Week 4 Discussion


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Supporting Lectures:

Review the following lectures:

  • Expatriate: Predeparture Planning and Training
  • Global Staffing, Leadership, and Software Applications
  • Global Workforce, Succession Planning, and Training

Discussion Questions

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Doing Discussion Questions Right

” and any specific instructions for this topic.

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Before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Submit your responses in the Discussion Area.


By the due date assigned, respond to the assigned discussion questions and submit your responses to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area. Respond to the assigned questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading.

Select any one of the following starter bullet point sections. Review the important themes within the sub-questions of each bullet point. The sub-questions are designed to get you thinking about some of the important issues. Your response should provide a succinct synthesis of the key themes in a way that articulates a clear point, position, or conclusion supported by research. Select a different bullet point section than what your peers have already posted so that we can engage in several discussions on relevant topics. If all of the bullet points have been addressed, then you may begin to reuse the bullet points with the expectation that varied responses continue.


Question 1:

Evaluate an article from the

South University Online Library

 or Harvard Business Review that discusses female expatriates.

Question 2:

Analyze the effectiveness of the predeparture training for an expatriate.

Submission Details:

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite all sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your initial posting should be addressed at 500–1,000 words as noted in the attached PDF.

Expatriate: Predeparture Planning and Training

International human resources (IHR) can be a daunting task for a human resources (HR) professional
to manage for an expatriate, whereas the expatriate may initially �nd the upcoming experience to be
exhilarating and �lled with many opportunities. One of the biggest hurdles the HR professional can
help the expatriate overcome is the predeparture planning. The predeparture training will give the
expatriate the chance to understand his or her new position as well as speci�c details to acclimate
him or her to the host country, culture, and customs. Even if the individual has the knowledge and
experience to successfully manage a US operation, the expatriate may not be the perfect candidate
for the assignment. Some barriers that can affect the performance of the expatriate may be external
as well as internal. For example, a female expatriate may not be the best candidate to place in an
assignment where females are not respected in the host country or business setting. In addition, the
expatriate may not to be able to give complete attention to the assignment if her spouse and children
are not able to adjust to the new environment. Since the cost of sending an expatriate on an
assignment could be as high as $1 million annually, it is critical that the expatriate has everything he
or she needs to succeed.

IHR Management Criteria for Selection of Expatriates
As per Wintersberger (2017), “There are a range of recruitment methods available, and the choice of
which methods to use can in�uence the number and quality of candidates applying for a position” (p.

Use a panel interview.

Assess the mental and emotional stamina.

Assess the expatriate’s adaptability to change.

Select the candidates that have previous expatriate experience.    

Select the candidates that have:

Excellent interpersonal skills

Cultural and diversity awareness

In addition to the expatriate being improperly prepared for the cross-cultural experience, he or she could
unintentionally sever the client relationship due to lack of training. It would be very bene�cial if the HR
professional developed a predeparture handbook based on the actual assessment of the host country
combined with any personal experiences of former expatriates and their family members. Predeparture
planning and onsite training are vital for successfully transitioning the expatriate.

Predeparture Handbook:


The HR professional should design a predepature handbook in order to the assist the expatriate with the

Review each tab to know more.

Bene�ts or Compensation

Orientation Program for Family

Emergency Planning or Security


Pet Policy

Cultural Awareness Training


Respect for diverse viewpoints

Fluency in the language

Understanding of the customs 

Evaluate the adaptability of the candidate’s family to the new environment.

Use employee branding strategies.

Use external agencies.


Information on:

Reimbursement for loss of sale

Equity assistance

Repayment of equity

Rental storage

International driver’s license

Automobile Policy

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in
International Human Resources Management, read the following chapter:

Managing International Assignments

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

Ups and Downs of the Expatriate Experience? Understanding Work Adjustment Trajectories and
Career Outcomes (https://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?

