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Before you begin the following exercises, select either the hard drive or removable disk drive where you will save all your Word files. Select the New Folder button then key [your name]-Wk5. (Example of folder name: John Smith-Wk5)

When you create the data sources (records), you will actually be using the Microsoft Access program. Once all the data sources (records) are completed and you select OK, you are then prompted to save the data source. YOU MUST BE CERTAIN TO SELECT THE WEEK 5 FOLDER to save the data sources (records). If you do not save the data sources in the folder then when you upload the form letter and merged documents, I will not be able to view the data source and form letter. The data sources (records) must be included in order for me to grade the merged documents. FYI: you may use the Excel program for the data sources if you do not have the Access program in the Microsoft suite.

You will save the exercises in the Lesson folder. When all exercises are completed, you will need to ZIP the folder in order to submit it. Be certain to upload Wk5 folder.

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Complete the following Exercises:

•  Watch the Youtube video: Create a Document Based Upon a Template,

Assignment: Create a Document in Word using the “Disclosure Letter” found in the Chapter 5 Student Data Files. 

•  Watch: How to:

Create an Envelope, 

Assignment: Create envelopes using the names and addresses found under “Cavalli PHRE Current and Potential Clients” also located in the Student Data Files

• Watch: How to: Add an Envelope to a Document, 


Assignment: Add the envelopes into the Disclosure Letter that you created.

•  Watch: How to: Set Label Options,


•  Watch: How to: Create Individual Labels and Create a Full Page of the Same Label, 


Assignment: Create the two different types of labels as discussed in the youtube video for the disclosure letter that you created.

•  Watch: How to:

Start the Mail Merge, Create a New Recipient List for Mail Merge, Use an Existing List for Mail Merge, Select from Outlook Contacts for Mail Merge, Edit Recipient List for Mail Merge, Insert Merge Fields into the Main Document


When you’ve completed the above-mentioned assigments, save them in a zipped folder and upload them into the Homework Upload tab.

Word_Chapter_5_Student_Data_Files_complete/Agenda-05 x
[Meeting Title]
[Click to select date]
[Start Time] – [End Time]
Meeting called by [Facilitator Name]


[Attendee Names]

Please read:

[Reading List]

Please bring:

[Supply List]

[Start Time] – [End Time]

Continental Breakfast
[Topic] [Speaker]

[Start Time] – [End Time]

[Topic] [Topic]

[Start Time] – [End Time]

[Topic] [Topic]

[Start Time] – [End Time]

[Topic] [Topic]

Additional Instructions:
[Use this section for additional instructions, comments, or directions.]

Word_Chapter_5_Student_Data_Files_complete/BusinessCards-05 x


First Last Address City State Zip ReturnDate Title

Bob Lingle 1850 Stoneridge Court Cameron Park CA 94663.0 March 16 Mr.

Lanita McCartney 7105 High Street Folsom CA 93714.0 March 23 Mrs.

Don Morrow 2227 Alexandra Drive Auburn CA 95236.0 March 30 Mr.

Cheryl Nevens 1006 Newton Road Roseville CA 94663.0 May 2 Ms.

Jennie Owings 8911 Zachary Avenue Rocklin CA 95332.0 April 24 Mrs.

Bert Pulido 1947 Hurley Way Folsom CA 93714.0 June 3 Mr.

Geneva Song 1512 Fortune Ave Cameron Park CA 94663.0 May 17 Mrs.

Wayne Reza 3750 Edward Street Auburn CA 95236.0 April 1 Mr.

Roy Baxter 705 First Street Rocklin CA 95332.0 June 15 Mr.

Margaret Jepson 28861 Newcastle Road Fair Oaks CA 95528.0 March 4 Mrs.

Rick DePonte 8364 Marshall Street Granite Bay CA 95863.0 July 18 Mr.

Melanie Figueroa 4511 Johnson Court Carmichael CA 95796.0 June 11 Ms.

Kelly Weatherby 6649 Littlefield Street Roseville CA 95722.0 March 16 Dr.

