Week 5 Financial Reporting

Really just looking for the spreadsheet to be doneThe purpose of this assignment is to expose you to the basic process involved in the analysis of the cash flow statement.Assignment StepsResources: Appendix A of Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision MakingNote: This is a two part assignment.Part 1Answer questions A-F in problem CT12-1 in Financial Accounting (p. 640).Provide an 875-word analysis of your findings.Include conclusions concerning the management of the company’s cash.Part 2Complete a 1,050-word summary of findings and recommendations from the following questions: What is the par or stated value per share of Apple’s common stock?What percentage of Apple’s authorized common stock was issued at September 27, 2014?How many shares of common stock were outstanding at September 28, 2013, and at September 27, 2014?Calculate the payout ratio, earnings per share, and return on common stockholders’ equity for 2014.Use the Week 5 Excel® spreadsheet and submit with your analysis and summary.Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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