Week 4 Response to Discussion 1 & 2 BUS 624/625

Please response to the two discussion on each document. The documents BUS 624 and BUS 625.  BUS 624 as two discussion and BUS 625 as two discussion form two of my classmate that needs to be responded to. Please reading instruction very carefully it will confirm the number of word need for the Response  

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BUS 624 Week 4 Response Discussion 2

Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts (as well as any comments made by your instructor) in a substantive manner and provide information or concepts that they may not have considered. Each response should have a minimum of 150 words. Support your position by using information from the week’s readings. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum

Below there are two of my classmate’s discussion that needs I need to response to their names are David Geusen and Kyle Jablonski

David Geusen

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WednesdayMar 18 at 7:29pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Over the course of the MBA program I have selected the Philippines for my Walmart Case Study. Walmart’s introduction into the Philippines will have many hurdles that require detailed planning and research. In my prior classes, I have discussed the cultural issues including demographical and employee management differences. After now reviewing the surface of legal aspects in business, I know now that there are many legal issues that arise as well.

Some legal issues that Walmart in the Philippines may encounter is rights to intellectual property. An example would be Walmart’s trademark logo. When an American trademark owner goes global, the owner runs the risk of other businesses using their trademark freely and without consent (Langvardt, Barnes, Prenkert, McCrory, and Perry, 2019). To avoid this, Walmart would need to register their trademark in the nation of the Philippines to be protected.

Another foreseeable issue is contracts. Contracts are used everyday in business and when Walmart enters the Filipino market, they will need to understand the laws the govern them. An issue could arise if Walmart has employment contracts used for the United States and they adopt the same techniques in the Philippines. Employment labor contracts in the Philippines must have clearly stated terms and clauses as well as be a dual language contract (Dezan Shira & Associates, 2018). By interpreting Book IV of the Civil Code of the Philippines, Walmart will be better prepared when entering the country.


Dezan Shira & Associates (2019). Philippine Labor Contracts: What You Need to Know.

Langvardt, A. W., Barnes, A. J., Prenkert, J. D., McCrory, M. A., & Perry, J. E. (2019).


Business law: The ethical, global, and e-commerce environment (17th ed.). Retrieved from https://www.vitalsource.com 


Kyle Jablonski

The country that I chose for my Walmart case study was South Korea. The cultural difference between South Korea and Walmart is primarily due to the perception of what Walmart is and the shopping behaviors of the general public. According to Renee Kim (2008), “Korean consumers viewed Wal-Mart as a store to visit when they needed to purchase large nonfood products and to see a variety of products, including foreign products. They prefer to visit local domestic supermarkets for food purchases and daily use items. Korean consumers also like to shop daily, instead of weekly or biweekly, and purchase small packages, given their small houses with limited storage and freezing spaces” (P. 5). Walmart did not change how and adjust to South Korean culture. In order to adjust to the Korean market place, Walmart needs to restructure how their products are sold. Instead of focusing on large bulk and low cost. Purchasers should focus on quality instead of quantity and offering smaller quantities instead of big bulky items. This would allow consumers to shop for what they are accustomed to.


The legal issues that Walmart may face in South Korea are importation legal issues. Even though there is the “US-Korea Trade Agreement,” Walmart imports products to distribute in their stores. If importers and exporters are not aware of the laws and regulations on how South Korea stances on each country Walmart does business there could be an issue. A way of combating this is to work with local merchants as much as possible. Also designating an entire department on knowing the import laws of where all of the Walmarts of the world would help alleviate this issue tremendously. 


Cascio, W. F., & Aguinis, H. (2019). Applied psychology in talent management (8th ed.). Retrieved from 

https://www.vitalsource.com (Links to an external site.)



Kim, R. (2008) Wal-Mart Korea: Challenges of Entering a Foreign

Market, Journal of Asia-Pacific Business. Retrieved from 

https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10599230802453604 (Links to an external site.)

BUS 624 Week 4 Response Discussion 1

Guided Response:


Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts (as well as any comments made by your instructor) in a substantive manner and provide information or concepts that they may not have considered. Each response should have a minimum of 100 words. Support your position by using information from the week’s readings. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum.
Below there are two of my classmate’s discussion that needs I need to response to their names are Mark Zuniga and Lisa James

Mark Zuniga

MondayMar 16 at 10:41pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Did Mr. Higgins infringe on Ms. Garner’s Patent?

Is Ms. Garner’s patent valid?