Taylor Mathos 4183 Braxton Way Rocklin CA 95332.0 June 3 Dr.

Kelsey Kroll 306 7th Street Roseville CA 95722.0 April 1 Miss

Rick Hermenn 9035 Masi Drive Fair Oaks CA 95528.0 April 29 Mr.

Karen Graves 6003 Ashland Road Lincoln CA 96712.0 April 14 Mrs.

Robyn Constantini 9581 Magnolia Way Roseville CA 95722.0 April 1 Mrs.

John Burgess 85741 Auberry Road Roseville CA 95722.0 June 5 Mr.

Randy Clemmins 7336 Lester Road Auburn CA 95236.0 May 30 Dr.

Title First Last Address City State Zip Phone

Mr. & Mrs. Abel and Monica Solara 25663 Apen Drive Rocklin CA 95428 916-449-6352

Ms. Sandy Diehl 3855 Bluestar Court Roseville CA 95770 916-881-7746

Dr. & Mrs. Paul and Song Choi 2993 Murietta Road Rocklin CA 95484 916-753-9512

Mr. & Mrs. Bryan and Stacey Poleman 706 Pepperwood Road Roseville CA 95772 916-223-8586

Mr. Jason Waltz 5959 Quay Court Rocklin CA 95428 916-303-1218

Mr. & Mrs. Trent and Tara Belby 4700 Wellflower Circle Rocklin CA 95484 916-550-6937


EmpNumber Title First Last Address City State Zip Email CellPhone Department

0001325 Mr. Ty Han 1272 Eastwood Court Auburn CA 95236.0 than@cmp.org 780-544-8797 Accounting

0000552 Mr. Rick Hermenn 9035 Masi Drive Fair Oaks CA 95528.0 rhermenn@cmp.org 916-450-3323 Personnel

0001484 Mrs. Karen Draper 784 Ehrlich Road Carmichael CA 96774.0 kdraper@cmp.org 916-452-4324 Marketing

0006985 Dr. Seth Uribe 8263 Wales Avenue Roseville CA 95722.0 suribe@cmp.org 916-450-9515 Medicine

0001080 Mr. Sawyer Petrosky 2741 Lake Road Granite Bay CA 95517.0 spetrosky@cmp.org 916-452-3130 Marketing

0000746 Ms. Kallyn Nickols 7336 Ebony Way Auburn CA 95236.0 knickols@cmp.org 780-385-2271 Accounting

0001984 Dr. Kai Fan 3356 Alterra Drive Rocklin CA 95338.0 kfan@cmp.org 916-771-9283 Medicine

0000825 Mr. Ramon Solara 990 Walnut Court Auburn CA 95236.0 rsolara@cmp.org 780-348-1864 Personnel

0001736 Dr. Trisha Fallon 3957 Posada Street Roseville CA 95724.0 tfallon@cmp.org 916-825-4467 Medicine

0000954 Mrs. Jamie Kim 1265 Durban Drive Granite Bay CA 95517.0 jkim@cmp.org 916-673-5574 Accounting

First Last Title Address City State Zip Email CellPhone Year EmpNumber

Ty Han Mr. 1272 Eastwood Court Auburn CA 95236.0 than@cmp.org 780-544-8797 2014 0001325

Rick Hermenn Mr. 9035 Masi Drive Fair Oaks CA 95528.0 rhermenn@cmp.org 916-450-3323 2014 0000552

Karen Draper Mrs. 784 Ehrlich Road Carmichael CA 96774.0 kdraper@cmp.org 916-452-4324 2014 0001484

Seth Uribe Dr. 8263 Wales Avenue Roseville CA 95722.0 suribe@cmp.org 916-450-9515 2014 0006985

Sawyer Petrosky Mr. 2741 Lake Road Granite Bay CA 95517.0 spetrosky@cmp.org 916-452-3130 2014 0001080

Kallyn Nickols Ms. 7336 Ebony Way Auburn CA 95236.0 knickols@cmp.org 780-385-2271 2014 0000746

Word_Chapter_5_Student_Data_Files_complete/DisclosureLetter-05 x

February 25, 2014



Subject: Release Statement

Please read each paragraph before signing the release statement documents. As you fill out the required release packet, it is critical to the transference of sale that you give as much information as possible about your residence, no matter how small or insignificant. Please use additional paper if necessary and make a notation to that fact.

