week 5 assisgnment


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We are at the halfway point if you can believe it! This week you are going to compose the second half of your paper. This part of the paper explores the cultural and ethical perspectives of your topic. Below is a video of what to cover in this part. This paper has all of the same expectations as the previous paper. It must be written formally, have correct citations and in APA format. I have included a word document below that reviews formal writing again. You are also going to want to use tutor.com, the writing studio or PAL tutors for this assignment as well. You will use the articles from assignment 4 to help you but you still have a significant amount of research to do.

  • Origin of environmental/social injustice

    Brief history
    Cause(s) – may have more than one

  • Money, power, and control
  • Legislation
  • Cultural values and/or norms influence the issue
  • Ethical obligations of the health care profession

Topic you chose from Google forms

Would public Health approach to insert social/environmental injustice decrease rates of insert medical condition caused by injustice for population you will focus on ?

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From a Future Nurse’s Prospective



West Coast University

Origin of Environmental Injustice: Insert injustice

In this section you are going to give a brief history of your topic. Not more than a paragraph. I know in the video I said that if you had an environmental issue you did not do this section but upon further reflection it does make sense for you to include it. You should be able to find studies here to back up your claims. The writing style is formal and must have fluidity. You need a strong introductory sentence that describes what the section will be about but without vague/weak language and is not painted with too broad a brush. You also need transition sentences and summary sentences. Use credible sources in this part because you cannot make up information. The citations will go after the last sentence with information from that source. Each paragraph must have at least ONE in text citation otherwise this is plagiarism. You should have several paragraphs to ensure organization of content and to help your reader follow your logic. You also need to write formally, meaning NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS (we, our, my or you). This is no place for personal opinions either so the word should or need, should not be used. Look at my full list of words and phases in my Writing Style handout that make your writing juvenile (get/ing, a lot, huge, big, “when it comes to” to name a few). If you use them I will know you did not look at the videos and are not participating in class. NO QUOATATIONS either. Information needs to be paraphrased and cited correctly in your own words. This is also a form of plagiarism. Look at my example about the decline in bee populations and the peer review rubric for guidance. They are both posted in the announcements. The last sentence should transition into the causes.

Insert cause

In this section you will discuss one specific causes to your injustice. Use evidence to back up your claim. There should be studies used here to back up your claim. All same writing rules apply.

Insert 2nd cause if you have one

If you have another specific cause to your injustice discuss it here and back it up with evidence. There should be studies used here to back up your claim. Last sentence needs to transition into the next section. All same writing rules apply. The next three sections can be in the order you choose to allow for smooth transition and fluidity in your paper.

Insert 3rd cause if you have one

If you have a third cause to your injustice include it here.

Money Power and Control: Insert organization

In this section you will find a specific organization or institution that benefits from your injustice and works to keep it in place. You will need to find different ways that they maintain power. Use the site open secrets to find out how much this industry lobbies congress to protect their interests. You will need to find several sources to prove the point that this group of people do not want to allow change prevent progress. All the same writing rule apply for this section. Make sure to have a transition to the next section. The next section does not have to be legislation. The three middle sections can be put in the order you want.

Legislation: Insert specific law or bill

In this section you will find a law or a bill that directly impacts your population regarding your injustice. Once you find one look it up on congress.gov. It has a summary of the actual bill and its history. You probably will not find studies about this section. You want to include the specific information about the bill as well as its history and the people that proposed it. You need to have a smooth transition to the next section. Again, the three next sections can be in the order you need them to be for fluidity.

Cultural Norms: Click or tap here to enter text.

In this section you will discuss a cultural norm that perpetuates the injustice. You should be able to find studied to back up your claim that culture influences your injustice and works to maintain the status quo. Make sure to have a smooth transition to the next section. Again, the three middle sections can be in the order you need them to be for fluidity.

Ethical Obligation of the Health Care Professional: Future Nurse

In this section you will discuss why it is a nurse’s obligation to be an advocate for your population and be active in addressing the injustice as a professional. Those with an environmental topic there will be plenty of position statements. For social injustices look up the provisions in the code of ethics. Describe what they are and choose a few to relate to your topic. This section needs to be the last. Its order cannot be changed. Conclude with a summative statement about the proof you presented that your profession requires your activism regarding this injustice without being silly because all of the rules still apply. NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS!!!!!!!


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