I would rule in favor of Mr. Higgins not infringing on Ms. Garner’s patent as the patent is not valid. The patent is not valid as the process of keeping tabs of customers and the shopping behaviors is not a new process or idea. Mr. Higgins explains that his company has used this method for customers of shoes and upon expanding to an online presence, the same methods are the same. Ms. Garner is trying to state that there is a different between applying these methods in a building and online but the result is the same for the customer. As these characteristics are demonstrated prior by the company Mr. Higgins works for, there is no infringement.

Does Ms. Garner’s patent meet the requirements of being novel, non-obvious, and having utility? Explain why or why not.

Ms. Garner’s patent does not meet novel and non-obvious requirements. As a novelty is the invention being new and truly different from previous actions in the field, keeping tabs on customer behaviors and trends is not new in the retail industry (Langvardt et al., 2019). Non-obvious requires the invention to not be obvious to people in the same field of reasonable skills, marketing and analytics are specific job titles to help keep tabs on customers (Langvardt et al., 2019). The idea of providing products based on customer preferences is not a new idea for business and does not allow this idea alone to be patented. The patent does meet utility as this is useful in a business setting (Langvardt et al., 2019).


Langvardt, A. W., Barnes, A. J., Prenkert, J. D., McCrory, M. A., & Perry, J. E. (2019). 

Business law: The ethical, global, and e-commerce environment

 (17th ed.). Retrieved from 

https://www.vitalsource.com (Links to an external site.)

McGraw Hill. (n.d.). 

YBTJ_intellectual_click_arg (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

 [Video clip]. In Intellectual property: Click here, get sued [Video file]. Retrieved from 

http://www.viddler.com/embed/37be50a1/?f=1&autoplay=0&player=full&disablebranding=0 (Links to an external site.)

McGraw Hill. (n.d.). 

YBTJ_intellectual_click_prof_def (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

 [Video clip]. In Intellectual property: Click here, get sued [Video file]. Retrieved from 

http://www.viddler.com/embed/8fc0ee71/?f=1&autoplay=0&player=full&disablebranding=0 (Links to an external site.)

McGraw Hill. (n.d.). 

YBTJ_intellectual_click_prof_plaint (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

 [Video clip]. In Intellectual property: Click here, get sued [Video file]. Retrieved from 

http://www.viddler.com/embed/eef250e4/?f=1&autoplay=0&player=full&disablebranding=0 (Links to an external site.)

McGraw Hill. (n.d.). 

YBTJ_intellectual_click_react_def (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

 [Video clip]. In Intellectual property: Click here, get sued [Video file]. Retrieved from 

http://www.viddler.com/embed/c0e674c8/?f=1&autoplay=0&player=full&disablebranding=0 (Links to an external site.)

McGraw Hill. (n.d.). 

YBTJ_intellectual_click_react_plain (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

 [Video clip]. In Intellectual property: Click here, get sued [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.viddler.com/embed/36326200/?f=1&autoplay=0&p

Lisa James

TuesdayMar 17 at 3:42pm

Manage Discussion Entry
Did Mr. Higgins infringe on Ms. Garner’s Patent?

Mr. Higgins did not infringe on Ms. Garner’s patent based on the fact that her idea was not new and was utilized in stores and online prior to her gaining patent on it. Even though the law does allow for the “first to file rule” the patent still must be unique (Langvardt, Barnes, Prenkert, McCrory, & Perry, 2019).  Mr. Higgins argument that the profiling of customer preferences is the basis of customer service is valid and there is no difference between utilizing the practice in store as there is online.

Is Ms. Garner’s patent valid?

No, the patent is not valid because it would not because it does not meet the basic requirements of being novel, non-obvious, and having utility

Does Ms. Garner’s patent meet the requirements of being novel, non-obvious, and having utility? Explain why or why not.

Her patent does not meet any of these requirements. For a patent to be novel, it must be a new and completely different from anything else in the relevant filed. Langvardt, Barnes, Prenkert, McCrory, & Perry (2019) state that, “The America Invents Act provides that a patent cannot be granted if any of these events occurred before the patent applicant filed his, her, or its patent application: the invention was already patented; the invention was already in public use, on sale, or otherwise available to the public; or the invention had already been described in a printed publication” (pg 289). Because stores were already utilizing this method in their brick and mortar locations, it would not be considered novel. The patent is also not non-obvious as to qualify for this distinction the idea must not be obvious to those in the same field. Mr. Higgins’ store and other locations have been using a variation of this for year. I would agree that the patent has utility, as it is helpful and useful for various locations.