Second, if there is information about the neighborhood or neighbors that you as a buyer would want to know then disclose that information. Be sure to address those types of questions on the Real Estate Transfer Release Statement, item #11 on page 2.

Please note on the release statement if you have had any work done with or without permits. Some examples include a gas spa, a new water heater, or a whole house fan where a truss may have been cut. If you had granite counters installed, that does not require a permit.

Please complete the enclosed disclosure statement by [date] and return it to me. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 916-450-3334 or email me at ecavalli@phre.com. Best wishes and thank you for your business.

Best regards

Emma Cavalli
Realtor Consultant
Placer Hills Real Estate


Emma Cavalli Placer Hills Real Estate
916.450.3334 7100 Madrone Road, Roseville, CA 95722
ecavalli@phre.com www.phre.com

Word_Chapter_5_Student_Data_Files_complete/EmploymentOffer-05 x

Employment Offer
March 15, 2012
Page 3

March 15, 2015

Mrs. Eva Skaar
2665 Ballister Avenue
Eldorado Hills, CA 95884

Dear Mrs. Skaar:

I am pleased to formally extend to you an offer of employment with Central Sierra Insurance as a Health & Benefits Large Group Specialist in the Cameron Park office. The start date will be April 1, 2012.

The terms of our offer are as follows:

1. Your direct supervisor is Bert Pulido, who heads the Central Sierra Health & Benefits Department.
2. Job Description: This is a newly created position and does not currently have a job description. We will, however, endeavor to create a formal, written job description with collective participation in the coming months. As we discussed in the interviews, your position will include, but is not limited to, managing all aspects of large group benefits programs and delivering exemplary service to Central Sierra clients. Occasional meetings are required outside normal work hours.
3. Base monthly salary of $4,500. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
a. A merit bonus not to exceed $6,000 will be considered after six months of employment. Future bonuses will be considered and awarded subject to individual performance and corporate profitability.
4. Five (5) days of paid sick leave annually based on a calendar year, January to December.
5. Nine (9) paid holidays.
6. As indicated in the Employee Handbook, paid vacation accrues as per the following schedule:

Seventh month through 1st year

5 days

2nd year through 9th year:

10 days per year

10th year through 19th year:

15 days per year

20th year and thereafter:

20 days per year

7. We agree to extend prior service credits as though you’ve worked at Central Sierra for nine (9) years. We agree you will receive 15 days of paid vacation each year (subject to normal accumulation) until completing your 10th year of employment, after which you’ll accrue for 20 days each year.
8. Additionally, we agree to paid vacation for the following dates:
a. Monday, September 21st – Friday September 25th (5 days).
9. The remaining ten (10) days’ vacation may be taken upon completion of six (6) months of employment.
10. Eligibility for health benefits will begin on the first day of the month following 90 days of employment. The contribution rate for the health benefits currently offered are outlined as follows:
a. Medical benefits paid at 80% of the cost for you and your eligible dependents. Employees currently have five plan choices available to them.
b. Dental insurance paid fully, for you. Eligible dependents may be enrolled at the expense of the employee.
11. Additionally, we offer optional voluntary benefits which employees may select at their expense. Eligibility for the voluntary benefits is concurrent with the health benefits. These benefits consist of:
a. Dental Insurance
b. Life Insurance
c. Long Term Care
12. Your retirement benefits will begin to accrue on the first day of the month following one year of employment. The plan vests your ownership at a rate of 20% per year.
a. Profit sharing historically has run 10% to 15% of each employee’s annual salary each year, but is completely discretionary.
b. Currently, 401(k) matching is 100% (dollar for dollar) on employee deferrals up to 3% of your eligible wages and an additional 50% on deferrals that exceed 3% but do not exceed 5% of eligible wages.
13. Life insurance is provided by the employer for the employee. The current amount is $25,000. Higher limits up to $200,000 are available at the employee’s expense.
14. Licensing and educational expenses are paid by Central Sierra Insurance and we encourage our employees to pursue and or/maintain professional designations.
15. Evaluations are done on an annual basis, at which time salary and performance are reviewed.
16. You are eligible to receive 25% of the first year annual commission on any commercial lines account, personal lines account or health benefits account that you refer and are written by Central Sierra Insurance.

