Week2 dis and Assignment

 Discussion 1

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Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the

MHHS Case Study

and the two required chapters from the Knapp, VandeCreek, and Fingerhut book, Practical Ethics for Psychologists: A Positive Approach:

Foundations of Ethical Behavior

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Ethical Decision Making


Identify a minimum of one ethical dilemma that you have identified in the MHHS case study. Discuss the challenges you would face as a human services provider when dealing with this issue. How would you overcome these challenges? As you respond to this question consider how you would deal with this issue based on your future role in a human services organization. If you plan a direct service route vs. a leadership route how does this impact how you would approach the issue? Your post should contain a minimum of 400 words.


Outline and References

[WLO: 2] [CLOs: 4, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the materials in the writing center on

Outlining (Links to an external site.)


Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.)

. Create an outline for your Week 5 Final Project. Your outline should include the thesis or central argument, along with any main topics and support to be included in your final project. Include a minimum of three references you plan to use for your final project.

In your paper,

  • Create a comprehensive outline that includes headings and subheadings.
  • Identify the thesis or central argument in the outline.
  • Outline the main topics with support.
  • Generate a list of three references you plan to use for your paper.

The Outline and References paper

  • Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:

    Title of paper
    Student’s name
    Course name and number
    Instructor’s name
    Date submitted

  • For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).
  • Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.

    For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.

  • Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

    The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
    To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Ashford University Library Quick ‘n’ Dirty (Links to an external site.) tutorial, which introduces the Ashford University Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.

  • Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) guide.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the

Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)

for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Outline: Argumentative Paper on Obesity and Government Intervention

I. Introduction
a. Thesis: The obesity epidemic needs a government intervention because the

medical costs associated with obesity cost taxpayers money, unhealthy foods need
tighter regulations, and schools need to provide healthier options.

II. Body Paragraph 1: The medical cost associated with weight-related issues has
significantly contributed to individual taxes.
a. Supporting evidence: “…the costs of obesity arising from individuals’ poor

nutritional choices are borne by society as a whole through taxes, lost
productivity, and an overburdened healthcare system. In 2008, the medical costs
associated with obesity and obesity-related illnesses totaled US $147 billion in the
United States” (Franck et al., 2013, p. 1951).

i. Explanation: This quote demonstrates not only the connection between
obesity, medical costs, and increased taxes, but also shows the exact costs
from a fairly recent year.

ii. So what?: This quote supports the claim that weight-related medical
issues contribute to increased taxes for all taxpayers by explaining the
connection and demonstrating the high dollar costs to show that this is a
current problem affecting a government process (taxation) and therefore
could appropriately be addressed by government intervention.

III. Body Paragraph 2: Another reason that weight should be considered a governmental
issue is that the market for unhealthy food in America has overtaken the general food
market and the government needs to actively curb the incentives to frequent these
a. Supporting Evidence: “[M]eals are increasingly being consumed outside the

home, and these meals tend to be higher in fat. A literal fat tax… theoretically
would encourage individuals to opt for low-fat or nonfat alternatives” (Franck et
al., 2013, p. 1951).

i. Explanation: This quote alludes to many of the main problems with fast
food consumption and explains what a fat tax would attempt to do to curb
the consumption of junk food.

ii. So what?: Showing that a fat tax would be able to curb overconsumption
of obesity-causing fast food demonstrates the need for the government to
impose such a thing.

IV. Body Paragraph 3: Finally, the government is responsible for ensuring that children
have access to healthy food and exercise while in school.
a. Supporting Evidence: A connection between Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!”

campaign and a reduction in overall childhood obesity across America has been
demonstrated (Tucker, 2013, p. 5).

i. Explanation: This information shows the effectiveness of government-
backed programs, with “Let’s Move!” as the specific example.

Format your paper according to your assignment instructions: APA, MLA, Chicago Style

The following sample includes APA-style citations and references.

Page numbers are not required when citing paraphrased
information. However, you may include them if doing so would

better direct readers to the information cited.


ii. So what?: Demonstrating the effectiveness of the “Let’s Move!”
campaign supports the concept of government involvement in school food
and exercise initiatives to help curb childhood obesity and provide
children with the foundation for establishing healthy habits.

