet objectives
Renewing one’s commitment to outstanding customer service
(Essentially it is about how do you plan on presenting effectively to your prospect, BEFORE, DURING & AFTER your meeting/s with your prospect, the approach)

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Learning Objective 5—The fifth learning objective is to describe the six main parts of the presentation plan.
Once you have established objectives for the sales presentation, the next step (prescription) involves developing the presentation plan.
Preparing a customized sales presentation can take a great deal of time and energy.
However, it is worth the time since the attention to detail gives you added confidence and helps you avoid delivering unconvincing hit-or-miss sales presentations.
The plan is developed after a careful study of the six-step presentation plan as shown in Figure 10.3.
Each step of this plan is explained in Chapters 10–15. This chapter will next focus on step one: approach.
Please note that although these steps are standard steps and have been for quite some time, the salespeople must remember that the presentation must be adapted to each specific prospect and situation.

Pre-Approach and Approach activities
Ways to effectively approach the customer and begin to discover their needs, from social to business
7 ways to convert the prospect’s attention and arouse interest (Agenda, Product demo, Referral, Customer Benefit, Question, Survey and Premium approaches)

(1) Capturing Attention & Interest

Non-Verbal Communication Skills
– sending & understanding non-verbal messages
– eye contact
– voice tone/pitch
– gestures
– facial expressions (e.g. a smile)
– body expressions & movement
– distance
Emotional Management
(managing own feelings/emotions)
– e.g. managing nervousness
– e.g. projecting confidence -> trust
Relationship Management
(connecting with others)
– Hints of empathy and sincerity (platinum rule)
– Adaptability (style flexing)
– Product Knowledge and Expertise
– Being Personal, Story-telling
– Enthusiasm, Humor
– Clarity, Conversational
– Friendliness


Professor Tan’s ideas


Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Learning Objective 5—The fifth learning objective is to describe the six main parts of the presentation plan.
Once you have established objectives for the sales presentation, the next step (prescription) involves developing the presentation plan.
Preparing a customized sales presentation can take a great deal of time and energy.
However, it is worth the time since the attention to detail gives you added confidence and helps you avoid delivering unconvincing hit-or-miss sales presentations.
The plan is developed after a careful study of the six-step presentation plan as shown in Figure 10.3.
Each step of this plan is explained in Chapters 10–15. This chapter will next focus on step one: approach.
Please note that although these steps are standard steps and have been for quite some time, the salespeople must remember that the presentation must be adapted to each specific prospect and situation.

Chapter 11 – Consultative Sales Presentation
Questions, Questions, Questions

Chapter 11 (18 minutes)

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