Week 5


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Option #2: Resolving Serious Conflict Between Team Members (Paper or Presentation)

The members of your project team are in serious conflict. They have been tasked with conducting a quality assessment of your company’s product testing process. The number of product failures being reported by consumers has increased and your team needs to find out how the failures are being passed through test. Their main disagreement is about the approach they should take to assess the process. The fact that Kurt and Janet have never liked each other isn’t helping, and Christine, the person who generally mediates between them, is fed up with their immaturity and is refusing to intervene. Thomas is disengaged as he believes the testing process is just fine; rather, it is the test employees who are at fault and should be fired. Describe the type of conflict involved i.e. task, process, and/or relationship. What factors within the team allowed the conflict to escalate? As the leader, what is your approach to resolving this conflict? What can be learned from working through this conflict?

Your completed assignment must adhere to the following parameters:

  • Be a 3- to 5-page paper (not including title and reference pages) or an 8- to 10-minute presentation (presentation tools such as Prezi, GoogleSlides, PowerPoint, Keynote, or others can be used).
  • Be supported by a minimum of three credible, academic or professional sources. Remember, you must support your thinking and prior knowledge with references, even in a video presentation.
  • Include an APA style reference list at the end of the paper or with your presentation file.
  • Review the grading rubric.
  • Be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

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