V. Conclusion
a. Rephrased Thesis: Obesity is causing taxpayers more money. Unhealthy foods

are not regulated and inadequate nutrition and exercise in schools are leading to a
rise in obesity. Therefore, the government needs to intervene in order to decrease
the rates of obesity.

b. Strong Closing: The government’s intervention is important so that we can
reduce the rates of obesity before they soar to an uncontrollable level.


Franck, C., Grandi, S., & Eisenberg, M. (2013). Taxing junk food to counter obesity. American

Journal of Publich Health, 103(11), 1949-1953.


Tucker, C. (2013). Q&A with first lady Michelle Obama: How the Let’s Move! campaign is

changing the way kids eat, move. Nation’s Health, 43(9), 5.






Metropolitan Health and Human Services

Shakena Brown

HHS 497: Health and Human Service Capstone

Nancy Russell

March 19, 2021

Metropolitan Health and Human Services

Metropolitan Health and Human Services is a typical organization operating within low end areas. The organization was formed by three retirees who sought to address prevalent health concerns within the society. My analysis of the Metropolitan Health and Human Services forms an integral part in the research for my final course project. Moreover, the case study attests to the aspects that I studied in my coursework. The framework will seek to form my analysis and research of Metropolitan Health and Human Services in fulfilment of my degree in Health and Human Services. The study on MHHS correlates to my degree in many aspects as indicated throughout the framework.

The history of MHHS is significant since it was founded by retirees who sort to offer financial aid to patients especially in aspects of medical bills. Moreover, the foundation was aimed at addressing prevalent concerns within the society. Fire years following it formation, the organization managed to employ its first CEO to manage control its operations. It is the inception of the CEO that prompted the development of the organization into a multiservice company. Throughout its period of operation, the organization has managed to improve and support families and communities. Moreover, its vision of prompting both family and societal strengths has been realized.

MHHS currently offers several programs at family and community levels. For instance, it offers financial aid to the people and families with financial challenges especially with settling of hospital bills. The program has led to employment of case manager and one director which accounts for 5% of the fiscal expenses. However, the expenses endured in the program are sponsored by grants through the federal and state governments. Despite the goals of the project, it has been experiencing losses in the last five years.

On the other hand, the dental clinic is responsible for giving dental assistance to vulnerable families who are experiencing financial challenges. The clinic is mainly comprised of volunteer doctors. Besides the volunteers, the company hires one doctor and manager which is responsible for 10% of the total budget. Most of the program support is through donation from the community and non-refundable grants. The program has been improving in the past five years. Transitional housing is a program that is aimed at a providing residential houses to families and individuals without homes. The program is controlled by five managers and a director which accounts to 10% of the annual budget. The project mainly receives support through the federal grants. However, the program has received massive losses in the last five years.

MHHS has also been championing for guidance and counselling both at individual and company levels. The project has prompted the hiring of five professional counsellors and a director. The assistance offered to the project is mainly through customer and insurance payments from projects within the company. The operation of the projects is approximately 5% of the overall budget. The program also gives services to projects within the company. Besides, the educational services offered by the organization are important in giving psychological assistance to teens who are not able to attend modern learning (Wotherspoon & Williams, 2019). The project has led to employment of a proprietor, two teachers, and two teacher helpers. The project is funded by 5% of the entire budget. The project is majorly through remission of tuition fees. The trend in the educational services represents a mixed result since it had shown promising results in the first phase only to record a significant decline lately.

The organization is also tasked with providing foster services to wards across the various states. The program is arguably the largest with several personnel including 10 supervisors, 80 managers, and 10 case helpers. Due to the large number of employees, it accounts for 55% of the total expenses. The project is fully supported by the state. The organization also offers violence prevention programs. The projects are aimed at giving education which helps in the curbing violence related offenses in children, domestic abuse and sexual abuse. The program has a single proprietor and three prevention educators. However, the organization uses a sizeable number of volunteers. The operation of the project accounts for approximately 10% of the total budget. The project is supported through contributions from the society and state funding. The program is basically operating at high levels.