The Expatriate Intern in a Japanese Organization: Predeparture Training, Intercultural
Communication, and “Learning How to Learn”

Previous International Experience, Cross-Cultural Training, and Expatriates’ Cross-Cultural
Adjustment: Effects of Cultural Intelligence and Goal Orientation

The Adjustment of Expatriate Teenagers





Global Staffing, Leadership, and Software Applications

One of the main objectives of the HR is to hire the most quali�ed leaders to �ll openings within an
MNC. While the HR professional may have the ability to attract executives and leaders to manage
key local positions, this may become even more of a challenge globally since other MNCs are
competing for the same talent. The HR professional must be able to recruit executives who are
knowledgeable of the host country and work environment and have the ability to formulate the
MNC’s competitive strategy. It is also essential for the HR professional to be competent in the areas
of expatriation, human resources, and MNCs. While the HR professional has the option of using one
of these three following approaches—polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric—an ethnocentric
approach may be a better option. With the ethnocentric approach, the HR professional is able to use
the experience of the parent country national (PCN). “PCNs are often utilized in earlier stages of
internationalization to optimize control for the purpose of transmitting company culture and
instituting and implementing company procedures and methods” (Vance & Paik, 2015, p. 195).




Human Resource Management Orientation—

Advantages and Disadvantages
An HR professional will use many approaches to attract talent for international assignments. The
goal for an MNC is to recruit talent that has the ability to successfully transition into the new
position. When the HR professional understands the terms ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric,
and geocentric, he or she will have the ability to recruit the most promising employees.

Review each tab to know more.


“Re�ects the belief in ownership and parochialism. Hence, MNCs believe in the superiority of
home-country nationals as the supreme executives who can make a positive impact on the
performance of the corporation.” (Wintersberger, 2017, p. 148)

Orientation to Subsidiary

“Perlmutter originally described MNCs with a PNC focus as ethnocentric companies whose
cultural assumptions are dominated by their home culture, and who try to apply this across their
subsidiary operations. Hence, only home personnel are developed for key positions.”
(Wintersberger, 2017, p. 148)

Initially, it may be costly to have a PCN versus a host country national (HCN), but the PCN has the
opportunity to lay a foundation and create a culture that emulates the parent �rm. As part of the
global recruiting, the HR professional could advertise employment opportunities on the MNC’s
website. The HR professional can incorporate the psychometric approach, experiential approach, or
clinical risk assessment approach into the recruitment and training program to ensure the MNC has
the most experienced leaders who understand and can adapt to the cross-cultural environment while
maintaining competitive advantage. The enterprise resource planning (ERP) and the human
resources information system (HRIS) software can also be used to automate and manage the MNC in
order to keep leaders, managers, and employees informed about the organization’s business

Regiocentric 

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in
International Human Resources Management, read the following chapter:

Global Staf�ng

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Technologies: Global Markets to 2022

Repositioning Global Staff Transfers: A Learning Perspective

An Expatriate’s Perspective on Leadership and Leading (A Global Organization) in India:
Interview with Matt Barney




Global Workforce, Succession Planning, and Training

HR professionals, leaders, and managers must have knowledge of the basic principles of employee
training for a global workforce.

Case Study:

Prior to signing the contract with the MNC, the HR professional informed you of the new succession
planning program. Six years later, you (male expatriate) have been promoted to VP of Operations for
a U.S.-based organization. The MNC has been preparing to go global for the past three years.
Cambodia is the �rst destination. The HR professional has created an extensive training program to
assist you in taking over the manufacturing plant in Cambodia. However, the training did not prepare
you for what came next. The working conditions of the employees were disturbing and very
unsanitary. Over the next four weeks, you simply interviewed the staff, took copious notes, and
assessed production. The employees were knowledgeable but extremely demotivated. The women
and children were required to work longer hours than the men.

According to Vance & Paik (2015):

Critical imperatives of training and development for the global workforce include building
global competencies and workforce alignment. Particular considerations should be made to
ensure the effective training of HCNs at all levels and expatriates as well as female expatriates
who face unique challenges. (p. 263)

In addition to improving employees’ performance and working conditions and developing a training
program for the employees, a female expatriate must also be trained on how to take over the
manufacturing plant, because you will be promoted to VP of Global Operations.

How can you begin to implement the same policies and procedures that you have used in the parent
company that has been a success and groom the female expatriate to take over as the new VP in
Cambodia in less than one year?

