week 7 assignment


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      Title Page

  • Research question in your title: Incudes specific population and disparity within chosen public health issue
  • Has correct grammar and syntax
  • Abstract (1 page)

    Materials and methods

  • Introduction (1 Page)

    Definition of your topic (police brutality, climate change, mental health, systemic poverty etc.)
    State the problem related to the medical condition
    Define public health

    Explain the benefits of a public health approach
    End with purpose of paper

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  • Scientific and economic perspectives of inquiry (6 page)

    Establish your topic is a problem (establish link between health issue and medical condition in your population)
    Medical diagnoses one

    Define the medical condition
    How it effects the body
    How does the injustice contribute to the medical diagnosis for your population

    Medical diagnoses two

    Define the medical condition
    How it effects the body
    How does the injustice contribute to the medical diagnosis for your population

    Medical diagnoses three

    Define the medical condition
    How it effects the body
    How does the injustice contribute to the medical diagnosis for your population

    What are the economic issues involved?

    Other (will be specific to your topic)

  • Cultural and ethical perspectives of inquiry (6 page)

    Origin of environmental/social injustice

    Brief history
    Cause(s) of injustice – may have more than one

    Money, power, and control
    Cultural values and/or norms influence the issue
    Ethical obligations of the health care profession

  • Conclusion (1 page)

    Paragraph one

    State the problem (1 sentence)
    State the consequences (1 sentence)
    State what it will take to fix (1 sentence)

    Middle paragraphs

    Offer solutions (legal and other interventions)

    Last paragraph

    Concludes that the evidence supports that your topic is a public health issue

    Does Racism Qualify as a Public Health Crisis?

    Reference page (with correct formatting)

    Reference title

    Not in bold
    12 font
    Not underlined
    No :

    Hanging indent

Topic you chose from Google forms

Would a public Health approach to insert social/environmental injustice decrease rates of insert medical condition caused by injustice for population you will focus on ?

From a Future Nurse’s Prospective



West Coast University


First sentence states the cause of the problem in a reflective way Second sentence includes comprehensive list of consequences Third sentence explains what a solution will require

Section offers suggestions for policy interventions for social/ environmental injustice.

Section offers suggestions for program interventions for social/environmental injustice. Smooth transition into the conclusion (may take another paragraph or only a sentence

The evidence supports that explain the outcomes if change is not initiated. In several sentences you need to build up to the confirmation this social/ environmental injustice qualifies as a public health issue Thus, Insert injustice should be approached as a public health issue to ensure Explain what would be the benefits to your population would be. Make sure to include your population in this last sentence.

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