Like most California employers, Central Sierra Insurance is an “at will” employer. Accordingly, employment may be terminated at any time and for any reason not prohibited by law, either at the option of the employee or the option of the company. Similarly, as a matter of policy, Central Sierra Insurance reserves the right to make changes in the terms and conditions of employment of all of its employees. Nothing in this offer or our discussions concerning your employment should be understood as contractually limiting that right or as guaranteeing your employment for any specified period of time.

We are excited about you joining the Central Sierra Insurance family and look forward to your response to our offer. Please sign and date confirming your acceptance of our offer and fax a copy to me at 780-886-2401. If you have any questions or wish additional information, please contact me at 780-866-2456.


Lanita McCartney
Chief Operating Officer

cc: Bob Lingle, CEO

Word_Chapter_5_Student_Data_Files_complete/FaxUrbanTheme-05 x


Please review

Please comment

For your records

[Type the sender company name]
[Type the company address]
[Type the phone number]
[Type the web address]

[Pick the date]


TO: [Type recipient name]

FROM: Dr. Randy Nordell

PAGES: [Type the number of pages]

FAX: [Type the recipient fax number]

FAX: [Type the sender fax number]

PHONE: [Type the recipient phone number]

PHONE: [Type the sender phone number]

CC: [Type text]

RE: [Type text]


[Type comments]



Word_Chapter_5_Student_Data_Files_complete/PrivacyNotice-05 x
Employee Number:

Courtyard Medical Plaza

Notice of Privacy Practices


In this notice we use the terms “we,” “us,” and “our” to describe Courtyard Medical Plaza (CMP).


Your PHI is health information that contains identifiers, such as your name, Social Security number, or other information that reveals who you are. For example, your medical record is PHI because it includes your name and other identifiers. If you are a Courtyard Medical Plaza member and also an employee of Courtyard Medical Plaza, PHI does not include the health information in your employment records.


By law, we must:
1. protect the privacy of your PHI,
2. tell you about your rights and our legal duties with respect to your PHI, and
3. tell you about our privacy practices and follow our notice currently in effect.
We take these responsibilities seriously and, as in the past, we will continue to take appropriate steps to safeguard the privacy of your PHI.


This section tells you about your rights regarding your PHI—for example, your medical and billing records. It also describes how you can exercise these rights.

Your right to see and receive copies of your protected health information

In general, you have a right to see and receive copies of your PHI in designated record sets such as your medical record or billing records. If you would like to see or receive a copy of such a record, please write us. When you know the facility or medical office where you received your care, please write to us at that address. If you need that address please call 1-559-288-1660. However, if you don’t know where the record that you want is located, please write to us at the Office of Privacy & Compliance, 1660 Alhandra Way, Granite Bay, CA 95517.

Your right to choose how we send protected health information to you

You may ask us to send your PHI to you at a different address (for example, your work address) or by different means (for example, fax instead of regular mail). If the cost of meeting your request involves more than a reasonable additional amount, we are permitted to charge you our costs that exceed that amount.

Your right to correct or update your protected health information

If you believe there is a mistake in your PHI or that important information is missing, you may request that we correct or add to the record. Please write us and tell us what you are asking for and why we should make the correction or addition. When you know the Courtyard Medical Plaza facility or medical office where you received your care, please write to us at that address. If you need that address, please call 1-559-288-1660. However, if you don’t know where the record that you want is located, please write to us at the Office of Privacy & Compliance, 1660 Alhandra Way, Granite Bay, CA 95517.