Preserving “Local Knowledge”
How important is succession planning to an organization, and how should an HR professional prepare
for this task?

Peruse the list below and determine how the concepts can be applied to the case study:

Affective domain

Cognitive domain

Psychomotor domain

Levels of training “CASE”

Principles of adult learning

Sensitivity to cross-cultural differences

Systems approach

Training transfer

An HR professional should:

Recognize and identify any issues/obstacles that will interfere with the succession planning.

Have a well-developed leadership development program/competency model.

Have a formal succession planning policy.

Select and train multiple candidates for the position.

Have a formal procedure for maintaining contact with the expatriate.

Conduct constant evaluation of the expatriate’s assignment.

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in
International Human Resources Management, read the following chapters:

Global Human Resource Planning

Global Workforce Training and Development

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

International Safety Training: Preparing a Global Workforce

Global Managerial Skill Sets, Management Development, and the Role of HR: An Exploratory
Qualitative Study of North American and Indian Managers



Expatriate: Predeparture Planning and Training

International human resources (IHR) can be a daunting task for a human resources (HR) professional
to manage for an expatriate, whereas the expatriate may initially �nd the upcoming experience to be
exhilarating and �lled with many opportunities. One of the biggest hurdles the HR professional can
help the expatriate overcome is the predeparture planning. The predeparture training will give the
expatriate the chance to understand his or her new position as well as speci�c details to acclimate
him or her to the host country, culture, and customs. Even if the individual has the knowledge and
experience to successfully manage a US operation, the expatriate may not be the perfect candidate
for the assignment. Some barriers that can affect the performance of the expatriate may be external
as well as internal. For example, a female expatriate may not be the best candidate to place in an
assignment where females are not respected in the host country or business setting. In addition, the
expatriate may not to be able to give complete attention to the assignment if her spouse and children
are not able to adjust to the new environment. Since the cost of sending an expatriate on an
assignment could be as high as $1 million annually, it is critical that the expatriate has everything he
or she needs to succeed.

IHR Management Criteria for Selection of Expatriates
As per Wintersberger (2017), “There are a range of recruitment methods available, and the choice of
which methods to use can in�uence the number and quality of candidates applying for a position” (p.

Use a panel interview.

Assess the mental and emotional stamina.

Assess the expatriate’s adaptability to change.

Select the candidates that have previous expatriate experience.    

Select the candidates that have:

Excellent interpersonal skills

Cultural and diversity awareness

In addition to the expatriate being improperly prepared for the cross-cultural experience, he or she could
unintentionally sever the client relationship due to lack of training. It would be very bene�cial if the HR
professional developed a predeparture handbook based on the actual assessment of the host country
combined with any personal experiences of former expatriates and their family members. Predeparture
planning and onsite training are vital for successfully transitioning the expatriate.

Predeparture Handbook:


The HR professional should design a predepature handbook in order to the assist the expatriate with the

Review each tab to know more.

Bene�ts or Compensation

Orientation Program for Family

Emergency Planning or Security


Pet Policy

Cultural Awareness Training


Respect for diverse viewpoints

Fluency in the language

Understanding of the customs 

Evaluate the adaptability of the candidate’s family to the new environment.

Use employee branding strategies.

Use external agencies.


Information on:

Reimbursement for loss of sale

Equity assistance

Repayment of equity

Rental storage

International driver’s license

Automobile Policy

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in
International Human Resources Management, read the following chapter:

Managing International Assignments

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

Ups and Downs of the Expatriate Experience? Understanding Work Adjustment Trajectories and
Career Outcomes (https://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?

The Expatriate Intern in a Japanese Organization: Predeparture Training, Intercultural
Communication, and “Learning How to Learn”

Previous International Experience, Cross-Cultural Training, and Expatriates’ Cross-Cultural
Adjustment: Effects of Cultural Intelligence and Goal Orientation

The Adjustment of Expatriate Teenagers





Global Staffing, Leadership, and Software Applications

One of the main objectives of the HR is to hire the most quali�ed leaders to �ll openings within an
MNC. While the HR professional may have the ability to attract executives and leaders to manage
key local positions, this may become even more of a challenge globally since other MNCs are
competing for the same talent. The HR professional must be able to recruit executives who are
knowledgeable of the host country and work environment and have the ability to formulate the
MNC’s competitive strategy. It is also essential for the HR professional to be competent in the areas
of expatriation, human resources, and MNCs. While the HR professional has the option of using one
of these three following approaches—polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric—an ethnocentric
approach may be a better option. With the ethnocentric approach, the HR professional is able to use
the experience of the parent country national (PCN). “PCNs are often utilized in earlier stages of
internationalization to optimize control for the purpose of transmitting company culture and
instituting and implementing company procedures and methods” (Vance & Paik, 2015, p. 195).




