week 7-8

with discussion

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Part A-Description of Improvements-
Make sure you address both the nutritional and fitness improvements you could make to improve your overall health.

Nutritional Changes

Please explain below in written paragraphs how you would improve each area of your diet. Although you may not be lacking in any major macronutrients or micronutrients, there are always changes that can be made to make your diet even healthier. These changes may include adding variety or moderating the amount of calories/nutrients you take in. Some changes may be habitual such as making sure you get plenty of water, meal planning, our eating out less. There are always modifications that can be made to any diet to make it even better.

Make sure you cover each macronutrient category (carbohydrate, protein, lipids fiber, etc..)as well as each micronutrient category (vitamins, minerals, and water). How could you increase/decrease each area to improve your overall diet plan? What specific foods, habits, etc could you add to your lifestyle that could help you reach your healthy eating goals? You need to address each nutrient (carbohydrate, each vitamin, each minerals, water, sugar, etc…) you are lacking in with specific food examples. DO NOT JUST SAY “I could eat more FRUITS AND VEGETABLES”! For example, what exact food could you add to your diet if you were lacking Vitamin E? Address each deficient nutrient with exact food examples you could add to your diet (even if you don’t really like them!). Don’t just say that you would take a supplement to ensure you are meeting requirements. Make sure you use real food examples. You also need to address certain food items you may be over in such sodium, cholesterol, fat, etc… What steps could you take to reduce your intake of these items?

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Fitness Changes

How could adding/changing your
level of physical activity
contribute to a healthier lifestyle? What types of activities and how much activity could/should you add to your daily plan?
Develop a specific fitness plan
that meets all the criteria of a proper fitness plan including cardiovascular training, strength training, and flexibility. You should provide examples of exercises, duration of exercise, frequency of exercise, etc.. when developing your fitness plan. If you already have a great fitness plan, then explain what you do and how it meets all the components of a sound fitness plan. Make sure address each component of these instructions in a well written and thought out response. This portion of Part 3 is worth 50 points, and this is where you show me what you have learned over the course of the last several weeks.

Type your written response below and upload the document in a , x, , or .rtf file format to the Assignment folder for Part III of the Diet project.

Part B-Meal Planning
– design a two day diet plan that would meet all the recommended amounts of macronutrient requirements according to the MyPlate Daily Checklist.

Step 1: Finding Your MyPlate Daily Checklist

Locate your estimated calorie needs in Cronometer (and as discussed in the Energy Balance section of the Part 2 analysis questions). For purposes of this Part 3 Analysis, round this measurement to the nearest multiple of “200.” Once you have located your calorie needs from the Part 2 Analysis and rounded them to the nearest multiple of “200,” visit



Choose the calorie level closest to your estimated Part 2 Analysis calorie needs value. For example, if you needed 2289 kcal/d, you would round down to 2200 instead of rounding up to 2400. On the other hand, if you needed 2340 kcal/d, you would round to up to 2400 instead of down to 2200.

As an adult, you will select a Calorie Level from the “Ages 14+” row and click on the appropriate calorie level.  See screenshot below for the Calorie Level table.


Once you click on your calorie amount, the screen will show what your recommended target values are for each food group. It will show how much of grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, and dairy are recommended for someone with that calorie goal. These are the goals per day, not per meal. You need to record these values in Table 1 found below. You can click on each food group to find more about each category including specific food examples that represent various sizes. For example, if you click on the “2 cups” for fruit and scroll down, you will find the “Cup of fruit” table with a variety of food options. You can use these options for your meal planning activity. You will be planning 2 days of eating spread out over various meals and snacks, and on each day, you need to meet your target values for grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, and dairy.

List the food item in column 2 and amount (2oz of grain) in column 3 as shown in the example below. Do your best to choose healthy options such as whole grains and lean meats as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables. Do Not Repeat ny food items over the 2 days. This portion of the assignment is worth up to 35 points. Use the following charts to complete this section.

When you are done with Part 3 of the Diet Project, save this entire document with your lastnamepart 3 (example-Whalenpart3) and then upload to the Part 3 assignment folder.

Meal Plan Day 1-EXAMPLE-Do NOT Copy!!! Make sure you meet your macronutrient requirements each day for grains, fruit, dairy, vegetables, and protein. DO NOT repeat any meals or foods for any days to earn full credit.

Meal Plan Day 1- Do not use this example below!

Meal of the Day

Food items

MacroNutrient Provided


One packet instant oatmeal


Skim Milk

1 oz grains

½ cup Fruit

½ cup Dairy

Morning Snack

3 cups popped popcorn

One small banana

1 oz grains

½ cup Fruit


2 slices of bread


16 grapes

Slice of cheddar cheese

Sliced turkey

2 ozs. of grains

1 cup Vegetables

½ cup fruit

1 cup dairy

2.5 ozs. protein

Afternoon Snack

Sliced red pepper

Cream cheese

½ cup vegetables

½ cup dairy


Wild rice

Cooked broccoli

Skim milk

Small salmon steak

2 ozs grains

1 cup vegetables

1 cup dairy

2.5 ozs protein

Table 1-Daily Checklist Amounts-Complete this chart based on your calorie needs. – 5 points




Food Category

Recommended Amount








Meal Plan Day 1
-worth up to 15 points

Meal of the Day

Food items


Morning Snack


Afternoon Snack


Nutrient Breakdown

Meal Plan Day 2
-worth up to 15 points

Meal of the Day

Food items

Nutrient Breakdown


Morning Snack


Afternoon Snack


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