Week 3 assignment


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Prof. Reece Darham

Please complete the following outline as a key-sentence outline: only ONE sentence per item. Scripted outlines in part or whole will be disqualified from grade.

Title: Catchy and descriptive title

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General Purpose: To Persuade

Specific Purpose: What your audience gets out of the presentation

Central Idea: The thesis of the speech


GAIN ATTENTION: Identify the problem

Attention-Getter: Give the audience a wow moment to draw them in.

Preview: What is the subject of the speech?

Relevance: Why is it important to your AUDIENCE?

Credibility: Why should the audience listen to YOU?

Position Statement: Your researched opinion on the topic and why it needs solving!

(Transitional sentence LINKING the Gain Attention step to the Need step)


NEED: Explanation of the problem

Problem Statement: Identify the problem

Clarification: Give evidence of problem

Illustration: Give examples of how the problem relates to your audience

(Transitional sentence LINKING the Need step to the Satisfaction step)

SATISFACTION: Give the best solution to the problem

Solution Statement: State the most viable solution

Explanation: Briefly but in detail, explain the solution

Reasoning: Show reasoning behind the solution

History: Give example(s) of how solution worked in the past/elsewhere

Nod to other side: Clarify objections your audience may be thinking

(Transitional sentence LINKING the Satisfaction step to the Visualization step)

VISUALIZATION: Implement EITHER of these solutions, not both. Choose ONLY one:

Positive Motivation: This is what it will look like with the problem solved, OR

Negative Motivation: This is what it will be if the problem is not solved

(Transitional sentence LINKING the Visualization step to the Action step)


ACTION: Specific instruction on how audience can be part of your solution now

Be Specific: Help by doing this: give phone numbers, addresses, etc.

Be Specific: Donate, sign petition, write congressperson, buy product etc.

(Transitional sentence LINKING the Action step to the General Conclusion)


Review: Summarized your main points

Thesis: Restate your position on the topic

Call to Action: Close with a memorable statement and call to action.

Please Note
: The GENERAL CONCLUSION STEP is a secondary conclusion to wrap-up the entire presentation but is not critical to the speech. Consider your time constraints when delivering this optional step. Mandatory to write the secondary conclusion; optional to deliver it in the speech. Therefore, if you are running out of time, finish at the end of the Action Step; if you have time, finish at the end of the Conclusion Step.


Provide a minimum of four references in APA format, AND cite your references above where appropriate.


Specifically identify visual aids here or incorporate the visuals into the outline above

Persuasive Speech Assignment: Outline & Presentation

· Outline to be completed like the above template by Sunday at midnight of Week 3;

· Persuasive topic of your choice to follow Monroe’s Motivational Sequence format;

· 6-minutes in duration;

· 4 credible references in APA format and verbally cited in the speech;

· Visual Aid(s) to enhance the speech and incorporated at the appropriate time throughout the speech;

· Extemporaneous delivery ONLY…absolutely NO READING…; memorized or read speeches will be disqualified and receive a zero grade.

· Video and Audio recording submitted under the Persuasive Speech Assignment in Blackboard in one of the approved methods for video submission, due by Sunday at midnight of Week 3;

· A minimum of two ADULT audience members required for recordings or presented to the professor in Keiser Live in Week 4.

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