Langvardt, A. W., Barnes, A. J., Prenkert, J. D., McCrory, M. A., & Perry, J. E. (2019). Business law: The ethical, global, and e-commerce environment (17th ed.). Retrieved from https://www.vitalsource.com 

BUS 625 Week 4 Response to Discussion 1

Guided Response:


Your initial response should be a minimum of 300 words in length. Respond to at least two of your classmates by commenting on their posts. Though two replies are the basic expectation for class discussions, for deeper engagement and learning you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you.

Below there are two of my classmate’s discussion that needs I need to response to their names are Lisa Schreiner and Robert Mcalexander

Lisa Schreiner

SaturdayMar 14 at 9:18am

Manage Discussion Entry

1. Volume: It refers to the incredible amount of data that is generated each second from multiple sources such as cell phones, social media, online transactions, etc.

2. Velocity: It refers to the speed at which the data is generated, collected, and analyzed.

3. Variety: If refers to the different types of data such as structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. Structured data has a fixed format and size, semi-structured data has a structure but cannot be stored in a database, unstructured data does not have any format and or hard to analyze.

4. Veracity: It is the trustworthiness of data in terms of quality and accuracy. Extracting loads of data is not useful if the data is messy and poor in quality.


Netflix collects big data for competitive advantage by tracking the types of shows or movies people watch. According to Dans (2020), “the company began to verify when it used to send DVDs by mail, then it began to replace this with streaming. An approach that provides superior data and instantaneous feedback, as well as setting it apart from the competition” (para. 3). The velocity or speed at which the data collects through the internet is in real time with a click of the mouse or remote control button. The variety of data collects in a structured manner by genre, frequency, and time of day. The structured data allows quick algorithms to run in the background and suggest specific viewing options on the account in an instant. The veracity or quality and accuracy of the data collection provides a level of detail with no external or human influence to interpretation leading to clean data in the warehouse. “Netflix’s success proves this: if we consistently resort to data analysis, a greater percentage of our decisions will be better made, the risks we take will be more balanced, and the results will be better” (Dans, 2020, para. 5). Netflix has provided me with many successful viewing suggestions during personal use proving the data mining and analysis techniques work.

The values of data mining in a business is to provide correlations, patterns or trends in the market products or services. The data use can increase the marketing strategy by defining the target market for cost effectiveness and maximizing profits. Fraud detection is a valuable purpose for many businesses such as banks, credit card companies, insurance, retail, and more. Minimizing losses due to fraud increases value in a product or service providing protection. Data analysis adds value to decision-making in organizations and personal practices through process improvement, identifying successful offerings for further expansion, or unsuccessful offerings to cut the losses.

Challenges in managing a data mining project include unstructured data, unclean data, data protection and security, ensuring questions to answer are specific, and willing to work with others – this is a team effort. Unstructured and dirty data leads to unreliability. The errors can manifest from measurements, quantification, or simple human keying mistakes. Protection and security of data is the forefront of every person and business due to the ease and speed of obtaining information through technology. Acquiring permission to pull data for analysis is challenging in this environment. Questions must be specific for the process otherwise the database is too large providing unreliable and possible duplication in output. Data mining is a team effort. One must be willing to work and share knowledge and findings across levels to provide reliable conclusions.



Dans, E. (2020, January, 15). Netflix: Big Data And Playing A Long Game Is Proving A Winning Strategy.  

https://www.forbes.com/sites/enriquedans/2020/01/15/netflix-big-data-and-playing-a-long-game-is-proving-a-winningstrategy/#2ec78c7a766e (Links to an external site.)

Sharpe, N. D., De Veaux, R. D., & Velleman, P. F. (2019). 

Business statistics 
(4th ed.)

. https://www.redshelf.com

Robert Mcalexander

SundayMar 15 at 8:05am

Manage Discussion Entry

Good morning everyone!


Provide an example of a company that is collecting big data for competitive advantage. Explain how each of the three Vs, outside the volume, is helping the company achieve competitive advantage.

Big Data: The collection and analysis of data sets so large and complex that traditional methods typically brought to bear on the problem would be overwhelmed.

