Week9 health project 430

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Cultural Competency Training & Reflection (CO #1-3)

Description: You will explore, identify, and complete an online free training about cultural

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competency in health care (video, assessment, model, toolkit, or other educational activity).

After completion, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that 1) Describes the training

activity including its source, purpose, and time required 2) Explains why you believe the activity

is valuable in diversity and cultural competence training in health care and 3) how you believe

the activity could be used to train others in professional contexts. 50 points.


1. Search the Internet for a training (preferably free, please) that specifically addresses

health disparities, diversity, or cultural competence in health care. The training will

ideally provide a certificate of completion or even CEU’s. You may add this training to

your resume, if possible.

An example online training that would be ideal for this project is located here.


*You may not use this particular training (pasted above), however others are provided on

the same site.

*Do not email your professor and complain that you cannot find an appropriate training.

For years, students prior to you have found trainings to complete. Typically, if you are

having trouble finding something, it is because a lack of time was investing in searching

or because the student did not use different search terms to find what they want. You can

contact the library (online) to request help searching.

2. Once you have found a training that meets the characteristics above, please complete it

fully and obtain your certificate and CEU’s (if those are offered).

3. Next, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that:

a. Description: Describes the training activity (1-2 slides) including goals or

objectives (paraphrase this…do not copy and paste from the website).

b. Details: Source, purpose, and time required (1 slide)

c. Appropriate Audience: Who the training is appropriate for (professions targeted,

specific cultural issues, etc). In other words, who would best benefit from

completing this training? (1-2


d. Value: Explains why the training is valuable in diversity and cultural competence

training in health care (1-2 slides)

e. Learning Points: Major points you learned (paraphrase these) (3-4 slides)

f. Insights: How the training helped you become more culturally aware of the

effects of culture on health beliefs and practices of underrepresented groups (2-3


g. Application to Career: How you believe the training info should be used in your

future (or current) career field. In other words, you learned info in the training, so



how can that info be integrated into your professional field and professional role?

In this section, you may include specific strategies (based on the training info) to

enhance professionals’ abilities to provide culturally competent care. (2-3 slides)

h. Reflection: Include a personal reflection about the training content (2-3 slides).

Your personal reflection can be bullet pointed, of course. You can include

reflections about how you responded to the training, opinions about it,

positives/negatives (about the training itself, content, etc), feelings you noticed

emerge in you, memories from past experiences, etc. This is a section that is

more determined by you and your personal response to the training and reflection

about what that means about you, and of course the training.

i. Conclusion: This slide should simply provide bullet points about the content of

your presentation. (1-2 slides)

Make sure to label each slide with the same section labels bolded above or

points will be taken off. In other words, label each slide the same as the

labels above.

TRAINX Criterion Description Points Possible

Training is appropriate

for the assignment.

Training is clearly related to

cultural competency,

diversity, and health care



PowerPoint Presentation

Section A Description: 3 pts

Section B Source: 3 pts

Section C Appropriateness:

4 pts

Section D Value: 4 pts

Section E Major points: 5


Section F Helpfulness: 4 pts

Section G Future Use: 5 pts

Section H Reflection: 4 pts

Section I Conclusion: 3 pts

Section A Description: 3 pts
Section B Source: 3 pts

Section C Appropriateness: 4

Section D Value: 4 pts

Section E Major points: 5 pts

Section F Helpfulness: 4 pts
Section G Future Use: 5 pts

Section H Reflection: 4 pts

Section I Conclusion: 3 pts

Certificate of completion

and formatting

*Is uploaded to Blackboard.

*Includes your name and

completion of training.

*Section labels used as


10 pts

Technical Writing *Coherent and organized


*Writing has no

misspellings or grammatical


0. You will have points

deducted for writing

problems. If you submit an

assignment that contains more

than 7 writing errors, it will be

returned and you will be

required to fix the entire

* Student demonstrates full

knowledge of the material.

document, which must be

resubmitted within one week.

There will be a 15% penalty

for this.

By Student Name

Goals and Objectives of this course:

 Inform emergency care providers of issues relating to cultural
competency in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.

Promote self-awareness about attitudes, beliefs, biases, and
behaviors that may influence disaster services provided.

 Enhance skills of culturally competent care in disaster situations.

 Source:

 Purpose: General medical education-Cultural competency of the first responder
during natural or man-made disasters.

 Time required: Approximately 2.5 Hours

Lunden Burnett

has participated in the online educational activity titled

Cultural Competency Curriculum for Disaster
Preparedness and Crisis Response

Activity Title Credit Hours Date Completed
(i) Course 1 2.25 10/16/2019

Brian Mozelak 10/16/2019
Director, Continuing Medical Education
Ciné-Med Inc.