Human Resource Management Orientation—

Advantages and Disadvantages
An HR professional will use many approaches to attract talent for international assignments. The
goal for an MNC is to recruit talent that has the ability to successfully transition into the new
position. When the HR professional understands the terms ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric,
and geocentric, he or she will have the ability to recruit the most promising employees.

Review each tab to know more.


“Re�ects the belief in ownership and parochialism. Hence, MNCs believe in the superiority of
home-country nationals as the supreme executives who can make a positive impact on the
performance of the corporation.” (Wintersberger, 2017, p. 148)

Orientation to Subsidiary

“Perlmutter originally described MNCs with a PNC focus as ethnocentric companies whose
cultural assumptions are dominated by their home culture, and who try to apply this across their
subsidiary operations. Hence, only home personnel are developed for key positions.”
(Wintersberger, 2017, p. 148)

Initially, it may be costly to have a PCN versus a host country national (HCN), but the PCN has the
opportunity to lay a foundation and create a culture that emulates the parent �rm. As part of the
global recruiting, the HR professional could advertise employment opportunities on the MNC’s
website. The HR professional can incorporate the psychometric approach, experiential approach, or
clinical risk assessment approach into the recruitment and training program to ensure the MNC has
the most experienced leaders who understand and can adapt to the cross-cultural environment while
maintaining competitive advantage. The enterprise resource planning (ERP) and the human
resources information system (HRIS) software can also be used to automate and manage the MNC in
order to keep leaders, managers, and employees informed about the organization’s business

Regiocentric 

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in
International Human Resources Management, read the following chapter:

Global Staf�ng

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Technologies: Global Markets to 2022

Repositioning Global Staff Transfers: A Learning Perspective

An Expatriate’s Perspective on Leadership and Leading (A Global Organization) in India:
Interview with Matt Barney




Global Workforce, Succession Planning, and Training

HR professionals, leaders, and managers must have knowledge of the basic principles of employee
training for a global workforce.

Case Study:

Prior to signing the contract with the MNC, the HR professional informed you of the new succession
planning program. Six years later, you (male expatriate) have been promoted to VP of Operations for
a U.S.-based organization. The MNC has been preparing to go global for the past three years.
Cambodia is the �rst destination. The HR professional has created an extensive training program to
assist you in taking over the manufacturing plant in Cambodia. However, the training did not prepare
you for what came next. The working conditions of the employees were disturbing and very
unsanitary. Over the next four weeks, you simply interviewed the staff, took copious notes, and
assessed production. The employees were knowledgeable but extremely demotivated. The women
and children were required to work longer hours than the men.

According to Vance & Paik (2015):

Critical imperatives of training and development for the global workforce include building
global competencies and workforce alignment. Particular considerations should be made to
ensure the effective training of HCNs at all levels and expatriates as well as female expatriates
who face unique challenges. (p. 263)

In addition to improving employees’ performance and working conditions and developing a training
program for the employees, a female expatriate must also be trained on how to take over the
manufacturing plant, because you will be promoted to VP of Global Operations.

How can you begin to implement the same policies and procedures that you have used in the parent
company that has been a success and groom the female expatriate to take over as the new VP in
Cambodia in less than one year?

Preserving “Local Knowledge”
How important is succession planning to an organization, and how should an HR professional prepare
for this task?

Peruse the list below and determine how the concepts can be applied to the case study:

Affective domain

Cognitive domain

Psychomotor domain

Levels of training “CASE”

Principles of adult learning

Sensitivity to cross-cultural differences

Systems approach

Training transfer

An HR professional should:

Recognize and identify any issues/obstacles that will interfere with the succession planning.