A standard example of a company that uses big data would be our friends over at Amazon.  All the data that comes in on a daily basis surely helps them to sustain their competitive advantage here in the United States, and it also helps them to seek one on a global level.  When looking at the four “V’s” of big data, the first one seems rather obvious.  With the number of users on a daily basis, there has to be overwhelming quantities of data continuously streaming in.   Amazon will also receive quite a variety of data even when just looking at one user.  Think of all the different types of services Amazon offers.  They can track down what you are listening to, what you are watching, what you are eating, what you like to wear, your favorite games or hobbies, and much more simply from your search/buy history.  This variety can help them to better tailor their user interface to each individual by making suggestions based on data they have collected.  The next aspect of big data to look at would be the velocity of the data.  Again even just breaking this down on a single user basis, there is so much data coming in all at once just through a few clicks.  So when you take that and multiply I by the hundreds of millions of users that frequent these services on the daily, that is a lot of data at a high rate.  The final aspect of big data would be the veracity, or the quality of the data.  This is where I feel Amazon would have trouble sorting through the quantity of data they receive.  But with all of their services they surely have the opportunity to gather extremely high quality data.

Explain the values of data mining in a business and at least three challenges in managing a data mining project.

One of the best values that comes from data mining is the ability to make an accurate forecasts on demand.  By tracking trends in data, Amazon can be much better prepared and provide the end user with the highest quality services.  But by doing this, there will inevitably be massive challenges associated with it.  Three significant challenges would be the infrastructure, responsiveness, and finally using the data gathered.  Infrastructure would be a major piece of this equation. You would need to have a sufficient hardware, software, and manpower in order to accurately gather and use all the data.  The next challenge would be the time taken to respond.  This will by no means be a quick turnaround.  “This can be a time-consuming part of the process and is also likely to be a team effort. Investigating missing values, correcting wrong and inconsistent entries, reconciling data definitions, and merging data sources are all challenging issues.” (Sharpe 753) The final challenge that Amazon would face would be on actually using the valuable data. Being able to make decisions based on the data found will again take time and by then the information could be deemed irrelevant.


Govindarajan. V.G. (2018 February 2) Can anyone stop amazon from winning the industrial internet? The Challenges for industrial giants. Retrieved from: 

https://hbr.org/2018/02/can-anyone-stop-amazon-from-winning-the-industrial-internet (Links to an external site.)


Sharpe, N. D., De Veaux, R. D., & Velleman, P. F. (2019). 

Business statistics (4th ed.)

. Retrieved from:  

https://platform.virdocs.com/r/s/0/doc/509177/sp/68046783/mi/291160736?cfi=%2F4%2F2%5BP700101598900000000000000000C2CE%5D%2F28%5BP700101598900000000000000000C3F3%5D%2F6%5BP700101598900000000000000000C3F6%5D%2F8%5BP700101598900000000000000000C3FD%5D%2F2%5BP700101598900000000000000000C3FE%5D (Links to an external site.)

BUS 625 Week 4 Response to Discussion 2

Guided Response: Your initial response should be a minimum of 300 words in length. Respond to at least two of your classmates by commenting on their posts. Though two replies are the basic expectation for class discussions, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you. 

Below there are two of my classmate’s discussion that needs I need to response to their names are