The research on the Metropolitan Health Human Services complements my degree study. Moreover, it gives adequate information on how to integrate my already acquired skills for field use. Therefore, my research on MHHS correlates in many aspects with my degree program.


Wotherspoon, C., & Williams, C. M. (2019). Exploring the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients admitted to a metropolitan health service. Australian Health Review, 43(2), 217-223.

Case Study

Metropolitan Health and Human Services


Metropolitan Health and Human Services (MHHS) is a mid-sized community-based health and human services organization operating in two suburbs of a large city. MHHS has been in business as at non-profit 501 (C) 3 for the past 25 years. The organization was founded by a group of three retired physicians who wanted to address some of the issues in their community. In the early years of the organization they focused on providing financial assistance to clients unable to pay for medical bills. At that time, the organization was managed and staffed by the three retired physicians who quickly realized that they were unable to fulfill their dreams for the organization without help. Within five years of its inception, the organization was incorporated with its own board of Directors and the first CEO was hired. This CEO ran the organization for the next 10 years, and grew the organization from one program to a multi-service organization.

The Mission of MHHS is provide services needed to strengthen families and communities.

The vision is to known as a major catalyst and resource for promoting family and community strengths.

Current Programs of MHHS include:

Financial Assistance: Provides financial assistance to individuals and families that have suffered a financial crisis and need assistance with paying bills. This program employs one director and one case manager and represents 5% of the budget expenses. The program is funded through federal and state grants. The program has been operating at a loss for the past five years.

Medical/Dental Clinic: Provides free preventative medical/dental services to individuals and families that are either at poverty level or experiencing a financial crisis. The clinic is staffed by volunteer physicians and dentists. This program employs one director and one case manager and represents 10% of the budget expenses. There are six active volunteers. The program is funded largely through grants and community support. The program has been breaking even for the past five years.

Transitional Housing: Provides transitional housing to formerly homeless individuals and families in community-based apartments and homes. This program employs one director and five case managers, and represents 10% of the budget expenses. The program is funded largely through federal grants. The program has been operating at a loss for the past five years.

Counseling: Provides counseling services to any individual or family needing assistance. This program employs one director and five counselors, and represents 5% of the budget expenses. The program is funded through client and insurance payments as well as payments from other programs within the organization. The program provides services to all the programs within the organization and has been operating at surplus for the past five years.

Educational Services: Provides an alternative education to adolescents unable to attend their own school due to behavioral or emotional issues. This program employs one principal, two teachers and two teacher aides and represents 5% of the budget expenses. The program is funded by tuition payments. The program was previously operating with a surplus but in the last five years it has declined and is operating at a significant loss.

Foster Care: Contracts with the State to license and provide foster care services to wards of the State. This program employs one director, 10 supervisors, 80 case managers, and 10 case aides, and represents 55% of the budget expenses. The program is funded by the State. The program is considered the “cash cow” of the organization and is operating at a surplus.

Violence Prevention Programs: The programs provided prevention education services that target the prevention of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. The program employs one director and three prevention educators. They also use volunteers and interns. The program represents 10% of the budget expenses. The program is funded through State and Federal grants and some community-based fundraising. The program is operating at a surplus.

Administrative Expenses are 10% of the organizations budget expenses.

About the community:

MHHS operates in two communities and has offices in both locations. Their main headquarters is in a large middle to upper middle-class suburban community about 30 miles from the large City.


· White – 76%

· Asian – 15%

· Hispanic or Latino – 4%

· Black -5%

· Median Age: 35

· Median Family Income: $127,000

· Median Household Income: $109,000

· Housing Value: $378,000

· Average Contract Rent: $1,300

· Persons in Poverty: 4%

The second location for MHHS is in a neighboring, lower middle-class community about 40 miles from the City.