Have a well-developed leadership development program/competency model.

Have a formal succession planning policy.

Select and train multiple candidates for the position.

Have a formal procedure for maintaining contact with the expatriate.

Conduct constant evaluation of the expatriate’s assignment.

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in
International Human Resources Management, read the following chapters:

Global Human Resource Planning

Global Workforce Training and Development

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

International Safety Training: Preparing a Global Workforce

Global Managerial Skill Sets, Management Development, and the Role of HR: An Exploratory
Qualitative Study of North American and Indian Managers



Expatriate: Predeparture Planning and Training

International human resources (IHR) can be a daunting task for a human resources (HR) professional
to manage for an expatriate, whereas the expatriate may initially �nd the upcoming experience to be
exhilarating and �lled with many opportunities. One of the biggest hurdles the HR professional can
help the expatriate overcome is the predeparture planning. The predeparture training will give the
expatriate the chance to understand his or her new position as well as speci�c details to acclimate
him or her to the host country, culture, and customs. Even if the individual has the knowledge and
experience to successfully manage a US operation, the expatriate may not be the perfect candidate
for the assignment. Some barriers that can affect the performance of the expatriate may be external
as well as internal. For example, a female expatriate may not be the best candidate to place in an
assignment where females are not respected in the host country or business setting. In addition, the
expatriate may not to be able to give complete attention to the assignment if her spouse and children
are not able to adjust to the new environment. Since the cost of sending an expatriate on an
assignment could be as high as $1 million annually, it is critical that the expatriate has everything he
or she needs to succeed.

IHR Management Criteria for Selection of Expatriates
As per Wintersberger (2017), “There are a range of recruitment methods available, and the choice of
which methods to use can in�uence the number and quality of candidates applying for a position” (p.

Use a panel interview.

Assess the mental and emotional stamina.

Assess the expatriate’s adaptability to change.

Select the candidates that have previous expatriate experience.    

Select the candidates that have:

Excellent interpersonal skills

Cultural and diversity awareness

In addition to the expatriate being improperly prepared for the cross-cultural experience, he or she could
unintentionally sever the client relationship due to lack of training. It would be very bene�cial if the HR
professional developed a predeparture handbook based on the actual assessment of the host country
combined with any personal experiences of former expatriates and their family members. Predeparture
planning and onsite training are vital for successfully transitioning the expatriate.

Predeparture Handbook:


The HR professional should design a predepature handbook in order to the assist the expatriate with the

Review each tab to know more.

Bene�ts or Compensation

Orientation Program for Family

Emergency Planning or Security


Pet Policy

Cultural Awareness Training


Respect for diverse viewpoints

Fluency in the language

Understanding of the customs 

Evaluate the adaptability of the candidate’s family to the new environment.

Use employee branding strategies.

Use external agencies.


Information on:

Reimbursement for loss of sale

Equity assistance

Repayment of equity

Rental storage

International driver’s license

Automobile Policy

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in
International Human Resources Management, read the following chapter:

Managing International Assignments

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

Ups and Downs of the Expatriate Experience? Understanding Work Adjustment Trajectories and
Career Outcomes (https://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?

The Expatriate Intern in a Japanese Organization: Predeparture Training, Intercultural
Communication, and “Learning How to Learn”

Previous International Experience, Cross-Cultural Training, and Expatriates’ Cross-Cultural
Adjustment: Effects of Cultural Intelligence and Goal Orientation

The Adjustment of Expatriate Teenagers





Global Staffing, Leadership, and Software Applications

One of the main objectives of the HR is to hire the most quali�ed leaders to �ll openings within an
MNC. While the HR professional may have the ability to attract executives and leaders to manage
key local positions, this may become even more of a challenge globally since other MNCs are
competing for the same talent. The HR professional must be able to recruit executives who are
knowledgeable of the host country and work environment and have the ability to formulate the
MNC’s competitive strategy. It is also essential for the HR professional to be competent in the areas
of expatriation, human resources, and MNCs. While the HR professional has the option of using one
of these three following approaches—polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric—an ethnocentric
approach may be a better option. With the ethnocentric approach, the HR professional is able to use
the experience of the parent country national (PCN). “PCNs are often utilized in earlier stages of
internationalization to optimize control for the purpose of transmitting company culture and
instituting and implementing company procedures and methods” (Vance & Paik, 2015, p. 195).




