Week 7 Course Project: Part 7 – Actual Implementation

Required Resources

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Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Link (Word doc): Weeks 6 & 7 CCC Part 7 TemplatePreview the document (Use this template to complete the assignment.)

Introduction: Communication Change Challenge (CCC) Part 7

In Part 7, you will finally try out your new communication behaviors in both planned and unplanned situations.

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Part 7 requires up to a 2-week window of time to complete because it requires you to implement your new behaviors and to observe, record, and analyze the impact. As a result, this part was assigned during Week 6, so you need to use all conversations from Week 6 and Week 7.

For Part 7 of the project, you will do the following:

plan a minimum of 3 situations in which you will implement your new communication behavior over a time span of 2 weeks (during Weeks 6 and 7).

Maintain a dated journal narrative to describe what happened in both planned and unplanned circumstances, including your thoughts on how well you performed the behavior.


Include the following items in Part 7 of your report:

7A. Planning

Create a list of at least 3 specific planned situations in which you will implement your new behaviors over a time span of 2 weeks, from Week 6 and Week 7. Note: You should also implement your new behaviors in any unplanned situations when you have the opportunity to do so.

7A1. 1st planned conversation

7A2. 2nd planned conversation

7A3. 3rd planned conversation

7B. Evaluation of Planned Conversations

Evaluate your performance each time you attempt your new behavior in new planned situations. As you proceed with this phase of the project, be prepared for potential problems.

You may reach periodic plateaus in which you are not changing as dramatically as you would like.

You may discover that your goal statement is not accurate and that you were trying to increase the wrong behaviors.

You may also find that by merely monitoring the frequency of your goal behavior, your problem disappears.

In any case, remain flexible and keep working. If necessary, revise your goal statement, change your target behavior, and promise yourself a reward for reaching some goal. The goal is communication behavior change, and there are many avenues for achieving and maintaining that change.

Write a dated narrative journal evaluation that describes in detail what occurred upon implementation of your new communication behaviors in planned circumstances. Address the 3 or more planned opportunities as you described them in 7A. Be sure to address the following questions in your evaluation for each conversation:

7B1. What seemed to work for you?

7B2. What did not seem to work?

7B3. In what situations were you most successful?

7B4. What behaviors would you like to perform again?

7B5. What will you do differently the next time?

7C. Evaluation of Unplanned Conversations

Evaluate your performance each time you attempt your new behavior in new unplanned situations. Write a dated narrative journal evaluation that describes in detail what occurred upon implementation of your new communication behaviors in unplanned circumstances. Aim to explain 2 or 3 unplanned conversations. Be sure to address the following questions in your evaluation for each conversation:

7C1. What seemed to work for you?

7C2. What did not seem to work?

7C3. In what situations were you most successful?

7C4. What behaviors would you like to perform again?

7C5. What will you do differently the next time?

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page


This activity will be graded based on W7 CCC Grading Rubric.

Course Outcomes (CO): 2, 3, 4, 5

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday

Week 6-7 CCC: Part 7 Template

7A. Planning

7B. Evaluation of Planned Conversations

7C. Evaluation of Unplanned Conversations

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