Week 6 Journal


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Reflective Journal

Reflect on the process of developing the initiative using the following guiding statements:

· The most compelling aspect of this project has been…

· The most worrisome aspect of this project has been…

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· I wish I had more time to…

· The best part of this project will be…

· I am excited about…

· I am most proud of…

Carefully review the

Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)

for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your journal entry.

See the full work assignment attached. 

Week 6 Journal

Reflective Journal

Reflect on the process of developing the initiative using the following guiding statements:

· The most compelling aspect of this project has been…

· The most worrisome aspect of this project has been…

· I wish I had more time to…

· The best part of this project will be…

· I am excited about…

· I am most proud of…

Carefully review the

Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)

for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your journal entry.

Instructor Guidance

Week 6

In our final week of this class, the biggest part is completing your final project. To help you with that, we have a few things to do. If we look at the learning outcomes for the week, the first one listed is that you will create a media presentation that addresses a need in your school or community. Of course, you will also supply a paper that describes how you are going to start your specific community project but you’ll notice that you are also going to evaluate the process of creating a program. A wonderful, short, video on such a presentation that covers many of the topics required for your final project can be seen at this link: 

Highlights: Magnolia Community Initiative Overview (Links to an external site.)

. Please take 4 minutes and watch!

In the discussion for this week you are asked to create a draft outline of your final project and post it. It will be really important for you to post his early this week as you can so that others will be able to see and provide feedback for your outline. You are posting this outline for your classmates to review so that you will be more certain that you are covering all the bases. When you read each other’s outlines, please provide instructive recommendation and specific suggestions on how to improve the organization and ideas.
In the Journal for this week, you are asked to think about the process of developing your initiative. There are some sentence starters would you may use but please do not write just a sentence each of these. Take some time to expand on the thoughts and write reflectively about your work in creating the project.
The final project is composed of three parts. In the first part, you will create a multimedia presentation that shows to the public what your idea is all about. For a wonderful, and easy to understand, presentation on how to make a multimedia presentation, please see: 

How to Create a Multimedia PowerPoint Presentation (Links to an external site.)

. The second part asks you to create visual resources and handouts to go along with the presentation. The final part is an extensive discussion to introduce and support your initiative. In the post that assignment there are very specific points, or an outline, of topics that you must include. Please also review the rubric that will be used to evaluate your assignment. You may find helpful descriptors of what quality work will look like for this assignment.


Bertelsen, J. (2014, April 16). 
How to Create a Multimedia PowerPoint Presentation (Links to an external site.)
[Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xaMalJfOhY.
USC Price. (2016, February 4). 
Highlights: Magnolia Community Initiative Overview (Links to an external site.)
[Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80ohWhKJcCA.

Required Resources

Read from your text, 

Assets in action: A handbook for making communities better places to grow up


Review Chapter 7 – Over the Long Haul: Sustaining Your Initiative

Tip Sheet #14

Tip Sheet #15

Berkas, T.H. & Hong, K.L. (2000).

First steps in evaluation: Basic tools for asset-building initiatives (Links to an external site.)

. Retrieved from http://www.academia.edu/830272/FIRST_STEPS_IN_EVALUATION

This is an overview of established methods for program evaluation.

Ferriter, B. (2011).

Communicating and connecting with social media (Links to an external site.)

. Retrieved from http://issuu.com/mm905/docs/ccwsm_look-inside/6

A teacher and strong advocate for the use of social media to promote his school, teachers, and students, discusses the current successful use of social media by community members and advocates for its use in education.

Ferriter, B. (2010).

Social media in education resources posted (Links to an external site.)

. Retrieved from http://www.teachingquality.org/content/social-media-education-resources-posted

A professional author, speaker, and educator provides resources for using social media in education to support all stakeholders.

Ferriter, B., Sheninger, E., & Ramsden, J. (2010).

Social media in schools (Links to an external site.)

. Retrieved from http://digitallyspeaking.pbworks.com/w/page/28489273/Social%20Media%20in%20Schools

This wiki includes a collection of resources for Social Media in Schools.

Grey, B. (2010).

Plan to communicate (Links to an external site.)

. The Edge of Tomorrow. Retrieved from http://bengrey.com/blog/2010/12/plan-to-communicate/

This blog discusses the District 123 Communications Plan and reflections.

Search Institute. (n.d.).

What’s working? Tools for evaluating your mentoring program (Links to an external site.)

. Retrieved from http://www.searchinstitutepress.org/free_downloads/Whats_Working_Eval_Toolkit

This free download is an overview of established methods for program evaluation. Note: To obtain this free e-product, you will need to enter basic personal information in order to move forward with the download.

Sheringer, E. (2011).

The questions I ask (Links to an external site.)

. A Principal’s Reflections. Retrieved from http://esheninger.blogspot.com/2011/11/questions-i-ask.html

A principal, author, and strong advocate for the use of social media to promote his school, teachers, and students asks questions of those who may hesitate to embrace social media.

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