Your right to an accounting of disclosures of protected health information

You may ask us for a list of our disclosures of your PHI. Write to the Coordinator of Privacy and Compliance, Office of Privacy & Compliance, 1660 Alhandra Way, Granite Bay, CA 95517. The list we give you will include disclosures made in the last six years, unless you request a shorter time or if less than six years have passed since April 14, 2005. For example, if you requested a list of disclosures on April 14, 2009, the list would cover only two years.

Your right to request limits on uses and disclosures of your protected health information

You may request that we limit our uses and disclosures of your PHI for treatment, payment, and health care operations purposes. We will review and consider your request. You may write to the Courtyard Medical Plaza facility or medical office where you received your care for consideration of your request. If you need that address please call 1-559-288-1660. However, if you don’t know where the record that you want is located, please write to us at the Office of Privacy & Compliance, 1660 Alhandra Way, Granite Bay, CA 95517.

Your right to receive a paper copy of this notice

You also have a right to receive a paper copy of this notice upon request.
Courtyard Medical Plaza Notice of Privacy Practices

Word_Chapter_5_Student_Data_Files_complete/ProspectingLetter-05 x

[Current date]



I noticed today that your current home listing in [City] has recently expired. My goal is to tell you about Placer Hills Real Estate and myself. We can offer you attention and services that are unmatched by other real estate companies.

I am also a Whitney Hills resident, and I primarily work in this area with buyers and sellers. As a matter of fact, I have shown your beautiful home to potential buyers. There was a lot of detail and thought put into your home. Your home has many unique features and upgrades making it an excellent value for homes currently on the market in this price range.

The service and experience I can offer you when helping you with your selling needs is unmatched. Working together with you, I am confident that we can analyze your present and future goals and help you obtain them. If you are curious as to the type of activity that has been occurring in your area or you would like to discuss your needs and goals, I would be more than happy to come by and talk with you.

[First name], gaining your trust and confidence for the building of a solid relationship for the future is my first priority. Feel free to call me to set up an appointment if you would like a unique perspective for marketing your home from someone with thorough knowledge and experience with homes in your neighborhood. I look forward to talking to you soon.

Best wishes,

Emma Cavalli
Realtor Consultant
Placer Hills Real Estate


Emma Cavalli Placer Hills Real Estate

916.450.3334 7100 Madrone Road, Roseville, CA 95722
ecavalli@phre.com www.phre.com

Word_Chapter_5_Student_Data_Files_complete/RenewalLetter-05 x

[Insert current date]



Subject: Policy [Policy Number] Renewal

I am pleased to enclose your insurance renewal policy referenced above for [Company]. Below is a summary of premium basis, premium rate, and total premium for your review and future reference.

Central Sierra Insurance prides itself in finding the insurance carrier which best meets the needs of your organization while offering a reasonably priced policy. We received quotes from four different insurance carriers. [Insurance Company], which had very good pricing, offered the most competitive and cost-effective renewal. Due to changes in underwriting guidelines, your renewal options were limited, and this renewal is the best pricing available.

The renewal premium is determined as follows:

Policy Description

Premium Basis

Rate /$1,000

Total Premium

[Policy Description]

[Premium Basis]

[Rate per $1000]

[Total Premium]

Thank you, [First Name]. As always, please do not hesitate to call or stop by the office if we may be of any assistance whatsoever.