Human Resource Management Orientation—

Advantages and Disadvantages
An HR professional will use many approaches to attract talent for international assignments. The
goal for an MNC is to recruit talent that has the ability to successfully transition into the new
position. When the HR professional understands the terms ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric,
and geocentric, he or she will have the ability to recruit the most promising employees.

Review each tab to know more.


“Re�ects the belief in ownership and parochialism. Hence, MNCs believe in the superiority of
home-country nationals as the supreme executives who can make a positive impact on the
performance of the corporation.” (Wintersberger, 2017, p. 148)

Orientation to Subsidiary

“Perlmutter originally described MNCs with a PNC focus as ethnocentric companies whose
cultural assumptions are dominated by their home culture, and who try to apply this across their
subsidiary operations. Hence, only home personnel are developed for key positions.”
(Wintersberger, 2017, p. 148)

Initially, it may be costly to have a PCN versus a host country national (HCN), but the PCN has the
opportunity to lay a foundation and create a culture that emulates the parent �rm. As part of the
global recruiting, the HR professional could advertise employment opportunities on the MNC’s
website. The HR professional can incorporate the psychometric approach, experiential approach, or
clinical risk assessment approach into the recruitment and training program to ensure the MNC has
the most experienced leaders who understand and can adapt to the cross-cultural environment while
maintaining competitive advantage. The enterprise resource planning (ERP) and the human
resources information system (HRIS) software can also be used to automate and manage the MNC in
order to keep leaders, managers, and employees informed about the organization’s business

Regiocentric 

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in
International Human Resources Management, read the following chapter:

Global Staf�ng

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Technologies: Global Markets to 2022

Repositioning Global Staff Transfers: A Learning Perspective

An Expatriate’s Perspective on Leadership and Leading (A Global Organization) in India:
Interview with Matt Barney




Global Workforce, Succession Planning, and Training

HR professionals, leaders, and managers must have knowledge of the basic principles of employee
training for a global workforce.

Case Study:

Prior to signing the contract with the MNC, the HR professional informed you of the new succession
planning program. Six years later, you (male expatriate) have been promoted to VP of Operations for
a U.S.-based organization. The MNC has been preparing to go global for the past three years.
Cambodia is the �rst destination. The HR professional has created an extensive training program to
assist you in taking over the manufacturing plant in Cambodia. However, the training did not prepare
you for what came next. The working conditions of the employees were disturbing and very
unsanitary. Over the next four weeks, you simply interviewed the staff, took copious notes, and
assessed production. The employees were knowledgeable but extremely demotivated. The women
and children were required to work longer hours than the men.

According to Vance & Paik (2015):

Critical imperatives of training and development for the global workforce include building
global competencies and workforce alignment. Particular considerations should be made to
ensure the effective training of HCNs at all levels and expatriates as well as female expatriates
who face unique challenges. (p. 263)

In addition to improving employees’ performance and working conditions and developing a training
program for the employees, a female expatriate must also be trained on how to take over the
manufacturing plant, because you will be promoted to VP of Global Operations.

How can you begin to implement the same policies and procedures that you have used in the parent
company that has been a success and groom the female expatriate to take over as the new VP in
Cambodia in less than one year?

Preserving “Local Knowledge”
How important is succession planning to an organization, and how should an HR professional prepare
for this task?

Peruse the list below and determine how the concepts can be applied to the case study:

Affective domain

Cognitive domain

Psychomotor domain

Levels of training “CASE”

Principles of adult learning

Sensitivity to cross-cultural differences

Systems approach

Training transfer

An HR professional should:

Recognize and identify any issues/obstacles that will interfere with the succession planning.

Have a well-developed leadership development program/competency model.

Have a formal succession planning policy.

Select and train multiple candidates for the position.

Have a formal procedure for maintaining contact with the expatriate.

Conduct constant evaluation of the expatriate’s assignment.

