Week 6 Journal


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A critical part of the mentoring process is creating a visible action plan that captures a group’s theory of change. After reading the chapter, focus on the section titled Make Your Project Visible and use Table 8.3 (do not confuse this with Figure 8.3); reflect on how to put a mentoring plan into action. In one-page minimum, address the following questions:

• How might making a mentoring project’s available resources (e.g., the assets that include time, money, partners, research, and available mentoring expertise) visible allow for thoughtful review by a planning team before, during, and after the project?

• How would identifying a mentoring project’s activities and processes (e.g., observing documenting, reflecting, analysis, application, feedback, goal-setting, and modeling) allow for adjustment before, during, and after a project?

• How does identifying the expected outcomes for both children and adults involved in a mentoring project increase the chance that the outcomes will be met?

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• As you reflect on this course, identify and briefly discuss a theme/idea that resonates with you as a leader who is invested in supporting the learning and development of the adults and children involved in early childhood education.

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