Week 6 Introduction to Basic Statistics. Discussion Post


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How have your beliefs and attitudes changed? You may find that you now think differently about statistics you read or hear about in the news and advertisements. You may have a better understanding of research articles you read in your coursework. Hopefully, you have become a more critical consumer of information. Take some time to reflect on how you have grown and learned this term, and plan how you will incorporate your new knowledge into your everyday life.

By Day 3

Post a response to the following:

  1. Reflecting on what you have learned over the past six weeks, explain how your perception of statistics has changed.
  2. Describe at least three specific ways you will apply what you have learned this term to your personal and professional life. 
  3. Explain how what you have learned in this course will impact your approach to at least one of the features of social change (Scholarship, Systems Thinking, Reflection, Practice, Collaboration, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Humane Ethics), described in the Expanding Our Understanding of Social Change report in this week’s Required Resources.

Be sure to fully explain your rationale for each of your answers, and support your ideas with evidence from the text and Learning Resources.

Provide an APA reference list.

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