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in
International Human Resources Management, read the following chapters:

Global Human Resource Planning

Global Workforce Training and Development

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

International Safety Training: Preparing a Global Workforce

Global Managerial Skill Sets, Management Development, and the Role of HR: An Exploratory
Qualitative Study of North American and Indian Managers



Expatriate: Predeparture Planning and Training

International human resources (IHR) can be a daunting task for a human resources (HR) professional
to manage for an expatriate, whereas the expatriate may initially �nd the upcoming experience to be
exhilarating and �lled with many opportunities. One of the biggest hurdles the HR professional can
help the expatriate overcome is the predeparture planning. The predeparture training will give the
expatriate the chance to understand his or her new position as well as speci�c details to acclimate
him or her to the host country, culture, and customs. Even if the individual has the knowledge and
experience to successfully manage a US operation, the expatriate may not be the perfect candidate
for the assignment. Some barriers that can affect the performance of the expatriate may be external
as well as internal. For example, a female expatriate may not be the best candidate to place in an
assignment where females are not respected in the host country or business setting. In addition, the
expatriate may not to be able to give complete attention to the assignment if her spouse and children
are not able to adjust to the new environment. Since the cost of sending an expatriate on an
assignment could be as high as $1 million annually, it is critical that the expatriate has everything he
or she needs to succeed.

IHR Management Criteria for Selection of Expatriates
As per Wintersberger (2017), “There are a range of recruitment methods available, and the choice of
which methods to use can in�uence the number and quality of candidates applying for a position” (p.

Use a panel interview.

Assess the mental and emotional stamina.

Assess the expatriate’s adaptability to change.

Select the candidates that have previous expatriate experience.    

Select the candidates that have:

Excellent interpersonal skills

Cultural and diversity awareness

In addition to the expatriate being improperly prepared for the cross-cultural experience, he or she could
unintentionally sever the client relationship due to lack of training. It would be very bene�cial if the HR
professional developed a predeparture handbook based on the actual assessment of the host country
combined with any personal experiences of former expatriates and their family members. Predeparture
planning and onsite training are vital for successfully transitioning the expatriate.

Predeparture Handbook:


The HR professional should design a predepature handbook in order to the assist the expatriate with the

Review each tab to know more.

Bene�ts or Compensation

Orientation Program for Family

Emergency Planning or Security


Pet Policy

Cultural Awareness Training


Respect for diverse viewpoints

Fluency in the language

Understanding of the customs 

Evaluate the adaptability of the candidate’s family to the new environment.

Use employee branding strategies.

Use external agencies.


Information on:

Reimbursement for loss of sale

Equity assistance

Repayment of equity

Rental storage

International driver’s license

Automobile Policy

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in
International Human Resources Management, read the following chapter:

Managing International Assignments

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

Ups and Downs of the Expatriate Experience? Understanding Work Adjustment Trajectories and
Career Outcomes (https://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?

The Expatriate Intern in a Japanese Organization: Predeparture Training, Intercultural
Communication, and “Learning How to Learn”

Previous International Experience, Cross-Cultural Training, and Expatriates’ Cross-Cultural
Adjustment: Effects of Cultural Intelligence and Goal Orientation

The Adjustment of Expatriate Teenagers





Global Staffing, Leadership, and Software Applications

One of the main objectives of the HR is to hire the most quali�ed leaders to �ll openings within an
MNC. While the HR professional may have the ability to attract executives and leaders to manage
key local positions, this may become even more of a challenge globally since other MNCs are
competing for the same talent. The HR professional must be able to recruit executives who are
knowledgeable of the host country and work environment and have the ability to formulate the
MNC’s competitive strategy. It is also essential for the HR professional to be competent in the areas
of expatriation, human resources, and MNCs. While the HR professional has the option of using one
of these three following approaches—polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric—an ethnocentric
approach may be a better option. With the ethnocentric approach, the HR professional is able to use
the experience of the parent country national (PCN). “PCNs are often utilized in earlier stages of
internationalization to optimize control for the purpose of transmitting company culture and
instituting and implementing company procedures and methods” (Vance & Paik, 2015, p. 195).