 Emergency medical personnel

 First responders

 Psychologists

 Psychiatrists

 Social workers

 Dentists

 Anyone assisting in disaster rescue efforts

 This training is valuable to all health care professionals and first
responders because emergencies can happen at any time in our field
of work.

 Health care providers need to know how to serve and protect all
American citizens, not just the ones we can understand.

 Health care professionals must educate themselves to avoid
situations where care is delayed due to a language or other cultural

Five Elements of Cultural Competence:

1. Awareness and Acceptance of Difference

Organizations and communities are made stronger when
they accept individuals from different backgrounds.

Different insights, beliefs and points of view make for a
stronger and more prepared community.

2. Awareness of Own Cultural Values

The health care professional should take a cultural self-
assessment to become aware of their own biases and cultural

3. Understanding Dynamics of Difference

There are many different ways cultures express and interpret
information. When people from different cultures interact,
misunderstanding is inevitable. Health care providers must
be patient and respectful during these times.

4. Development of Cultural Knowledge

It is important to teach yourself about different cultures
in the community you serve in order to effectively help
them in a time of need.

5. Ability to Adapt Activities to Fit Into
Different Cultural Contexts

This involves adapting health care/communities to fit all
cultural differences and languages. An example of this
would be to ensure a trained interpreter is on call and
available 24/7.

National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS),
also known as the National CLAS Standards:

 These standards are in place to advance health equity, improve health quality, and
help put and end to health disparities that exist today.

 These standards provide steps for providers and organizations to ensure the delivery
of culturally competent care.

 This training made me more culturally aware by helping me realize
how underserved minority cultures actually are. It’s not fair how they
are underserved in disaster emergencies just because of language

 It’s up to us health care and emergency professionals to educate
ourselves on the cultural differences and provide the needed
resources so we can better serve all people in emergencies.

Findings from the U.S. Census Bureau on hhs.gov:

 “According to the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau, racial and ethnic minorities
comprise over one-third of the U.S. population”.

 “Projections also showed minorities comprising more than 50 percent
of the U.S. population by the year 2050”.

 This information that the training provided really opened my eyes to
how much of our population speaks another language other than
English and they all need to be accounted for to be able to receive
the same quality care as anyone else.

 It’s important in my career working in the hospital to know the
difference between and how to incorporate translators and
interpreters to better communicate with patients and/or their
families who speak different languages in order to provide the
best quality care.

 In the hospital I will come across many different cultures,
sometimes in emergent situations and I will need to know how to
communicate with my patients and their families.

 While a natural disaster is not likely to happen at my work, it’s
always good for any health care professional, from any scope of
practice, to know how to treat a wide variety of populations and

 It could be a matter of life or death and it’s our duty to serve and
protect the people.

 Negative: I felt the training was very long for just one course. It took
me about 2 and a half hours to complete the pretest, go through the
course content, answer questions after the content, complete the post
test, and then the evaluation before I could get my certificate.

 Positive: I learned about strategies to better serve the 1/3 of the
population who is underserved in disaster situations.

 Positive: This training made me very self aware of how culturally
competent I actually am without even realizing it. I realized that I care
for all my patients with a very open mind regardless of what their
race/ethnicity is. I have the mindset that every person that crosses
your path has the potential to teach you something new.

 This training included an example of first responders responding to a
house call about an unresponsive infant. They encountered several
difficulties communicating with the parents when they arrived, which
ended up delaying the care for the infant, and they were unable to
comfort the mother as the infant passed away at home while waiting
for help to arrive. They felt completely helpless in their duties. This
incidence must have haunted them forever.

 This is a perfect example of why we must have the proper resources
in place to prevent these terrible situations from happening.

 A similar situation happened to me at my work, though not as severe,
as the child didn’t die. There was a Japanese family admitted to our
unit, and the child was very sick and seemed to only be getting
worse. The family didn’t speak any English, and our team that was
working on her didn’t know how to explain to them that we might
have to put a tube down her throat to help her breathe. It was a very
daunting situation to be a part of on our end, I can’t even imagine
being on the family’s end.

 By increasing individual and organizational cultural competence,
more members of our community can receive access to vital
messages, services and safety.

 The ability to prepare, respond, and recover from a disaster and
being able to reach as many members of the population as possible
is essential in order to save time, resources, and lives.

United States Department of Health and Human Services – Office of Minority Health.
(n.d.). Retrieved from

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