Gretchen Souza, ARM, CIC, CRM
Central Sierra Insurance



First Last Title Address City State Zip Email Cell Phone Year

Ty Han Mr. 1272 Eastwood Court Auburn CA 95236.0 than@cmp.org 780-544-8797 2015

Rick Hermenn Mr. 9035 Masi Drive Fair Oaks CA 95528.0 rhermenn@cmp.org 916-450-3323 2015

Karen Draper Dr. 784 Ehrlich Road Carmichael CA 96774.0 kdraper@cmp.org 916-452-4324 2015

Seth Uribe Dr. 8263 Wales Avenue Roseville CA 95722.0 suribe@cmp.org 916-450-9515 2015

Sawyer Petrosky Mr. 2741 Lake Road Granite Bay CA 95517.0 spetrosky@cmp.org 916-452-3130 2015

Kallyn Nickols Ms. 7336 Ebony Way Auburn CA 95236.0 knickols@cmp.org 780-385-2271 2015


First Name Company Address City State Zip Insurance Company Policy Description Last Name Policy Number Courtesy Title Total Premium Premium Basis Rate per $1000

Phil and Lisa Stockton Cabinets 3380 Center Avenue Auburn CA 95882 Frontier Insurance Manufacturing Stockton SC100945 Mr. and Mrs. ¤ 10,450.00 ¤ 550,000.00 ¤ 19.00

Barry Munson Construction 4112 Foothills Boulevard Grass Valley CA 94227 CRE Insurance Construction Munson MC854492 Mr. ¤ 9,975.00 ¤ 475,000.00 ¤ 21.00

Josh and Astrid Sacramento Custom Printing 5560 Washington Avenue Natomas CA 95117 NorthWest Insurance Retail Victorino SC224555 Mr. and Mrs. ¤ 6,120.00 ¤ 340,000.00 ¤ 18.00

Valerie Lauchner Legal Services 7701 Montero Road Placerville CA 96648 West Coast Insurance Service Lauchner LL911147 Ms. ¤ 14,535.00 ¤ 855,000.00 ¤ 17.00

Lamar Sierra Fence Company 2405 Eureka Avenue Fair Oaks CA 95636 West Coast Insurance Construction Gordon SF752284 Mr. ¤ 6,825.00 ¤ 325,000.00 ¤ 21.00

Cesar and Cindy Auburn Physical Therapy 6993 Sorrell Road Auburn CA 95882 NorCal Insurance Medical Mendez AP232374 Mr. and Mrs. ¤ 15,200.00 ¤ 760,000.00 ¤ 20.00

Amandip Web Star Computers 4008 Laird Road Carmichael CA 94779 CRE Insurance Retail Sandu WS290088 Mr. ¤ 5,760.00 ¤ 320,000.00 ¤ 18.00

Jeff and Jayne Foothills Pharmacy 1185 Whitney Avenue Folsom CA 94213 Frontier Insurance Medical Santos FP649280 Mr. and Mrs. ¤ 11,500.00 ¤ 575,000.00 ¤ 20.00

Word_Chapter_5_Student_Data_Files_complete/VolunteerLetter-05 x

Courtyard Medical Plaza is a proud sponsor of the Skiing Unlimited program, which is an adaptive snow ski program for disabled children and adults. This program provides access to the sport of snow skiing for many blind, deaf, paraplegic, quadriplegic and developmentally disabled individuals who would otherwise be not have the opportunity to share in this exhilarating sport. With the help of trained volunteers and adaptive ski equipment, there are few disabilities too severe to prevent participation in the sport of snow skiing.

The [year] ski season will be here before we know it, and this program is only able to continue through the hard work and dedication of our volunteers. Regardless of your level of snow skiing ability, there are things you can do to help. All ski trips are held at Boulder Creek Canyon Ski Resort. Volunteers and participants are responsible for their own transportation. Our group meets in the Olympic Room at 9:00 a.m. to coordinate volunteers and participants.

Below are the dates for this year’s Skiing Unlimited program. Please contact me at 916-854-2299 or email at kellym@skiingunlimited.org to let her know the dates for which can volunteer. I will fax or e-mail you the volunteer registration packet.

If you have any questions regarding the Skiing Unlimited program, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your commitment to the Skiing Unlimited program and its participants.

Our [year] Skiing Unlimited dates are:

· [Ski Date 1]
· [Ski Date 2]
· [Ski Date 3]
· [Ski Date 4]
· [Ski Date 5]

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