· White – 27%

· Asian – 3%

· Hispanic or Latino -40%

· Black -20%

· Median Age: 33

· Median Family Income: $50,000

· Median Household Income: $42,000

· Housing Value: $150,000

· Average Contract Rent: $900.00

· Persons in Poverty: 22%

Demographics of Clients Served:

· 30% White

· 40% Hispanic of Latino

· 28% Black

· 2% Asian

The current organizational chart for MHHS is attached.

Current Size of Organization

The organization has an operating budget of eight million dollars. The main office is located in the upper to middle-class community and houses all of the administrative staff. Some of the services provided out of this office include financial assistance and counseling.

The remaining services are provided out of the office in the second location.

A new CEO has been recently hired and has identified some of the major issues the organization is facing.

Current Issues

1. In the past 10-years the organization has changed leadership 4 times. Only one CEO has stayed longer than three years. The other three have left within one year of hire. The new CEO is the first female the organization has ever had in a leadership role.

2. The board of directors is unclear of what their role is and often gets involved in day to day issues within the organization

3. There has been a decline in funding for financial assistance the organization.

4. The Medical/Dental clinic director has difficulty getting volunteers for the program and is unable to meet the needs of the clients being referred to the program. He has stated he just does not know how to recruit physicians and dentists to work in the program.

5. A client in the transitional housing program burglarized several apartments in his building and this has created a crisis for the CEO who must now respond to the community.

6. The Educational Services Director has just been informed that the schools referring to his program will not be using their program next year as they plan to offer these services within their setting. They have asked the organization leadership to assist them in getting started.

7. The State leadership has told MHHS leadership that they can no longer use foster care surpluses to fund other programs within the organization.

8. Case load sizes for foster care workers exceed 25 clients and case workers are starting to complain that it is impossible to do an effective job even with the assistance of the case aides.

9. The Director of the Violence Prevention Programs has been very successful at raising funds for her programs due to coordinating two major special events a year. She is frustrated that the surplus money she raises is being used elsewhere in the organization.

10. The CEO believes the organization should be restructured allowing for fewer direct reports to her.

11. The organization operates in Silos with very little interaction between programs (other than the counseling program)

12. The organization relies heavily on government funding.

13. The organization is facing a budget shortfall for the second year in a row.

14. There is no training program in the organization and as a result staff in programs all do things their way rather than in a consistent manner.

15. Record keeping of client services within programs is inconsistent. There are no policies and procedures on how records should be kept nor are there forms available to staff to use when providing services to their clients.

16. The staff lacks diversity with 90% of the staff being white, 5% African American and 5% Hispanic. 75% of the staff are females yet 90% of the directors (other than the CEO) are males. There is no training on cultural diversity.

17. About 10% of the clients serve speak only Spanish and the organization does not have any Spanish speaking staff. They rely on the client’s children or other relatives to translate for them.

18. A parent of a child being served In the educational program has complained to the Principal that her child is being bullied because he is gay. The school staff are dismissing the complaint stating the child is just overly sensitive.

The organization has been provided an anonymous gift of 300,000 to address the challenges they face.

You will be selecting a project to do during the duration of this class. You can propose your own project or use one of the suggested ideas below.

Possible Project ideas:

· Reorganize/restructure the organization with a clear designation of roles and responsibilities from the top down. Include an organizational chart using a program like Pingboard. Suggest what programs might be eliminated and/or merged. Re-create vision and mission statements and suggest and justify training for each role within the organization.

· Develop a comprehensive fund development plan/program. Include how this program will be managed and led

· Develop of comprehensive training program including orientation to the organization and program specific training.

· Choose a program and develop a program specific record keeping plan with forms and explanations of how to use the forms.

· From a human services provider perspective analyze the challenges you would face in working in one of the programs in this organization. Include the program you would work in and the challenge you would face at all levels on both a professional and personal level. Develop a plan to address these challenges.

· Develop a comprehensive plan to implement culturally sensitive practices within the organization. Include in the plan a recruitment and retention strategy for a more diverse workforce.

· Suggest a project of your own based on the case study.

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