Umadevi Sayana


Britney Graves

Umadevi Sayana

TuesdayMar 17 at 7:50am
Manage Discussion Entry
Twitter mining analyzed the Twitter message in predicting, discovering, or investigating the causation. Twitter mining included text mining that designed specifically to leverage Twitter content and context tweets. With the use of text mining, twitter was able to include analysis of additional information that associates to tweets, which include hashtags, names, and other related characteristics. The mining also employs much information as several tweets, likes, retweets, and favorites trying to understand the considerations better. Twitter using text mining was successful in capturing and reflecting different events that relate to other conventional and social media. In 2013, there were over 500 million messages per day for twitter and became impossible for any human to analyze. It became important than to develop computer-based algorithms, including data mining. Twitter implements text mining in analyzing the sentiment that associates with twitter messages. It based on the analysis of the keyword that words are having a negative, positive, or neutral sentiment (Sunmoo, Noémie& 
Suzanne,  (Links to an external site.)n.d). Positive words, for example like great, beautiful, love, and negative words of stupid, evil, and waste, do regularly have lexicons. Using text mining, Twitter was able to capture sentiments by capturing many dictionary symbols. Moreover, the sentiment applied to abbreviations, emoticons, and repeated characters, symbols, and abbreviations.
The sentiments on topics of economics, politics, and security are usually negative, and sentiments related to sports are harmful. Twitter also used text mining to collect and analyze for topic modeling techniques over time. To pull out the data from Twitter, TwitterR used. “Someone well versed in database architecture and data storage is needed to extract the relevant information in different databases and to merge them into a form that is useful for analysis” ( Sharpe, De Veaux & Velleman, 2019, p.753). It provides the interface that connects to Twitter web API; retweetedby/ids also used combined with RCurl package in finding out several tweets that retweeted. Text mining is also used in Twitter to clean the text by taking out hyperlinks, numbers, stop words, punctuations, followed by stem completion. Text mining also implemented for social network analysis.
Web mining focus on data knowledge discovery of data from blogs, online mailing lists, social media, including the structure analysis, content, and usage. Web mining aim in extracting and analyzing the information that is useful from the content of the web through several techniques from data mining, natural language processing, machine learning. In Twitter, web mining is used in selecting keywords, importing the data, preparing, analyzing, and interpreting the data. For example, a web content mapping for physical activity includes searching for keywords like body fat, body mass index, appetite, obesity, overweight, and importing data in searching the Twitter database specifying a period. The preparation of data includes cleaning the extraneous words and analyze the data by calculating frequency vectors that result in terms like circumference, supplements, calculator, and height. The web mining method on Twitter is also used in social media to study health behaviors. It is essential to understand the behaviors that are difficult due to the complexity. The web mining in twitter help to reveal the situational context of before and after the physical activity (Sunmoo, Noémie& Suzanne
,  (Links to an external site.)n.d). The analysis provides the situational context purposes like build muscle, time with words like now, today, social context, words like gym, environmental with water trial. Tweets capture the detailed fair information measurement as several calories burned. Web mining content also used to track the mobility changes of the microblogging context. It relates to the fact in which the user is no longer bound to the computer while generating microblogging content (Mathieu & Derek, n.d). Web mining helps to find the effect of mobility level on features of the user in the dataset of their followers, followees, and recent 100 recent posted tweets using Twitter User API. It allows us to identify a total number of followees and followers in the Twitter applications and web pages.
Twitter got benefitted with the text and web mining that help to achieve a large number of customers that ta re satisfied and increase customer loyalty. Mining help in overcoming risk factors and display hidden profitability (Maningo, 2020). Mining helps the reduction of client’s involvement with proper extraction and analysis of client data. It helps Twitter to identify customer groups to market the different products according to the niche.
Mathieu, P. & Derek, R. (n.d). The effect of Mobile platforms on Twitter content generation. file:///C:/Users/TZ97TH/Downloads/2798-14225-1-PB
Maningo, J. (2020, February 6). How to Use Twitter for Data Mining. 
https://www.quickstart.com/blog/how-to-use-twitter-for-data-mining/ (Links to an external site.)
Sharpe, N. D., De Veaux, R. D., & Velleman, P. F. (2019). 
Business statistics (4th ed.)
. https://www.redshelf.com
Sunmoo, Y., Noémie, E., & 
Suzanne, B. (Links to an external site.) (n.d). A Practical Approach for Content Mining of Tweets. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3694275/

Britney Graves

WednesdayMar 18 at 4:48pm
Manage Discussion Entry
Before we can understand how a company benefits from text mining, it’s essential to know what that is and how it can be used. Text mining is using text to obtain quality information instead of relying on trends and relationships that are solely from numbers. This type of data can provide a diverse set of data because every person has different experiences and insight that they can bring to a company’s attention. Chase Bank uses text data by analyzing call center transcripts and tracking and responding to online reviews and being active on Twitter and other social media. Chase Bank’s twitter account is continuously asking for feedback, and responding to tweets left my customers regardless of if customers are satisfied or not. Now, Chase can gather this information, turn it into numbers, and can see a visual representation of text. (Bennett, 2017)Explains that “The process by which text mining solves the problems of structure and scale is where data science comes in. The basic approach is to turn text into numbers so that we can use machines to analyses the large volumes of documents and discover insights through mathematical algorithms” (p. 3). Text mining can provide equally important information by being equated into numbers.
Web mining has a lot of benefits as well because it allows companies to find and use information from the web to predict behavior and improve customer relations. For example, how often customers are clicking hyperlinks, how often they visit websites, and the content of web pages. Chase Bank uses this information every time they send out an email with a promotion or a new product and attach a hyperlink. How many customers are click this link? Are more people clicking the email link or the texted link? While this doesn’t seem like important information, knowing this data can help Chase Bank recreate its business plan to make a shift from an email hyperlink to a text message. Through web mining, Chase Bank may discover that people are near a specific area code are searching for the nearest location; therefore, they can see there is a demand for their services.
Bennett, F. (2018, July 15). What is text mining and how can it be used to create value for business? Retrieved March 17, 2020, from https://www.mastodonc.com/2017/04/12/what-is-text-mining-and-how-can-it-be-used-to-create-value-for-business/

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