Human Resource Management Orientation—

Advantages and Disadvantages
An HR professional will use many approaches to attract talent for international assignments. The
goal for an MNC is to recruit talent that has the ability to successfully transition into the new
position. When the HR professional understands the terms ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric,
and geocentric, he or she will have the ability to recruit the most promising employees.

Review each tab to know more.


“Re�ects the belief in ownership and parochialism. Hence, MNCs believe in the superiority of
home-country nationals as the supreme executives who can make a positive impact on the
performance of the corporation.” (Wintersberger, 2017, p. 148)

Orientation to Subsidiary

“Perlmutter originally described MNCs with a PNC focus as ethnocentric companies whose
cultural assumptions are dominated by their home culture, and who try to apply this across their
subsidiary operations. Hence, only home personnel are developed for key positions.”
(Wintersberger, 2017, p. 148)

Initially, it may be costly to have a PCN versus a host country national (HCN), but the PCN has the
opportunity to lay a foundation and create a culture that emulates the parent �rm. As part of the
global recruiting, the HR professional could advertise employment opportunities on the MNC’s
website. The HR professional can incorporate the psychometric approach, experiential approach, or
clinical risk assessment approach into the recruitment and training program to ensure the MNC has
the most experienced leaders who understand and can adapt to the cross-cultural environment while
maintaining competitive advantage. The enterprise resource planning (ERP) and the human
resources information system (HRIS) software can also be used to automate and manage the MNC in
order to keep leaders, managers, and employees informed about the organization’s business

Regiocentric 

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in
International Human Resources Management, read the following chapter:

Global Staf�ng

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Technologies: Global Markets to 2022

Repositioning Global Staff Transfers: A Learning Perspective

An Expatriate’s Perspective on Leadership and Leading (A Global Organization) in India:
Interview with Matt Barney




Global Workforce, Succession Planning, and Training

HR professionals, leaders, and managers must have knowledge of the basic principles of employee
training for a global workforce.

Case Study:

Prior to signing the contract with the MNC, the HR professional informed you of the new succession
planning program. Six years later, you (male expatriate) have been promoted to VP of Operations for
a U.S.-based organization. The MNC has been preparing to go global for the past three years.
Cambodia is the �rst destination. The HR professional has created an extensive training program to
assist you in taking over the manufacturing plant in Cambodia. However, the training did not prepare
you for what came next. The working conditions of the employees were disturbing and very
unsanitary. Over the next four weeks, you simply interviewed the staff, took copious notes, and
assessed production. The employees were knowledgeable but extremely demotivated. The women
and children were required to work longer hours than the men.

According to Vance & Paik (2015):

Critical imperatives of training and development for the global workforce include building
global competencies and workforce alignment. Particular considerations should be made to
ensure the effective training of HCNs at all levels and expatriates as well as female expatriates
who face unique challenges. (p. 263)

In addition to improving employees’ performance and working conditions and developing a training
program for the employees, a female expatriate must also be trained on how to take over the
manufacturing plant, because you will be promoted to VP of Global Operations.

How can you begin to implement the same policies and procedures that you have used in the parent
company that has been a success and groom the female expatriate to take over as the new VP in
Cambodia in less than one year?

Preserving “Local Knowledge”
How important is succession planning to an organization, and how should an HR professional prepare
for this task?

Peruse the list below and determine how the concepts can be applied to the case study:

Affective domain

Cognitive domain

Psychomotor domain

Levels of training “CASE”

Principles of adult learning

Sensitivity to cross-cultural differences

Systems approach

Training transfer

An HR professional should:

Recognize and identify any issues/obstacles that will interfere with the succession planning.

Have a well-developed leadership development program/competency model.

Have a formal succession planning policy.

Select and train multiple candidates for the position.

Have a formal procedure for maintaining contact with the expatriate.

Conduct constant evaluation of the expatriate’s assignment.

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in
International Human Resources Management, read the following chapters:

Global Human Resource Planning

Global Workforce Training and Development

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

International Safety Training: Preparing a Global Workforce

Global Managerial Skill Sets, Management Development, and the Role of HR: An Exploratory
Qualitative Study of North American and Indian Managers



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